Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 556: 558 Red pupil

Chapter 556: 558 Red Eye

Xiaoxian looked at Lin Tianyao's sad expression, and couldn't help feeling distressed. She floated to Lin Tianyao, stretched out her hands to hug his head, and said softly: "Master, you can rest assured, Xiaoxian will always protect you!"

Lin Tianyao was hugged in the arms by Xiaoxian, and the pair of chubby places were close to his face. The soft and comfortable feeling suddenly made him grumble and dissipate.

Feeling the comfort of his face, Lin Tianyao whispered softly: "Xiaoxian, you hug me for a while, the owner hasn't been so close to you for a long time!"

Lin Tianyao's words immediately let Xiaoxian react. She could not help but flush away Lin Tianyao, shyly said: "Master, you are playing rogue again, Xiaoxian ignores you!"

After teasing Xiaoxian, Lin Tianyao's depressed mood was finally relieved.

Instead of looking at the skills that have been restricted by the system and turned to off-white, Lin Tianyao looked under the skills. The last time I entered a copy of Tokyo Ghoul, the system gave him a skillful skill, this time there should be a reward.

But after searching carefully three times, Lin Tianyao did not see the skill of extra reward. He raised his head and looked at Xiaoxiandao incredulously: "What the **** is going on, and no skill is given to me? Could it be too much for me to go to the copy with bare hands!"

Xiaoxian shook her head and grinned: "Master, this time the copy is different from the previous ones."

As a matter of fact, Xiaoxian's tricks were ordinary, and he took out Lin Tianyao's crimson sword and gave it to him: "In this copy, I used the imperial weapon to fight. After I communicated the message with the system, Decided to give Chi Xiao to you, after all, you can use it smoothly!"

Hold Chixiao and feel the familiar feeling from the knife handle. Lin Tianyao nodded and said, "Xiaoxian, you still know me best!"

"Yes, you can also use the flying thunder god's art!" Xiaoxian reached out her hand on the skill bar, and the flying thunder god's art changed from gray to white.

Looking at Xiao Xian's magician's fingers, Lin Tianyao rolled his eyes, and shamelessly leaned over: "Xiao Xian, is the host good to you?"

Xiaoxian is unclear, so seriously said: "Of course the host is good to me, I like the host the most!"

"In this case, then you can order some more skills for me, so I am more comfortable!" Lin Tianyao revealed the truth and said the truth.

Xiaoxian heard the words, frowned, and a thin anger appeared on her small face, "Master, these are all allowed by the system, so I can do it."

Seeing Xiaoxian angry, Lin Tianyao hurriedly gave a haha ​​and waved again and again: "Okay, I know, send me a copy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Tianyao's light flashed in front of him, and the scene changed accordingly.

When the scene before him was restored, Lin Tianyao appeared in a courtyard.

The night has been opened, and the stars are in the sky. In front of the courtyard, there is a huge western-style European castle. There is a two-storey warehouse behind Lin Tianyao's location.

"No, there are assassins!" A scream of fierceness broke the silence of the night. As the scream came, the lights on and off the castle began to light up, and countless figures flashed.

Not long afterward, bursts of screams came from inside the castle. Lin Tianyao could guess with his eyes closed. There must have been a fight in the castle, and many people died.

"Miss, come with me here, it will be too late to run!"

A plain-dressed young man with a long sword on his back, pulling a beautifully dressed young girl running towards this side. The expression on the girl's face was terrified.

This young man is precisely in the background setting, Lin Tianyao's hair-Tazmi.

Tazmi also saw Lin Tianyao at this time, his expression on his dignified face suddenly became surprised, and waved at him: "Tianyao, I finally found you."

When Tazmi approached, Lin Tianyao reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "This is this?"

Tazmi glanced at the mistress, the nerves that had just relaxed, and they suddenly tightened, looking panicked: "I came to the capital, it was the mistress who took me in. Now there are assassins outside to assassinate the mistress, we have to leave Here!"

"Want to go, can you go?"

A cold female voice came from above the three people's heads.

Lin Tianyao looked up, and under the shadow of night, five figures appeared out of thin air, three men and two women.

Lin Tianyao recalled that this scene should start with a cartoon. The five people who appeared out of nowhere should be members of the night raid.

Wearing a pink dress and holding a giant rifle in his hand is Mann. Cosplay styling, it is Leooli who dresses up like a lion.

And that face was cold, with no emotion. Holding a red samurai with a red sword in his hand, it was the red pupil.

As for the two men, all of them were wrapped in armor, and it was Brand with a four-foot-long steel gun in his hand. With green hair, Lubbock always looks good.

After the five people appeared, Tazmi's body was horizontal, his hands and feet were arranged in a large shape, and the lady was behind him, and there was no fear on her face: "You cruel killers, the lady's family is so good, why do you guys Kill them!"

Chi Tong took the lead to get up and jumped out of the air. Without a word, he stabbed directly into Tazmi's heart.

"Yeah, the chick is quite hot-tempered. Haven't your family taught you that you can't move the knife?" Lin Tianyao smiled, Chi Xiao waved slightly, and blocked the red pupil's knife to the side.

Lin Tianyao's knife, although it seemed to be an understatement, was secretly powerful. Although the copy restricts his local skills, he cannot limit his use of internal power.

Chi Tong stood there, expressionless on his face, slightly surprised. Although she did not exert her full strength with this knife, it was not able to be cut open casually.

She retracted the knife, frowned and looked at Lin Tianyao: "Who are you!"

Lin Tianyao still had a smile on his face, gently blowing a breath on Chi Xiao's knife: "Ask someone's name, you should first go to the door of the house, don't you know the minimum etiquette?"...