Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 551: 553 kind of shelters

Episode 551

In order to facilitate Lin Tianyao's entry into the asylum, Ma Gui will also get an identity card from the office. The identity above indicates that it is a high-ranking search officer.

With this brand name, and the identity of the three by Ma Guijiang, although CCG's guards were a little curious about Lin Tianyao's new face, he didn't ask much.

While walking in the shelter, screams were heard from time to time. Even across the thick steel wall, you can still hear clearly. Don't think, there must be a search officer in the interrogation and tortured.

In this regard, Lin Tianyao did not care. The human hatred of the seed is just like the desire of the human flesh. That emotion goes deep into the bone marrow.

After reaching the end along the walkway in the middle of the gate, a five-meter-wide elevator appeared in sight. The isolation doors of the elevator were fully protected by steel frames for three floors. This is also a time to prevent a kind of escape, and easily get out of the elevator.

Looked at the tight guards and copper walls around. Lin Tianyao couldn’t help but asked You Magui: “The defense here is so strict. Even if I get caught in it, it’s very difficult to get out. I don’t know how the village escaped.”

You Magui will think for a while and think: "The experiment on the village was at the end of the period. When it was rushed to the surface, it suddenly started. An SSS-class seed, these guards around can't help it!"

Lin Tianyao said in surprise: "Don't you dare to be so light about the experiment that is nearing the end? Why can't it be carried out underground, do you have to **** the surface?"

"Because we just want to let him out!" Ma Guijiang pushed his eyes and said: "I just didn't expect that the drug has such a strong stimulating ability!"

While chatting, the elevator has begun to shuttle towards the ground. The scene in front of him became dark. Surprisingly, this elevator is not equipped with lighting equipment.

After about three minutes, the elevator gradually stopped. Above the doorway, two striking blood-red purple mothers emerged quietly-the 18th floor!


The elevator had just stabilized, and even the doors were not open, I heard screams from inside.

For this cry, Lin Tianyao had already seen it on the surface. It's just that miserable, but it's far worse than here. Moreover, the screams sounded as if they were dying.

"Is this the 18th floor underground, is it a slaughterhouse?" Lin Tianyao asked in a low voice.

Ma Guijiang stretched his hand and pressed it on his shoulder, and said in a hurry: "No, the eighteenth floor, except for the two SSS-class prisoners, only the experimental staff. This sound, something is wrong?"

As soon as the words fell, Shinohara shouted a roar. His movements could not be seen clearly in the dark elevator, and then after he roared, a dazzling spark flashed from the elevator doors. A huge crack appeared above the steel door.

Under the illumination of the light coming from the crack, I saw Sakihara Shino holding a huge chainsaw-like Kuink in his hand. The non-stop rotating gear reflects the cold light. Yuki Shinohara rotated the steel door with a chainsaw and kicked it. A round steel plate kicked him out, and a hole appeared.

Looking out from the hollow. The eighteenth floor is a huge circular laboratory, the space is about the size of two basketball courts.

The white walls around the place seemed to be splattered with blood everywhere. There are still many residual limbs, and it is not clear whether they are human or human.

In the middle of the laboratory, a huge cow-like figure stood there. The muscles on that body seemed to be a corpse that had been soaked in the water for a long time, puffy. It's like someone inflates his body and blows up his skin.

Compared with his body, his head laughed as normal. Above the bare head, only a few strands of thin hair remained.

What is even more chilling is that this person has only one eye, and the other eyelid seems to grow together, as smooth as cheeks. And that one-eyed, gleaming blood-red bloodthirsty light.

"Food, one, two, three, four, four foods!"

A delicate, baby-like voice rang from the mouth of this huge monster. He threw a broken arm out, slobbering, and rushed towards Lin Tianyao.

"This...this is your experiment?"

Lin Tianyao pointed at the freaky monster and covered his stomach with one hand and laughed.

By Ma Guijiang's face, he glanced at Yuki Shinohara next to him, "Don't you tell me everything is normal here, where did this ghost thing come from?"

"This is my little baby, how can you call him a monster?"

A murmured sound rang from behind the monster. Then, a figure stood up.

The figure was familiar to the four people present. The familiar smile and the soft wrinkles are Jia Tengmingbo!

He stretched out his hand and waved at the monster: "Baby, don't worry about it. Wait until Dad has finished talking, and you will eat again!"

The monster seemed to listen to Jia Teng Mingbo's words and saw him say so. Obediently retracted the stepped thigh and sat down on the ground. Play with your fingers.

General Ma Gui took a step forward, pointing at the monster and inquiring to Jia Teng Mingbo: "Kato, what the **** are you doing? The agreement reached between CCG and you is precisely for you to study the one-eyed manufacturing method. Not for you Feel free to create such monsters!"

With that, he stretched his foot and kicked a thigh full of bite marks in front of Jia Tengmingbo: "And these stumps, where are you a living person from?"

As always, Jia Tengmingbo showed that kind smile. He pointed to Lin Tianyao and asked, "Yu Ma, if you say I violated the agreement, then I want to ask you. Who is the guy you brought? Also, these stumps are not human, they are all It's kind!"

Jia Tengmingbo looked at the monster's eyes as if looking at a pile of Jinshan. In his excited eyes, it seemed that the painter was looking at his perfect masterpiece. ....