Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 550: 552 opened curtain

Chapter 550 Chapter 552

Yu Magui had just fallen from the sky, and Yukio Shinohara and Hei Panyan hurried up and asked, "Yuma, what did you say to that seed? How did you shake hands?"

"It's very simple!" You Gui will softly smile: "We all disagree with Jia Tengmingbo's experiment. But with the order of the director, we can't disobey. Why don't we let the helpers solve it?"

Shinoki Shinohara's eyes widened and shouted: "Non-fun, although Jiateng Mingbo's experiment is very dangerous, but at least it is a double-edged sword. If let the seed destroy this experiment, what do we fight with them in the future? "

This worry is also normal. Lin Tianyao's strength has been seen by all three. Without Jia Tengmingbo's experiment, no one can deal with him in the future.

Ma Guijiang waved his hand and said: "Perhaps you think that his mercy is just for the sake of persecution. But I can see that there is no killing in his eyes, but he wants to be rescued! Lin Tianyao can be trusted. !"

Similarly, on the other side, the manager of Fangcun and others, after listening to the agreement reached between Lin Tianyao and Ma Guijiang, felt incredible.

The manager of Fangcun shook his head gently to Lin Tianyao: "No, you must not believe this. If you follow them to a kind of shelter, there will be an ambush in that kind of place. You only revealed it. Strength, they must be extremely afraid, want to take the opportunity to get rid of you!"

Dong Xiang was also worried. He leaned over to Lin Tianyao and put his arms around him: "Tianyao, you must be careful. If you have something wrong, then I don't want to live!"

As she said, her eyes turned red, and she seemed to be crying.

Lin Tianyao naturally understood everyone's thoughts. But if you don't enter the tiger's den, you'll get a tiger? Even if Ma Gui will really cheat, he will not be afraid. After all, with the strength of these people, it is impossible to want to trap him!

"Otherwise, let's go with you! By the way, call the members of the bronze tree and others. Even if there is an ambush, you can have a look!"

Mr. Chan lowered his head, and the death of Fang Caicun caused great psychological trauma. Rao is so, he is still able to calm his mood. This concentration alone is unmatched by ordinary people!

After listening to Mr. Chan’s suggestion, the manager of Fangcun also agreed: “That’s right, let’s go together. Even if CCG’s special search officers are dispatched and want to kill us, we still have to measure it!”

Under different opinions, Lin Tianyao waved his hand. He said solemnly: "I have more important things for you than going to the Shelter with me!"

With that said, Lin Tianyao pointed to Jin Mudao: "The specific effects of Jia Teng Ming Bo’s medicine have also been confirmed. You must hurry up to contact the species in other regions. The bronze tree here, I can get it in one sentence, It’s just other species, and it’s definitely unacceptable for a while! I’ve promised you, Ma Guigui. If you want peace in Tokyo, you must let the species accept the drug switch. In fact, I can see that if it’s not because of hunger, No one wants to risk their lives to hunt wildly!"

Lin Tianyao's decision was also considered for a long time. He is now working with You Magui to resolve Jia Tengmingbo. Once the plan is successful, then the next question is to let the other take the medicine.

If this matter is procrastinating, CCG must think that Lin Tianyao is deliberately playing with them. By that time, there was really no chance of reconciliation.

At present, all main-line tasks have been completed, and this final task must not go wrong. The reason why he did not directly solve Jia Tengmingbo is to wait for an opportunity that can allow the seed to live peacefully with humanity.

Without letting the manager of Fangcun and others continue, Lin Tianyao turned directly and walked towards the three by Ma Gui. At this moment, his heart could finally relax. After playing such a big game, it was finally time to close. One of the wrong steps may lead to the inability to complete the main line task, and the pressure in it cannot be understood by ordinary people!

Ma Gui, who met Lin Tianyao, came over and asked softly, "How's that done?"

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "I have asked them to contact the other species in various districts to pass on the news. As long as Jia Tengmingbo is resolved, and I have obtained the method of making drugs that convert RC cells, both species and humans can definitely Restore peace!"

Shinohara is still worried. He looked at Lin Tianyao's eyes, and there was always a sense of fear and hostility. The black rock beside me didn't say a word from beginning to end. Just now Lin Tianyao's real flames may have burned the shadow of his heart.

Nothing will be said by Ma Gui. He took out an aircraft from his arms, and then he rose into the air, and flew in the direction of the seed shelter.

Although Kuinke of Black Rock was burnt down, the aircraft was still intact. He and Yukio Shinohara glanced at each other, and they saw each other's helplessness. Then start the aircraft and follow the sky behind General Ma Guigui.

"Don't these three guys know to give me a flying machine? It's really nerve-wracking!"

Looking at the three people in the sky, Lin Tianyao pouted, and then the waist bag unfolded instantly. The four scales intersect each other, forming a pair of wings. Then the technique of flying thunder started, rushing towards the sky with the help of impact. With the wind direction in the sky, it began to glide.

It didn't take long for a five-story iron building to appear in front of the four. The walls around the floor are made of stainless steel. Only one window is left on each floor of each wall. From the sky, it seems to be a strong box, sitting on the ground.

"How many species can be accommodated in such a small floor?" Lin Tianyao asked Yu Magui, who was beside him.

Ma Gui said with a solemn expression: "This is just the surface, there are 18 floors below ground. We call it the 18th layer of hell. , Only in the airtight ground is the safest!"

"Nagarten's laboratory..."

"At the eighteenth floor!" Black Panyan suddenly said. ....