AnimeCon Harem

Taking Stephanie

The moment he slid into her, the thoughts and concerns turning over in Brian’s head evaporated, vaporizing into forgotten steam in the face of an intense pink heat. Stephanie let out a small sound and seemed to shiver, and all at once he realized that his thighs and groin were pressed up flush against her soft skin—he was all the way in, completely embedded inside of her. Brian blinked in dazed wonder, unable to process his thoughts for a moment, and let his gaze wander up her naked back in appreciation.

“You... okay?” Brian asked, forcing himself still. To say it was difficult to think would be a massive understatement.

“What?” Stephanie asked in a confused and somehow distant voice.

“Does it hurt? Are you okay?” Brian tried to keep the worry out of his voice.

“It’s a much. Lot. Very,” Stephanie babbled, and it took Brian a moment of deliberating to make sure he was hearing her right.

“It’s so much,” Stephanie clarified with a tiny laugh, taking a breath. “You’re very—big. It’s a lot. Gimme... one second.”

“Am I hurting you?” Brian frowned. There was nothing flattering about being told he was big if he was too big, because then—

“I’m okay!” Stephanie squeaked. “It was just. Uncomfortable? But, in a really really good way. I’m really fine now, I think!”

“Uncomfortable... in a good way?” Brian repeated, trying not to sound like he doubted the contradiction she presented. Stephanie was definitely stretched tight around him, and the sheer engulfing constriction on his manhood was positively strangling. Maybe this wasn’t a great idea. We could’ve... I dunno, worked up to her taking me in all at once or something, we could—

“It’s good!” Stephanie promised. “I’m good. Just needed to, um. To adjust, and... now I think everything’s perfect. Everything’s perfect—I love you.”

“Okay,” Brian paused. “I love you. You’re sure?”

“I think… I think so,” Stephanie sounded thoughtful. With a slow, careful movement she wiggled her hips back and forth, and because he was firmly trapped inside of her, his body moved with her. The action seemed to delight her, however, because the little giggle that followed seemed to travel through her body into his and their intimate connection seemed to deepen somehow. “I think so! Yeah, yes. I’m—I’m ready, I’m so ready.”

There was a weirdly pleasant moment of vertigo when Stephanie turned to glance back and give him a beautiful excited grin, as if he was feeling her turn himself. The room spun a little, and it was like he could feel every tiny bounce over her dangling breasts and her shifting the weight of her hands on the bedspread traveling directly through her body to transfer into his.

As gingerly as he could, Brian started to ease his way back out of Stephanie’s perfect pink pussy. It was more difficult than he imagined—the tightness of her slippery walls seemed to squeeze down on him as if intent on literally wringing his cum out of him. Frighteningly enough, they nearly did. He pulled almost the entire way out of her, and then without hesitation immediately pushed back in, sinking home into that perfect fit again.

“AuhhhmmmhhHhh—!” Stephanie exhaled, her fluffy pink hair bouncing as she bucked beneath the force of his thrust. “Brian oh my God!”

The motion felt so good that for a moment Brian felt like he was experiencing psychedelic pink flashes of light, and he nearly toppled over onto Stephanie. Steeling his nerves, Brian fought his way back out of Stephanie again and then finally managed to rock his hips in an unsteady rhythm, each time teetering and wavering on the brink of completely losing himself.

Holy fucking fuck.

It probably wasn’t the most particularly flattering comparison in his mind, but the sensation of actually driving himself into her was like sinking into soft clay. Pressing in was slick and fluid, with no resistance at all. Withdrawing, however, was monumentally difficult because like trying to pull a stuck boot out of soft clay—Stephanie simply wasn’t willing to let go. The slap of flesh and suction squelch sound their intense coupling made was even tugging at the perverse parts of his brain with an overwhelming urge to simply fuck her harder and harder.

Picking up the pace, Brian slammed himself into Stephanie, relishing every little detail from how messy with wetness she was to the way her body rocked on all fours to the little panting exclamations she made. It would have been easy to forget about Kelly entirely, with her still lying where she’d collapsed on the bed beside them, but the gratitude he felt warranted her more consideration as bits and pieces of half-formed thoughts sparked and collided around his mind.

Their situation together had taken on unexpected depth after realizing that for all of the effort Kelly had put in, she was intent on assisting them but not joining them, per se. The distinction was subtle but held a lot of significance to him, because it was a display of sheer dedication, resolution to serve them without taking any real action for herself, and it changed the way Brian looked at her.

The first impression Kelly had made throughout the weekend was that she was cocky, proud, haughty and more than a little self-absorbed. To his surprise, Kelly really wasn’t here for a threesome, she was here just to thoroughly arouse them for each other, and when they were ready—more than ready—she withdrew. Seeing her forcibly reign herself in and work so hard simply so that they could have an amazing first time without her was actually pretty meaningful. It definitely made Kelly being here with them when he took Stephanie’s virginity just feel right.

Her presence bolstered his confidence in another additional way, as well—Brian was feeling very new to the polygamous relationship thing and a stubborn voice in the back of his head insisted that being with one girl was like betraying the others. The sliver of self-doubt first became apparent in his brief time alone with Kelly yesterday, but had been alleviated somewhat when contrasting the time he shared with everyone later that night. It had been like being freed of a shackle, because everyone was there and part of it together, so it wasn’t like cheating at all.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to elucidate on all of these things and work through them in his head right now however, because every iota of his attention was ensnared in the sensation of fucking Stephanie. Beyond their physical joining—which was sheer unbridled bliss—their union hit even harder on an emotional level. This wasn’t about the thrill of scoring—this sex was shared penultimate intimacy, a celebration of what they’d achieved in discovering each other. It was a clear victory within a certain personal struggle he’d been wrestling with.

The fretful part of him that worried their relationship might be moving too fast had been locked in total war with the impatient part of him that thought it wasn’t moving fast enough. After all, their love was more real than anything he’d ever experienced, so what purpose would hesitating serve? Soon they would have to separate, because the convention weekend was already drawing to a close. For a while at least they would have to go back to where they lived apart from each other, back to their ordinary lives, and it was going to be rough.

Stephanie is… this is her first time, she’s new at this, Brian struggled to even mentally categorize this moment in this weekend. New at this, but she has a… nnnghh, this HUNGER for it. For more. And yeah, she really brings that hunger out in me, too.

Unlike in fantasies where the inexperienced virgin girl inexplicably jumps to perform any and all positions and techniques, Stephanie seemed very content to simply hold herself as still as possible on her hands and knees and let Brian fuck her. He felt a little torn on that—part of him wanted to give her some more encouragement, some positive reinforcement letting her know it was okay to try anything she wanted to do—but then, the rest of him was also just completely satisfied with fucking her right now like this and in all honesty never ever wanted to stop.

She felt fucking amazing.

“Ohhh my God Briannnn—!” Stephanie squealed in delight as he pounded into her with more force.

Sex with Kelly had been exciting because of the sheer physicality she brought to the bedroom—he may have been fucking her, but she was actively fucking him back, neither submissive nor dominant and instead simply the both of them exerting themselves as much as possible to get each other off. Intercourse with Emily was completely different simply because of their contrast in size—Emily was a full foot shorter than him and had a petite figure. She was tiny, her unusual and possibly suspicious skill at kegel exercises meant she could grip him impossibly tight, and a not insignificant part of him had been worried he might break her. Which was probably part of the dynamic, because Emily was submissive with a naughty rebellious streak—she begged to be broken. Being with Stephanie right here and now was incredibly new and exciting in a very different way, a different kind of making love than he’d ever had the pleasure of partaking in.

Down there Stephanie felt... incredible, as if her silky soft crush of compression was intent on capturing the flared crown shape of his cock because Stephanie could grip. Several times as he thrusted he was forced to clamp his hands on Stephanie’s plush rear simply to pull himself back out of her—otherwise, when he rocked his hips back he tugged Stephanie’s entire body back with him.

Hell, if I was wearing a condom she’d probably pull it right off of my—OHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK!

“Steph,” Brian panted, doing his best to go completely still. His dick twitched on a threatening hair-trigger as if warning him not to dare attempt pulling out. “Steph, Steph—”

“Hmm? Hm?” Stephanie roused in bleary confusion, turning to look back over her shoulder at him.

“All of that and we still—” Brian almost couldn’t help but laugh, “—we stopped and went and got Kelly and we still forgot to get the condom on.”

“Oh, shit!” Stephanie blurted out, covering her mouth with one hand as her eyes went wide.

You’re WAY too fucking cute when you actually swear, Brian thought, and his dick throbbing dangerously in agreement.

“Do we need to—should we stop?” Stephanie asked. “Are we still okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Brian assured her. “We’re fine. Didn’t cum or anything yet. We just need to grab one real quick.”

He carefully began to extricate himself, gently taking Stephanie’s perfect buttocks in his hands so that he could push their bodies apart—when Stephanie instead followed him, shimmying back and refusing to let him escape. So surprised he lost his balance, Brian fell back off his knees and onto the bed beside Kelly. Stephanie came down atop him, spreading her thighs slightly as did so and taking his dick deeper into herself then he’d thought possible.

“Mmm—mh!!” Stephanie squeaked. “S-sorry! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just—” Brian laughed, struggling to restrain himself as his dick twitched and pulsed again within her. “Yeah I, uh, you’re just so damned tight…”

“Sorry,” Stephanie giggled, wriggling slightly on top of him but not getting up. “Sorry! Um. Should we… stop and put on a condom?”

“I mean… yeah, hah. Unless you want to possibly have kids,” Brian warned her. It took conscious effort not to grab her by the waist and thrust deep into her, and his hands refused to obey and slid their way up Stephanie’s sensuous hips anyways. Ohhh fuck.

“I… no, I definitely don’t want to have kids yet,” Stephanie murmured after a moment of consideration. “Right? Unless… it’s with you? Brian… you and I would make really cute babies…”

“Uhhhhh,” Brian mouthed in alarm. He was only now realizing how much peril he was in—both for the fact that she was entertaining the idea, and because that dulcet sweet voice of hers was making him consider it. He didn’t even know which was more dangerous right now, because maintaining coherent thought at all was a herculean accomplishment in and of itself. “Steph…!”

“I’m... just kidding!” Stephanie let out a weak laugh, adjusting her legs so that she was straddling him more comfortably but not pulling up off of him. “Sorry! I thought it would be—is it okay if I tease you like that, sometimes?”

“It’s just, uh,” Brian swallowed, “a little dangerous right now while you’re—”

“Oh, I know!” Stephanie gushed in agreement, undulating on top of him in a way that made his entire body tense up. “Like, it was really scary thinking about it at all, at first. But then, instead now it’s… it’s different. Is that—is that weird?!”

“Steph,” Brian pleaded in as calm a voice as he could muster. “Steph, put the gun down. Put the gun down, and let’s talk.”

“Ohhh, I’m sorry!” Stephanie exclaimed, rising up off of him in alarm and letting him slip out of her. “Sorry, sorry. Brian— I’m so sorry. We’ll use a condom! I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s okay,” Brian assured her with a laugh, recovering his fluids-covered dick that had been momentarily held hostage. “It’s okay, you’re fine.”

“I was just kidding,” Stephanie promised with an earnest expression. “Do you want to use a condom?”

“Um,” Brian paused, because his Chloe-honed sense for detecting questions with hidden meanings was nagging in the back of his mind all of the sudden. He decided to play it safe and carefully return her question to her. “Do... you think we should use a condom?”

“I... don’t know!” Stephanie answered with an uneasy smile. “Maybe? It was, it was um it was really nice just starting off like that without one, and…”

“This is kinda what we get for moving so fast with our relationship,” Brian said with a wry smile, rising up onto his elbows and pulling Stephanie a little closer. “These are the kinda things we should’ve discussed to death already.”

“Yeah,” Stephanie’s expression fell slightly, looking wistful and a little sad and dismayed and frustrated all at once. “Are we okay?”

“We are,” Brian promised, kissing her forehead. “So. Kids?!”

“It’s too sudden!” Stephanie said with an unsure look. “Right? Or, I don’t know. The idea of having kids—of becoming a mommy—wow. It honestly never even really occurred to me, and then when it did, it just… it hit really hard? Because. We’re actually doing this. Doing… it. Making love. Having sex. And it’s so amazing. I was thinking, um, my mom had always said that I should never… be with a guy if I wasn’t okay with having his children because there’s always that risk—chance. I mean chance. Risk would be like if I didn’t ever want to have your, um, and I think I do? With you? If you want? Not right now this time, but—”

It was rare for Stephanie to have so much to say all at once, and Brian found that watching the pink-haired cutie blurt things out continuously was strangely enticing. As if he was witnessing glimmers of an older Stephanie—the Stephanie from way back years ago before her closest friends turned on her and she folded up and retreated deep into herself—coming back to life. He was too fascinated to interrupt.

“So, so it’s this thing, it’s this thing and in the back of my mind it always meant never, because like, obviously I’ll never meet a guy like that. But, then I met you and—um, wow. This is just. It’s just… wow. You make me think about sex a lot, all the time, and then I got to thinking about maybe someday in the future what if we had a family together? Living with each other? What if… we were a mommy and daddy together? Not right away! Just, you know—a someday. Someday. And, it’s… the thought of that seems so perfect and amazing that it just, it hit really hard and I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to, to scare you, or freak you out, or—”

Brian leaned in and stole her lips with a mesmerizing kiss, and she beamed happiness and relaxed into him. They suckled and kissed and shared that feeling of solidarity for a long moment before breaking apart again. When they did she looked relieved.

“I can’t believe I just—” Stephanie blushed intensely. “Um um forget I said any of that, I, I just—”

“I’m not against any of that,” Brian said honestly, hoping that his sudden inclination wasn’t a heat-of-the-moment thing he would regret later. “Just. It’s something we need to discuss together. A lot.”

“You’re not against… being together with me like that?” Stephanie squeaked out. “Having a—being a family together?”

“I’m not against it at all,” Brian replied with sincerity, looking up and down the awestruck girl who made him happier than he’d ever imagined possible. “It’s actually scary how uh, how compelling the idea gets the more I think about it?”

“Yeah, I—yeah,” Stephanie agreed in a breathless voice, grabbing onto him as though afraid he would suddenly disappear and letting her fingers climb up his body to toy with his hair. “It’s so scary how strong this is! But this is—we’re, um, this is real?”

“Condom this time, though,” Brian chuckled. “I’m not against starting a family with you, in the future. But, I definitely want you completely all to myself for a long, long while.”

“That’s okay!” Stephanie exclaimed in a giddy voice. “I feel the same way, I think. It was just—it was just this random thing that popped into my mind, I’m so sorry! I’m surprised Kelly didn’t yell at us!”

“Yeah, she uh…” Brian glanced over at Kelly’s resting form beside them, appearing all the more beautiful and serene as she slept. “She really tuckered herself out. I want to make it up to her, later.”

“Me too!” Stephanie agreed. “She’s—I love her.”

“You know what she’d probably say about the whole… kids thing though, right?”

“I think… maybe I do,” Stephanie said softly, stroking her fingers through Brian’s bangs. “We’ll talk. It’s something all of us need to talk about, I think? All of us in this… all of us that are in this together. But, for now… do you want to maybe keep going? With the condom, this time!”

“Yeah, of course,” Brian said, drawing her into another sweet kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you!” Stephanie’s smile bloomed outwards again in an angelic expression that made his entire body feel like it was filling with pink light. “Just a few minutes ago, I didn’t think it was humanly possible to want you any more than I already did.

“But… I was wrong. I was so wrong.”


Huge thank you to my supporters for making my writing possible! Aihnman, alethiophile, andy may phan, Angel Sworn, Anonguy, Aodean, Bill Johnson, Brian Czisny, Caleb, Chris, Conner Nay, Davin Taddeo, faraday, Garen McGhee, godoffaer, I. Ronical, jb qspam, Jeanie6754, jmundt33a, Joel Robinson, Julius Cheeser, JustAChair, Kibbleguy, KingofClubs8129, Kimu Taka, kognar, Lety Does Stuff, Luke Mofford, Miss Stephanie, Montugar, MountHermon, Mundane, NyarlathotepB, Overlord_Grimm, Paul Wirtz, Phillip Rayne, QuietDistress, Scarnem, Th1Alchemyst, The Epitome of Eccentricity, TiAM325, Tomas Wood, venef, Vowron Prime, William Foster, YellowLotr and especially Foxy!