AnimeCon Harem

Sending it Back

Rocking back to sit on her heels behind Stephanie, Kelly showed a wide smile in sheer appreciation of the incredible view. Right in front of her, Stephanie was rising up onto her hands and knees, arching the lovely line of her back to present her luscious ass. It was a submissive posture, accentuated by the timid smile Stephanie wore when she peeked back over her shoulder towards Kelly. Stephanie was definitely wet, and not just a little bit, either—her pussy was practically sopping. The sight of the girl’s shy little snatch as it steadily oozed with lubricant and the comely way the shape of her thighs rose to meet it was spellbinding, and—Kelly blinked rapidly in confusion as an uncanny sense of deja vu gripped her.

Wait. What? Kelly thought in a slight daze.

Distracted once again by how inviting the glistening lips of that pussy looked, Kelly lowered herself in close, placing both hands upon either side of Stephanie’s butt. She wet her lips as she squeezed, appreciating the plush curvature, and let her fingertips trace a smooth outline across those supple cheeks before gently parting them. The blushing slit just between and below them slowly blossomed open with a small wet sound at the motion to reveal pretty pink folds. Kelly inhaled deeply through her nose—Stephanie’s musky scent was pure aphrodisiac to her, the heady smell of her sex amped up the excitement already filling the air and seemed to welcome Kelly to freely indulge in her basest desires.

Has this…? Kelly tried to concentrate, but the elusive inkling seemed to waver in and out of her focus as she struggled to make the connection. Isn’t this...?

Putting the errant thought out of her mind, Kelly instead nuzzled her face right into the sensual heat of Stephanie’s soaked pussy. Intent on and eager to prove the sincerity of her feelings, Kelly slowly french-kissed the slippery silken folds, working her lips against Stephanie’s slick labia and pushing her tongue inside her lover, reveling in the naked intimacy of each tactile sensation—the messy warmth of arousal on Kelly’s nose and cheeks and chin. The first startled exhalation Stephanie released and then each subsequent little squeak and tiny squeal as Kelly gripped Stephanie’s soft thighs and pressed her mouth closer just made her more and more horny.

Have we already… been here before? Just like this?

The distant red streak in the sky far above was still nothing more than a tickle in the back of her mind for several long moments as Kelly enthusiastically lapped at the pussy being presented to her. Brian had meanwhile been reclining back beside them and simply enjoying the show, but when he finally roused and started to shift on the bed, the prominent protrusion of his penis standing out immediately captured Kelly’s attention. Before she’d even pulled herself away from Stephanie’s private parts, Kelly reached over to grab Brian’s cock—then power and motion crackled in the back of her mind, sparks began to fly, and although no one present was in position to notice, red light flickered in the depths of Kelly’s pupils.

Something big was happening.

Oh shit. Oh shit. I KNEW this was familiar. This is… THAT moment! Kelly remembered, nearly gaping in surprise. From back then! That random fucking sex fantasy that struck out of nowhere all of the sudden!

Raw need raced through Kelly in shaky tremors at the realization, and she pounced partway over Stephanie’s naked bottom to capture all of that criminally unattended cock into her mouth before Brian could get the rest of the way up. There was just too much here to appreciate all at once! Kelly was compelled to grope across his rugged abdominal contours with her free hand as she grasped for support, one of her breasts dangling freely between them while the other was squashed up against Stephanie.

It wasn’t just my imagination, back then. Kelly fought to deliberate through the overpowering red haze of lust that was enveloping her mind. Wasn’t some stray perverted thought or flight of fancy, was it? It was an activation. Of my charm—power—whatever. Thing.

Some future Kelly living out this moment had sent back this specific scene of debauchery using her charm power thing. It was a trick. A pied-piper song, the promise of improbable kinky sex to lead that old Kelly by the nose into the hotel room with Brian and Stephanie. Sort of. The one she sent wasn’t EXACTLY the same as this. Steph was still wearing panties at the start of that one—here she already had them off. Brian was sitting positioned a little differently. But, it’s still right here and now, it was still this same basic moment. From some timeline or another.

“Holy fuck,” Brian exclaimed, grabbing at Kelly’s shoulder for balance. “Kelly—holy fuck—”

It wasn’t some subconscious accidental fluke that swayed my choice. It was some future me back then—and now it’s come around to MY turn, right here and now. Because now I know JUST what I have to dangle back in time to lure the Kelly of two days ago into all of this and bring us all together. And… yeah, I have to. I absolutely have to make sure it happens.

She wouldn’t—couldn’t—let any of them escape this threesome that had started to feel like less of a possibility and more of an inevitability. It completely needed to happen, and although Brian and Stephanie had been performing admirably thus far, she refused to let either of them hesitate on this for even another single instant. Kelly could feel the weighty draw of her send singularity spiralling ever closer—she needed them to fuck, needed their nude bodies thrusting against one another in a tantalizing trifecta, humping and wrestling each other in an orgiastic tangle fucking crushing press of flesh. They needed to fuck and fuck and fuck, to lose themselves in rough, completely out of control sex.

For more reasons than just to bait past Kelly in with this, Kelly’s mind whirled with red light. For… every fucking reason. Everything about this weekend, everything feels like it leads to this. It has to fucking happen!

After all, it was something she’d promised Stephanie back on Friday night.

Kelly took the perverse shape of Brian’s rigid dick in hand and steadily jerked him off, guiding him in close to their bodies, even tapping the crown of that girthy slab upon Stephanie’s offered butt in meaty slaps. The motion elicited tiny sounds of excitement from the trembling pink-haired girl, and Stephanie twisted to give them both an open-mouthed expression of thrilled surprise, practically panting with delight as her eyes fell on the dick spattering dewy droplets of precum spattering across her own bare skin.

“Briannn,” Stephanie pleaded. “Kelly baby—please!”

Losing herself again into that lust-induced trance, Kelly drew both of her lovers close, slinking and sliding her body down lower so that she could alternate between lapping greedily at the nectar of Stephanie’s blushing honeypot and sloppily blowing the meaty cock she worked in her hand. There was also that nagging compulsion that there was something important she was supposed to do, though.

Something specific, and her muddled attention turned high up above herself in her mindscape to the black expanse dotted with stars up above. There was a weird dreamy, ethereal quality to that night sky right now, and as she searched within herself there—there was the presence of another Kelly. A different Kelly, the old Kelly was seemingly still up there, shooting on by out in space all on her own like a passing comet.

The... fuck? Kelly understood very little about actual astronomy, and even less about the potential implications here. Is that—is this—is she REAL, though? Or just some kinda trick of the light, like how distant starlight takes all those eons of travel to become visible to us? A half-forgotten phantom lingering around to haunt me.

She felt real.

In fact, the more she zeroed in on that Kelly, the more uncomfortable she became. Though she continued to swap between eagerly going down on Stephanie and vigorously fellating Brian, Kelly’s emotional state fell into a feedback loop for several disorienting moments. Feeling both her current and past self simultaneously was... unsettling, paradoxical, and in her dreamscape, the fallen meteorite that was planted snugly in the cradle of its crater caldera was starting to shake, vibrating through some strange force of magnetism. Resonating, maybe, in response to the Kelly from the past that was somehow up there in space passing by far overhead.

One moment Kelly was attempting to choke herself on the length of Brian’s enormous dick, and then the next she lunged in the other direction to softly moan into the wet folds of Stephanie’s quivering pink twat with crazed kisses and haphazard licking stabs of her tongue. It was a dizzying back and forth, as if completely torn and unable to choose between her two prizes, because they were both oh-so succulent and enticing and saturated her brain with throbbing red light. Kelly twisting back and forth in increasingly short intervals. She crammed as much of Brian’s erection into her mouth as she could, slobbering Stephanie’s secretions and her own saliva up and down that glorious shaft, then switched back to relish that incredible pussy—each savory dish perfectly complemented the other.

Uhhh yeah okay right. RIGHT. Here we go.

As it turned out, attempting to engage with her distant past self was less like calling out with a message, and more like zooming in at extremes through a metaphorical telescope. The past in its entirety could only be likened to space. It fell away from her fast, it was really, really fucking big and expansive, and all the individual little moments within were tiny beyond compare. It seemed like any little shift, any tiny lapse in her concentration would lose her specific spot tracking this past Kelly’s trajectory, and then she’d never be able to find her again.

Fuck fuck fuck. Okay… I’ve hopefully… got you? Locked in? Connected?

This intrusion into her past self on the extreme periphery of her senses was crazy—she was already almost a stranger to Kelly. It had been Friday night, back when she knew next to nothing about Brian and Stephanie. The irreplaceable positions they held in her heart here and now were just emptiness over there on that side. A bleak, barren, and silent void, the vacuum of emotional nothingness because of the way past Kelly rebuffed anyone and everyone from getting close to her.

Confronting that emptiness again hurt.

They were only a few days removed from each other, but she was such a drastically different Kelly—a cocky scene chick, casually chilling against the wall of the convention center hallway. Aloof and detached from the situation, as always. The girl had been wavering back and forth, weighing the merit of Brian’s offer for her to room with them.

Sure, yeah he was cute, but he also kinda put off these lame harmless beta guy vibes—the realistic part of her doubted he would even wind up getting anywhere with the stuttery weeb girl who was crushing on him. Let alone satisfy Kelly’s needs. He’d probably cum in his pants before she could even get them off of him, and that would be that! Although, on the other hand... Kelly also didn’t really want to crash out here in public sprawled out in the hallway overnight. It was a tough call to make.

Brian isn’t some toothless fucking beta male dude—he just needs a hand to help him climb up out of his pit of fucking suffering! the present Kelly couldn’t help but fume at her past mindset. And, Steph isn’t some shy fucking little nobody girl—she’s, she’s EVERYTHING you oblivious fucking ignorant pretentious scene cuntwaffle! Argh!

The current Kelly wanted to reject this, to shudder with revulsion at how cold and alone and utterly unfamiliar this particular past Kelly felt by force of contrast. A large part of her wanted to just not bother intervening at all, to bid this old Kelly good riddance and just leave the bitch to her own devices.

No… no, that wouldn’t be fair, Kelly furrowed her brows as she attempted to shove her tongue between Stephanie’s pussy lips in deep probing stabs. There was no fucking way vagina was supposed to taste this incredible, and as she suckled up every bit of flavor she could she feared it might be addictive. Oh. Uh. Yeah, wouldn’t be fair, not with me basically getting handed this good karma here from that future Kelly. Not passing it on in turn would be… bad. Right?

There was just so much Kelly wanted to convey to her past self, but so frustrating little that she knew prior Kelly would get. She’d simply wanted a hook up back then, her past self wasn’t interested in or open to any complications or development whatsoever, and would have laughed in the face of salvation.

Goddamn fucking IDIOT.

Kelly’s fallen star had long since become firmly embedded in the earth, but now it was trembling as if it would break free, and her impact area was glowing red magma in the heat of this moment. She was delving deeper and deeper inside Stephanie’s delicious tight little pussy with enthusiastic slurps of exploring tongue when that fervor of unhinged and uncontrollable lust started to redshift again and completely pushed out all coherent thought. Kelly switched, trailing a strand of saliva as she turned and slid her mouth around the warm thickness of Brian’s dick, bobbing her head and hollowing her cheeks with suction.

Pursing and then puckering her lips, Kelly locked her brandy-brown eyes with Brian and released inch after inch of his penis with a slow, provocative movement until his engorged cockhead popped free of her mouth with a smacking smooch. The heady smell of sex pervaded the air, and in no time at all the room filled with lewd squelching sounds, Brian’s ragged breathing and Stephanie’s mewling little whimpers of ecstasy, and the occasional fleshy slap of Brian’s meat spanking against Stephanie’s ass cheek whenever Kelly needed to gasp for breath.

It was just about time—Kelly really couldn’t hold back any longer, and judging from appearances, her partners had been pushed to the absolute brink. Steph’s legs were involuntarily shaking with raw desire, and the imminent need for release pulsed through Brian’s tremendous cock. They were both close, so close! She’d done everything she could, and even the tiniest bit more would push them over the edge and be too much. Kelly pointed the head of Brian’s dick right into the slippery cleft of Stephanie’s slit so that the tip ever-so-slightly parted those flushed lips and withdrew.

Oblivious to the fluid smeared down across her own chin, Kelly couldn’t help but immediately start frigging herself, fingertips frantically flickering over her own reddened clit that had been positively pining for attention. She came almost right away and in twitching jerks—she might as well have been rapidly toggling a lightswitch for all the strobing flashes of blinding light that rocked through her mind.

That didn’t stop her, however, and she continued to strum a wet mess of herself as she lost her balance and abruptly fell back on the bed beside Brian and Stephanie. Something about this scene was so completely and utterly captivating, waiting with bated breath for that first momentous stroke to plunge into Stephanie. Kelly had done everything she could to work them up—and more—and now as she furiously masturbated even the anticipation itself was getting her off.

Will they try to fight this-this-this point of fucking no return?! She wanted to watch that first momentous stroke plunge into Stephanie, she needed to be here witnessing it happen. All it should take from Brian was a single glance down at that glistening pussy and the dangling string of wetness right in front of that poised penis. All he had to do was push forward ever so slightly, and that eager glimmering pink orifice would gladly swallow up every bit of that dick. Stephanie, after all, was trembling with need, just a tiny twitch away from spasming into uncontrollable orgasm herself.

Are they still capable of putting up resistance, or are they just helpless, prisoners to this passion, longing for that incredible thing to plunge deep into—?!! A series of tiny climaxes shuddered through Kelly like turbulence, and she felt her jaw go slack and one of her eyelids droop as all cognizance fell away and she drifted into a dizzying dreamlike stupor.

The personal significance of this moment she was sharing with Brian and Stephanie blurred and bled into feeding the insatiable red within her, and her awareness of the situation seemed to deepen, senses stretching out in all directions until she felt almost painfully overextended. Her subconscious blundered on, grasping at the intangible stretches of elapsing time and carefully collecting and consolidating them into the cherished moments she needed to share.

Finally, when a not-quite-all-there Kelly imagined she had gathered up all of intended concepts with her nebulous spectral fingers, she as a result had somehow gotten a complete—well, something. The something was less than a whole moment, maybe, but definitely more than just a memory, and it burned with power and energy like she was clutching a newborn star. It was some indescribable thing she’d taken firm hold of that immediately made her waking mind realize she was completely out of her depth and had no idea what to actually do with it.

I—have no fucking idea how to send memories back in time to the other me! It’s too much. It’s too much! Searing bright supercharged reds grew too hot for Kelly to behold as magic and emotion melded together into scintillating plasma that threatened to overwhelm her. The temperature grew obscene, the glare of light rose to blinding incandescence, and the thrum of oscillating vibration from before took on a dangerous pitch, red phasing and transforming and flickering between states.

Uhhh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! How the fucking fuck fuck did future me DO this?! Kelly thought, beginning to panic as the impossibly brilliant starstuff of captured memories began to deform outwards as if it was about to explode. The moment, this entire short sequence of sexy events captured by her charm power to send—simply could not be contained, and Kelly mentally scrambled to find a safe way to release it before it melted her brain. No, no no no, shit, fuck! I’m losing it!

There isn’t any time! Kelly’s thoughts fizzled and crackled into distortion.

She knew she needed to immediately shunt the detonating moment off to some aimless fucking anywhere, heedless of the consequences! Taking a deep breath—Kelly fired. The condensed starstuff blasted upwards towards the fleeting shape of her past self in a beam-like pillar of pure red brilliance. Sweaty but satisfied with her expended effort, Kelly sagged back onto the sheets, looking on with an adoring gaze of worship right as Brian pushed forward, thrusting into Stephanie.


Huge thank you to my supporters for making my writing possible! Aihnman, alethiophile, andy may phan, Angel Sworn, Anonguy, Aodean, Bill Johnson, Brian Czisny, Caleb, Chris, Conner Nay, Davin Taddeo, faraday, Garen McGhee, godoffaer, I. Ronical, jb qspam, Jeanie6754, jmundt33a, Joel Robinson, Julius Cheeser, JustAChair, Kibbleguy, KingofClubs8129, Kimu Taka, kognar, Lety Does Stuff, Luke Mofford, Miss Stephanie, Montugar, MountHermon, Mundane, NyarlathotepB, Overlord_Grimm, Paul Wirtz, Phillip Rayne, QuietDistress, Scarnem, Th1Alchemyst, The Epitome of Eccentricity, TiAM325, Tomas Wood, venef, Vowron Prime, William Foster, YellowLotr and especially Foxy!