America's Road To Fame

~: Testimonials

Dear readers, this book has nearly 300,000 words written, and it is planned to be released today.

I hope that those who have the conditions can support the first decision. I can\'t repay it. I can only repay everyone with a harder update.

Actually, this is the first time my novel has been put on the shelves, and I feel a little excited. Let me tell you what I have always wanted to say.

The first time I wrote an article was last summer. At that time, it was because I had read a lot of online articles, but there was always something I was not satisfied with. Later, on impulse, I decided to try it myself.

When I first wrote the first novel, I really didn’t know anything, I just wrote it in a hurry. Of course, because of my inexperience and no exposure, the book’s grades were very bad, and it ended up at 700,000 words.

Later, I changed the pseudonym and wrote the previous novel. I also said in the comment section that the book was signed when it was more than 100,000 words. As a result, because of the subject matter and other mistakes, I received the contract. On the day of the notification, I was raped, and the mood at that time was really indescribable.

I am very grateful to my editor Qingzhou Da, who encouraged me at the time and suggested that I open another book.

So I spent a day thinking about the outline, which is now this book.

This is also the main reason for the golden finger setting of this book, as well as some writing styles, because I still hope to avoid the experience of the previous book. Including financial investment, I dare not write too much detail, and I dare not use too much leverage. To put it bluntly, the biggest role of the golden finger in this book is to replace financial leverage in the early stage.

I have also seen some comments from readers and friends who have opinions on these settings. I hope everyone can understand. It is okay to say that I am too cautious. I really want this book to be well written.

Then I would like to thank those friends who have always supported and encouraged me. Your collection votes and rewards have given me great encouragement. It can be said that in my spare time, almost the largest part is devoted to codewords, and the motivation for me to write like this is your support.

I will try my best to write this book well, and I hope everyone can continue to support me. Maybe because of the need to code words, everyone\'s comments cannot be replied to all, but when I have time, I will try to reply as much as possible.

From the beginning of writing articles to now, I am also working hard to make progress. I hope that there are deficiencies, everyone can understand, I will try my best to change the places that can be changed, and I will try not to repeat the content that is not easy to change in the future. make mistakes.

After I put it on the shelves, I will try to make as many changes as possible, and try not less than three changes a day. As for the rules of adding changes, to be honest, I don’t know too much. It is tentatively planned to add one more reward, and the monthly pass will accumulate 500 plus one more. Dare to think, if there is, add five more.

Because the hand speed is limited, there is arrears that must be made up.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their support. This is my first book on the shelves. It must have a beginning and an end.

I hope everyone can support and subscribe, and the stubborn bronze players are here to thank you.