America's Road To Fame

Chapter 98: Hollywood Party


In Hollywood\'s Beverly Hills, there are various parties almost every day, where William Chen\'s predecessor used to be like a duck to water.

That\'s why, shortly after he turned 21, he was already drunk all day.

But often the crazier ones are those private parties, such as 20th Century Fox, which are more serious, um, at least on the surface, they are all well-dressed.

When William Chen, Roger Del Rey, and Rick Walton arrived at the luxurious manor where the party was, he already knew from the conversation that the identity of this Riel Walton was indeed America. The wealthiest family, members of the Walton family that owns the Wal-Mart Group.

At this time, by the swimming pool of this manor, a lot of people have gathered, all of which are gentlemen in suits and elegant ladies.

"Where is the director you speak of? Roger."

Chen William looked around and saw a lot of familiar figures in the play. When he saw Roger Drey wandering around the women intently, he quickly asked.

"I\'m looking for it, William. There are too many people. I\'d better give him a call."

He took out his phone, found the number, and dialed it.

"William, it\'s really you."

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen William turned around and saw Deng Wendi saying this to him, and beside him was Quan Zhixian in a white dress.

"Wendi, it\'s a coincidence that you are here too." William Chen said, suddenly remembering that this reception was originally held by 20th Century Fox. As the proprietress of the parent company News Corporation, Deng Wendi is indeed here. is a normal thing.

And she had told herself before that she would come to Los Angeles to discuss the movie with Fox Searchlight, a subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox.

Sure enough, Wendi Deng said, "Gianna and I were talking with Fox Searchlight about film production, so there was this reception today, so I brought her over to have a look. I didn\'t expect you to come too."

After that, she looked around Chen William and asked, "Where\'s Ivanta? Isn\'t she with her?"

"She has returned to New York. I was called by my cousin, and I stopped by to have a look."

After being introduced before, William Chen knew that the Gianna in her mouth was referring to Quan Zhixian, whose English name was GiannaJun.

Chen William would definitely not say that he came here mainly for the project "The Hangover". After all, he had just rejected the investment in Deng Wendi\'s film. If you let her know now that he turned around and looked for a project, that would be a lot. It will be somewhat embarrassing.

On this occasion, the two didn\'t talk much, and they separated after saying hello. Deng Wendi and Quan Zhixian continued to walk inside, probably planning to introduce some Hollywood people to her.

Although he simply said hello to Quan Zhixian before, after Chen William noticed that the two had left, Quan Zhixian turned around and gave him another look.

Quan Zhixian didn\'t seem to think that Chen William\'s eyes were looking right at her, so when the two of them looked at each other, she was a little caught off guard, and immediately turned her head back like a frightened rabbit.

"Is that Murdoch\'s Chinese wife?" Roger looked at Deng Wendi and the others walking away, and approached William Chen and said to him:

"The old guy\'s eyesight is not good, and his figure is almost a problem."

Chen William was too lazy to pay attention to him, and asked directly: "Roger, I just want to know where the director you mentioned is, and I hope to see him soon."

"He said it hasn\'t arrived yet, don\'t be nervous, William, we can take advantage of this time to enjoy the party first, so many beauties, aren\'t you excited?"

As Roger spoke, he and Rick each took a glass of wine. As for William Chen, he just asked for a glass of lemonade.

"Oh, wait for me for a while, I\'ll go say hello." Roger said, his eyes stopped in one place, and then immediately said to William Chen and Rick.

Chen William followed his line of sight and saw the famous Hollywood "Black Pearl" talking to others.

Seeing that Roger had already started walking towards that direction, William Chen felt that he was not looking. At first, he thought that Roger was just joking, but he didn\'t expect him to be so interested in the black pearl. Could it be that he was in Africa? what happened?

In other words, this Ms. Halle Berry should be forty years old now, which is almost twenty years older than Roger.

"Rick, are you also interested in movies?" William Chen chatted with Rick Walton beside him when he had nothing to do.

"I\'m interested in everything that can make money, and it\'s not perfect that movies can meet beautiful women in addition to that."

Rick said in a frivolous tone, but although he always looked cynical and even a little lazy, William Chen wouldn\'t really think he was that simple.

"There are indeed many beautiful women here, but as for making money, I really can\'t say for sure."

"So I\'m more inclined to trust the eyes of professionals."

"If I can give you any advice, it should only be useful for professionals, but in the movie industry, why a movie sells well, many times, even professionals may not be able to tell."

Rick raised his glass, touched Chen William, and said with a smile, "If that\'s the case, then I\'ll trust you, William."

William Chen took a sip of water lightly, shrugged at Rick, and said, "Then you may be disappointed, Rick, in terms of movies, I don\'t have confidence in myself, after all, the previous records are there. "

"William, I have known you before." Rick Walton\'s expression gradually became serious, he said:

"I\'ve found that our experiences are similar, so I can understand how you\'ve felt, and in fact believe it or not, I think we\'re a kind of person."

"Really? But at least you\'re richer than me now."

"That\'s just now, William, I have studied your investment and think you are very visionary." Rick said with a bit of self-deprecation:

"You know that most of my assets come from my shares, but in fact I\'m utterly disappointed with Walmart now, and I believe it\'s only a matter of time before your wealth surpasses my current figure."

"What are you talking about? It looks like a good conversation." Roger returned to their side, and from his expression, it seemed that the result was good.

"Why, didn\'t that Black Pearl leave you for a drink?" William Chen asked with a smile when he saw Roger coming over.

"William, I know you\'re jealous, but it\'s useless. Harry left a phone call for me, and I\'ll make an appointment with her another day." Roger said smugly.

"Good luck then."

Although Chen William really doesn\'t understand, what kind of taste does Roger have. But to be honest, his cousin still inherited the excellent genes of the Gray family in terms of appearance.

It\'s just that in the eyes of others, Roger\'s appearance is a little more handsome, and his physique is very burly and strong, so the appearance of the two on the same person always makes people feel a little incongruous.

Of course, it is undeniable that there are indeed some women who still prefer this type very much. Therefore, he will always have a good harvest in this kind of gathering. Now it seems that the Black Pearl Shadow Queen is also one of them.

The other person Chen William thought of was Paris\'s best friend, Ka Daishan. According to his previous boyfriends, she also seemed to prefer this burly type.

Not to mention, these two people really seem to have a show.

"Looks like we\'re going to act."

Roger looked in the direction of the door, and saw only a tall man walking in beside another middle-aged man in a suit.

The tall man was talking to the middle-aged man all the way.

After Roger\'s introduction, William Chen knew that the tall man was the director named Todd Phillips whom they had contacted with before.

And the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes beside him is the manager of Legendary Pictures, Keig Bint.

When Keeger Bint and Todd Phillips walked to William Chen\'s side, Keeger Bint saw Roger\'s eyes staring at him, and couldn\'t help but stop and taunt him:

"How can savages come to such parties?"

"Oh, Kid, you sissy, why is Legendary Pictures now reduced to making low-budget films?" Roger said with a look of disdain:

"Oh, yes, you\'ve always been so cowardly. Todd, I don\'t think you should waste your time on this sissy. The investment of tens of millions is too much for them."
