America's Road To Fame

Chapter 79: studio tour

Now William Chen\'s funds are placed in the securities investment department, and he has basically decided that he wants to invest in Huayi Company, and then when he goes to Huaguo, he will complete this matter by the way.

Therefore, William Chen took the time to call Nielsen and asked him to find a bank to loan out part of the current shareholding in the equity investment department.

Anyway, compared to the interest on loans, the capital profit of the securities department is definitely much higher than this, so if you can use other people\'s money to invest first, why not do it.

Four days passed quickly, and Nozomi Sasaki was about to return to Tokyo.

William Chen had told Nozomi Sasaki before that if she encountered someone she didn\'t like or had an entertainment arrangement, she would reject it directly. With William Chen\'s support behind her, she didn\'t need to worry.

"Actually, although there have been some rude people or things, William, you don\'t have to worry too much. My manager, Ms. Ryoko, has always taken good care of me, and the president of the club also respects my opinion."

Although Nozomi Sasaki said so, William Chen knew that it is not easy to avoid this kind of thing completely in the entertainment industry like this.

It\'s like the unspoken rules that his predecessor saw in Hollywood, and they don\'t know much. Don\'t talk about female stars, even those male stars who have special tastes in gold owners, if they want to be promoted, they must devote themselves to art.

Although he was very at ease with Nozomi Sasaki, he had to guard against some unexpected situations, so William Chen hired a female bodyguard for Nozomi Sasaki directly through his uncle John Del Rey. She can be by her side 24 hours a day to protect her.

Of course, the bodyguard\'s fee is not low, with an annual salary of $500,000. But what satisfies William Chen most is that she used to serve in the U.S. military base in Okinawa, so she can communicate in Japanese. She used to be a Marine Corps member and is agile, so it can also make William Chen more assured of Nozomi Sasaki\'s safety.

Before leaving, William Chen also handed Nozomi Sasaki a card, which was the supplementary card of the Centurion Black Gold Card that he used for Nozomi Sasaki\'s daily expenses.

"I don\'t need to spend a lot now. I\'ve earned enough to spend, William."

Seeing the black card that William Chen handed over, Nozomi Sasaki said with some refusal.

In this regard, Chen William is very domineering: "Since you are my woman now, then I will be responsible for everything for you."

Putting this card in Nozomi Sasaki\'s hand, William Chen instructed her: "And you are not allowed to use it, I will check your monthly usage amount and ask you to spend at least $100,000 per month, Otherwise, it will wait until the next time to punish you."


"Yes, a very severe punishment."

William Chen whispered a word in Nozomi Sasaki\'s ear. After she heard it, her face immediately turned red:

"You, William, you are so hateful!"

"Haha." Seeing Nozomi Sasaki\'s cute reaction, William Chen couldn\'t help laughing.

"Hmph, still laughing."

"So, Kiko, in order not to be punished, you have to work hard."

After sending off Nozomi Sasaki, who couldn\'t help but have red eyes in the end, he spent another day dealing with the company\'s affairs, and then flew to Miami to meet Ivanta.

It is worth mentioning that Erica once proposed to increase her staff, and now she has recruited a suitable assistant.

Chen William saw the other party\'s information, but it was not the handsome guy with six-pack abs that Erica had threatened Chen William before, but a very intellectual beauty, and a Chinese.

Li Ying, 25 years old, graduated from MIT with three majors in computer, electronic engineering and economics. After graduating, he joined McKinsey as a management consultant and then worked at Ikanos as director of marketing and sales.

Interestingly, Li Ying originally wanted to join the equity investment department of Meta Investment Company led by Nielsen, but Erica took a fancy to him, cut off the hustle, talked to her, and invited her to become his assistant.

Uh, Assistant Chen William\'s assistant, Li Ying is actually the second assistant of Chen William now. Due to her previous work experience, Li Ying is now mainly responsible for the main business and investment under Chen William\'s name, and then reports to Erica.

In this way, Erica was liberated. She is now mainly responsible for William Chen\'s studies and other affairs other than company management.

The reason why William Chen went to Miami to meet Ivanta this time is because he can stop by to see the filming of the future movie "Magic Mike".

Up to now, the film has been filmed for nearly 20 days. Director Andy Haring found a closed club in Miami to rent it, and then used it as the filming venue for the dance boy club in the movie.

The requirements for other scenes in this movie are not so high. You don’t need to set special scenes, just choose some venues.

After Chen William arrived in Miami, he met Ivanta. At this time, her work here was completed, so she accompanied him to the crew of "Magic Mike".

When the two arrived, they were seeing the main actors of the film, that is, several "dancing boys" in the movie, training their dancing skills.

Like Andy Haring has said before, the cast of "Magic Mike," Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, and Matthew McConaughey, among others, were chosen The kind of muscular abs guy who can make girls scream when he takes off his shirt.

However, before that, most of them had never seen a dancer\'s performance, not to mention the "dance skills" that dancers must have. Therefore, Andy Harlin specially hired several highly skilled dancers from a well-known dancer\'s club. Not only can the professionals be used as technical consultants to restore the difficult dance skills in William Chen\'s script and split-shot script, but also as teachers, they need to teach these actors to learn these movements.

Now, these technical consultants are training several leading actors in the actions that will be used in the subsequent shooting.

William Chen and Ivanta were watching from the side, and it was obvious that the main actors had at least some foundation at this time. After all, they had also done some shooting before, and they had already mastered some movements.

However, their learning progress is obviously different. Channing Tatum, who plays the protagonist Mike, is obviously learning faster than others.

"This protagonist is not bad, and he is very talented in learning." William Chen praised Andy Haring next to him.

Uh, Andy Haring\'s expression is somewhat interesting. Seeing his appearance, William Chen asked strangely, "What\'s the matter?"

"Actually at the beginning, when I found Channing Tatum asking him to star, he was also surprised. Because he was not very famous at this time, he was just a young actor who had played a few supporting roles. But as soon as he saw the script I just fell in love with this movie.”

Andy Haring explained to William Chen: "And he told me in particular that when he was 19 years old, he worked as a dance boy in the dance boy club here for a while, UU reading www. learns these movements faster because he already has the foundation."

"And shooting in Miami, including finding the location for the set shooting, was his suggestion, because this closed club was the same club he used to be when he was a dancer."

Unexpectedly, there is such a story in it. It seems that in the "Magic Mike" in the previous life, this Channing Tatum should also be regarded as an important participant.

"How do you feel after watching it? If Ivanta was making such a movie, would you watch it?" William Chen did not forget to ask Ivanta\'s opinion. After all, in his opinion, the main audience of this movie should be Women, uh, and certain groups of men.

"It\'s not bad, you\'re in good shape, but I\'d rather see you jumping up and down." After Ivanta finished speaking, she looked at William Chen\'s figure and smiled while covering her mouth.

Hehe, who are you looking down on? My body is much better than theirs.

On the other hand, Andy Haring, who was standing beside them, heard Ivanta\'s words, his eyes lit up, and he began to look at William Chen\'s figure.

It felt like Andy Haring\'s eyes, wishing he could see through the clothes on Chen William\'s body, the muscle lines inside, that expression made Chen William feel gay.

He couldn\'t help but feel a chill in his heart. This director, wouldn\'t he have any special hobbies? He couldn\'t help but be a little suspicious. Andy Haring\'s motivation for making this movie is so positive, I hope he won\'t give me a sneak peek. The rule actor thing comes.

At this time, he heard Andy Haring say: "I think it\'s a good idea, Mr. William, if you follow the plot and end up as an Easter egg in the movie, I think it will be a big promotion for the movie. selling."