America's Road To Fame

Chapter 78: go to sea


A pair of small hands walked on William Chen\'s back, and he felt a faint itch.

Nozomi Sasaki clapped her hands, her face flushed red, and she said, "Okay, it\'s done."

At this time, Chen William had already been smeared with a layer of sunscreen, and in the sun, the strong muscle lines all over his body were gleaming, which made Nozomi Sasaki look shy, but he was reluctant to look away.

"Then it\'s time for me to help you." William Chen said with a malicious smile.

"Ah~ I can wipe some places myself, just help me wipe it on my back."

"How can that be? It\'s like I\'m being lazy." After speaking, William Chen asked Nozomi Sasaki to lie down, picked up the bottle of sunscreen, and started to apply it.

They are now in the offshore waters off Long Island, with the yacht floating on the sea. Today\'s weather is good, the sun is not too hot, and the wind blows from time to time, lying on the splint like this, I feel a warm feeling all over my body.

"It would be great if it could always be like this."

Nozomi Sasaki leaned against William Chen, looked at the sky, and said quietly.

"Then you can stay here, Kiko, I\'ll take care of you."

William Chen still likes this RB girl very much, she is well-behaved and sensible, and she is very good at taking care of people.

"But I still have work. I\'ll be busy for a while when I go back this time."

Seeing the cute appearance of Nozomi Sasaki counting her fingers, William Chen couldn\'t help but kiss her on the face.



"Do you like your current job?"

"How should I put it, I feel that I have come to this point, as if fate is pushing me forward. There is always a moment when a change occurs suddenly, and then I start to switch between different lives."

"After I graduated, I worked as a clerk in a grocery store and lived an ordinary life. At that time, I felt very happy every day. I still remember the store at that time called Pop House, which was the kind of store that specialized in selling small accessories for girls. "

Nozomi Sasaki was lying on his side facing William Chen, propping up his head with one hand, while the other hand followed the muscle lines on William Chen\'s arm, stroking like a sketch, and said:

"One day, two people came to the store and said it was a staff member of the selection column for newcomers. They wanted to take a set of photos for me to participate in the selection. I thought they were the kind of liar and rejected them. Then they found After confirming their identities, the store manager persuaded me to try it, and I finally agreed."

"But after that, I forgot about it, and then one day I was suddenly notified that I had become the champion of the new talent selection. Then I started working as a model, taking plane photos for many magazines, and then Joined the brokerage company and left that grocery store. Then I started appearing in TV shows and movies, participating in variety shows, and that’s it.”

"As for whether I like these jobs or not? I\'m also a little vain. When I know that I\'m so popular and so many people like me, I\'m really happy. I used to have a little low self-esteem and felt that I went to school. My grades are not good, and I don’t have any particularly powerful skills. I never thought that there would be a day when I would become a star and be liked by so many people.”

When William Chen saw Nozomi Sasaki talking about this, there seemed to be light flashing in her eyes, but when she said this, she seemed to think of something again, her eyes dimmed, and she said:

"Of course, it\'s not always so happy, and sometimes it\'s very depressing and painful, you can always hear someone say, Nozomi Sasaki, you are liked by so many people just because of your appearance, there is nothing at all. Strength. I want to prove myself, and I don\'t want others to say that my acting is just a vase."

"But even if I try so hard, I still can\'t do it well, and there are still so many criticisms. I really envy the powerful people I have met. After they shout out, they can freely enter the role and just It was as if that character existed in her body and would appear immediately."

Seeing Nozomi Sasaki\'s current appearance, William Chen felt a little pity. He embraced Nozomi Sasaki in his arms and said to her gently:

"Kiko, in fact, you don\'t have to be so harsh on yourself. Everyone should know what they can do, and they will always realize that in a certain aspect, their efforts cannot surpass their talents. Do you know what happened to me in the past?"

Nozomi Sasaki looked at William Chen, fell into his gentle gaze, and nodded.

She was embarrassed to say that, in fact, she later read all the information about William Chen on the Internet, and all the reports about him that she could find. She would also be very happy about the positive reports about him; and after reading the reports that were bad or even ridiculing to him before, she would clench her fists and be angry at those people\'s irresponsible scribbles.

Chen William took her hand and said, "I was an actor before, but I was criticized for my poor acting skills, just like you. Later, I lost a lot of money when I invested in movies. At that time, I was young and always refused to admit defeat. , I think why others can succeed in Hollywood, but I can\'t? The result is that the harder you work, the more you fail."

"Later, I returned to New York and seriously reflected on my previous mistakes, and realized that in fact, I do not have talent for movies, whether it is acting or investing in movies, these are not what I can do with my hard work. So I began to look for other What I am good at, now it seems that the results are still good.”

"So you really don\'t have to fight in the areas you are not good at. Everyone always has what they are good at. That is the right way for you to succeed."

Of course, after all these words, Chen William is still a little false, but he is really trying to make himself stronger, because he also found that his future bank is not so stable, just like For so long, he hasn\'t waited for any new activities, so he can\'t pin all his hopes for the future on it.

In the final analysis, he still needs to improve his ability. Even if he does not have this future bank one day, he still hopes to be successful with his own ability.

Although he had known about William Chen\'s past for a long time, Nozomi Sasaki felt much better when he heard him revealing his scars and comforting himself. Thinking of his words, Nozomi Sasaki hesitated: "But I didn\'t find any What are you particularly good at?"

"You are beautiful, gentle, and patient. In my eyes, you are the best, Kiko." William Chen looked at her, touched the tip of his nose, and said with a smile:

"And you can try slowly to discover what you like and are good at, and hope to keep doing it. Don\'t worry, don\'t have too many worries, Kiko, I will support you, you must always remember , I am your backing, whenever you encounter unhappy things and things that make you hate, you can immediately refuse, and I will support you."

Nozomi Sasaki felt Chen William\'s She happily offered a sweet kiss...

"William, it\'s good to have you, I\'m so happy."

Tasting her sweetness, William Chen also felt that she knew more and more how to please herself, and her skills became more and more proficient.

"William, it will be seen here..."

William Chen looked around at the boundless sea, picked her up, and walked into the cabin of the yacht.

Well, I feel that the space here is still a little small, and I will buy a bigger one in the future.


"My dear, see if I\'m hooked here."

"Yes, it doesn\'t look small. You have to hold him steady, and I\'ll help you."

William Chen and Nozomi Sasaki tried many things on this yacht, and Nozomi Sasaki even drove the yacht for a while under his guidance.

Compared to driving a car, driving a yacht is actually easier. Chen William himself also dared to take the yacht out after initially studying with the bodyguards for a while.

After all, when you drive on the road, there are many other vehicles on the road. The yachts are different. When their villas are near the coast, they can occasionally see a few yachts, but they are scattered on the vast sea, and they can only appear sporadically.

When you continue to drive forward, away from the shore, it will be even more difficult to see other ships.

Now the two are trying to fish on the yacht again. I don\'t know if it was due to luck. Nozomi Sasaki caught a lot more than William Chen. Well, to be precise, the battle between the two was 3:0.

Anyway, I caught too many fish, and two people couldn\'t eat it. It was too wasteful. The three fishes that Kiko caught were enough.

Yes, it is like that.