America's Road To Fame

Chapter 7: ladies at party

It is understandable why he could not find any news about BTC, because it is said that Nakamoto C in his previous life was dissatisfied with the Fed\'s large-scale additional currency issuance to save the market because of the subprime mortgage crisis, so he created BTC, which is never-ending. The system of additional issuance is reflected in the white paper.

And in the previous life on January 3, 2009, when Nakamoto C created the first block of BTC—the genesis block of BTC, he put the headline of the front page of The Times on that day—“TheTimes03/Jan/ In 2009, Chancelloronbrinkofbailoutforbanks (Time magazine, November 3, 2009, the prime minister is about to face the second bailout of the banks)” is engraved on the first block.

This can explain the relationship between the birth of BTC and the subprime mortgage crisis. Therefore, since there has not been a subprime mortgage crisis in this world, it is very likely that BTC will not appear, at least not now.

"William, what\'s the matter with you? You make me very worried. Why don\'t we cancel the loan to the bank?"

Tom\'s words pulled Chen William back from his shock. He knew that his performance was not influenced by alcohol at all, but he must not let Uncle Tom have any misunderstanding and change his mind.

So he said: "I\'m really fine, just follow the original plan. I just thought of other things. Well, if you\'re really worried, I\'ll accompany you to do a full-body checkup tomorrow. You can rest assured.”

In order to reassure Tom, William Chen could only go to check once, otherwise if he really misunderstood, things affecting his loan would be broken.

"By the way, William, I met with the people from the Bank of New York today, and they promised to lend in the shortest possible time." After hearing William Chen\'s reply, Tom felt relieved and continued.

"The Bank of New York, isn\'t it the bank where the 50 million loan of Building 666 will expire in a month?"

"Yes, because they have given loans to the building before, they have a better understanding of your situation, and they can pass the mortgage loan on your house in the shortest time. But I am also worried that they will increase your debt again at this time, very There may be other ideas."

Tom\'s words are not unreasonable, but no matter what they think, William Chen will definitely take out the mortgage loan for this house. So it doesn\'t matter which bank the other party is, as long as he can repay the loan on time, Nothing is a problem.

So he assured Tom again: "Don\'t worry, Uncle Tom, I know what I know. In the worst case, I\'ll find a rich lady to marry and let her help us settle our debts."

But he didn\'t expect Tom to hear Chen William\'s words, his eyes lit up, and he said thoughtfully: "I didn\'t think of this, I think Paris has always been infatuated with you, she is considered safe among rich ladies, There have been no scandals, so it\'s not bad for you to be together."

Unexpectedly, Uncle Tom took his joke seriously, and his impression of Paris was quite good. William Chen was speechless for a while. If he knew about Paris\'s reputation in his previous life, he didn\'t know what he would have thought of today. expression.

However, this possibility no longer exists. From now on, Paris has not been stabbed in the back by her ex-boyfriend, which is not as exaggerated as the media reported in her previous life.

But wait, now her ex-boyfriend, if there is such a person, isn\'t it Chen William himself? Uh, after thinking about it too much, I definitely wouldn\'t do such a rude thing. Even if I made any videotape, I would definitely have to get a vault-grade safe and store it well for myself to enjoy. He didn\'t put his own kind The habit of putting out videotapes for others to enjoy.

How come the more I think about it, the more I think this is very feasible. I have time to consult another day, where can I install the vault?

"Dear William, are you feeling better?"

In the evening, Paris came to William Chen\'s house. After meeting, he took his hand and asked softly.

"It\'s much better, I feel good now. Paris, thank you for your concern. By the way, you are so beautiful today, this dress suits you very well, did you just buy it?" William Chen saw Paris wearing a dress today. A sky blue dress, the style is, uh, very bold, showing her enchanting figure without reservation.

"Do you like this dress too? I liked it the first time I saw it when I was shopping today, so I bought it. It\'s a new style from Chanel." Paris was very happy when he heard William Chen\'s praise. He turned around in front of him and showed him his new dress.

I have to say that Paris\'s figure is indeed very impressive, and with Chanel\'s well-cut close-fitting skirt, this almost made William Chen unable to control it.

But he still didn\'t forget that they were going to the party tonight, so he said, "Paris, what time does the party start?"

"It should be almost the same. I want you to rest for a while, so I didn\'t come too early. But don\'t worry. If you have something to do, you won\'t really go on time. It\'s okay to be a little late."

"You\'re so considerate, Paris. You sit down for a while, wait a moment, and I\'ll change. You\'re so pretty today, and I\'ll always dress appropriately."

Paris smiled and said: "William, you have really changed now. You never cared about their opinions before. But no matter what you wear, you are the most handsome man on the court. I think there will be some Shaoxao\'s hoof is going to be posted, I will take good care of you, but now you have to start self-discipline."

I feel that Paris is more and more inclined to regard her as his girlfriend. This is not what William Chen wants to see, but now his future bank is still bound to her, so he can\'t stimulate her, otherwise she will be alone. Free yourself, you will be miserable.

So William Chen thought about it and said, "Don\'t worry, Paris, I\'m going to live a celibate life for a while now. What you said before is quite right. I need to change myself and make myself more self-disciplined. Put more energy on career, emotional aspect is not what I need to consider now."

After he finished speaking, he secretly paid attention to Paris\' expression. Seeing that she didn\'t show any special emotions, he felt a little relieved. Eldest sister, I have already hinted to you, so let\'s be that friend now.

But Paris\'s next words still made him stunned for a while, only to hear her say softly: "You\'re right, William, don\'t worry, I know that you are still young and your career is more important, I will always wait for you. of."

Uh... well, that\'s it, at least temporarily stabilizing her is a good result.

When William Chen and Paris arrived at the party, it really had already started. The party was held in a villa. According to Paris, the owner of this house was the granddaughter of a media tycoon, who was also the initiator of the party. people.

When the two were talking, a beautiful woman who was about the same age as Paris walked up to them: "Paris, you\'re late, it\'s not because of a date, right?"

Paris saw her and said to William Chen: "William, let me introduce you, she is the initiator of this party, Amanda." After she finished speaking, she hugged Amanda affectionately and introduced her: " This is my friend, William."

"William, of course, needs no introduction. He\'s a big star. I\'ve seen him on TV for a long time. Welcome, William," Amanda said decently.

After all, it was only a gathering of small circles, so there were not many people here. Paris then introduced a few people to William Chen, including Kim Kardashian and others. Originally, Paris had a good figure, but compared with Kadaishan, it was obvious that she was one size smaller in every way, because her size was indeed a bit exaggerated.

Previously, William Chen\'s predecessor spent most of his time in Hollywood in Los Angeles. He only lived in New York when his parents were still there, so he was not particularly familiar with many people here, and he didn\'t want to come to this kind of party. , but I thought it was more important to watch Paris now, so I accompanied her here.

"Is that Ivanta over there? The person next to her is his husband?" William Chen also saw a familiar person at the party, the very well-known Ivanta in his previous life. She was sitting and talking with a few people. The tall man next to her was also very familiar, but he had only seen it in news reports in a previous life, wasn\'t it her husband Gared.

"Husband? How is that possible? Don\'t talk nonsense in front of her, William, or she will definitely be angry. Ivanta is still single now, and that man seems to be a real estate family in New Jersey. The person named Gared is now studying for a master\'s degree at New York University, and it seems that he is going to pursue Ivanta." Paris said, with a bit of gossip in her words.

Ivanta, are you still single? Chen William remembered that in her previous life, she seemed to get married this year, and her husband was Gared who was now beside her. According to media reports at the time, it seemed that Ivanta met Gared at a party. On the other side, actively pursue.

Because Gared is Jewish, in order to marry him, Ivanta also passed the Judaism exam in two years. But now it seems that the situation in this world is different. It seems that the two are not together at all, and is Gared still pursuing Ivanta? A smile appeared on William Chen\'s face, and things got interesting.

"Ivanta, what are you talking about?" Paris pulled William Chen to the side of Ivanta and asked with a smile.

"Paris, you are here. I couldn\'t find you when I looked for you just now." At this time, Ivanta and Paris had a good relationship, and they could be regarded as best friends, so she was very enthusiastic when she saw each other: " This is Gared, who is currently studying at New York University, but he is very good and has had several successful business operations in his spare time, and we are talking about real estate operations."

Ivanta\'s father, Trump, is a well-known real estate businessman in the United States, but compared to his business achievements, Trump is more famous for his self-hype and his big mouth.

Ivanta became famous very early. She started to model when she was fifteen or sixteen years old, and later served as a host. Recently, she began to be responsible for part of the work in her father\'s Troup Group, so she is also more concerned about real estate. interest.