America's Road To Fame

Chapter 6: Is there an economic crisis?

"William, are you still at home?"

Paris called. At this time, William Chen just got into the car: "I\'m here in Building 666, and I\'ve just done my own business."

"That\'s great, I\'m going to Fifth Avenue too, can you wait for me, I\'ll go right over." Paris said happily after hearing William Chen\'s answer.

"I\'m about to go home, Paris, what\'s the matter?"

"It\'s like this. I have a party to attend tonight. I want to buy some clothes. Can you accompany me?"

Paris\'s words gave Chen William a headache, because he knew that once the two of them appeared in the shop on Fifth Avenue, the scandal about the two would soon appear in the tabloids and spread a lot. Not what William Chen wanted to see.

Thinking of this, William Chen immediately said to Paris, "I\'m sorry, Paris, you know that I\'m not in a good state recently. I want to go home and have a rest first."

"William, are you alright? Is it because of us yesterday..." Paris really paid attention to William Chen\'s body, but this guess made him speechless.

"No, Paris, it should be something I quit drinking recently. I may not have said it. Before I reflected, I thought that I should stay away from alcohol, so I was ready to go to AA to get my sober badge."

Many people can see scenes in American TV shows where someone takes out their alcohol-free badge. All of these people joined AA (Anonymous), also known as Alcoholics Anonymous, because of their addiction to alcohol.

The members who join will participate in the party to share their experiences and feelings about alcohol abstinence, and then the association will issue them a badge of honor for alcohol abstinence. This badge represents the achievement of a member\'s abstinence from drinking. Whether it is a 24-hour abstinence, a month, a year or even a decade, there is a corresponding abstinence badge.

Chen William currently hopes to improve the bad impression he left on others before, so quitting drinking is also a good first step. After all, he had no alcohol addiction in his previous life, and he seldom drank, so if he quit drinking, It didn\'t have much impact on him, and it still gave a positive impression of being reformed and reinvigorated.

"Really? William, it\'s amazing that you can do this, it\'s even better if you can stay away from all the other women who don\'t even care about your money, look at now, those **** women Have all the women in your life disappeared, I have persuaded you to discipline yourself a long time ago."

Sure enough, hearing William Chen\'s words, Paris swept away the disappointment when he heard that William Chen couldn\'t accompany her shopping, and said happily.

"Uh, Paris, I\'ll try my best to stay away from this. I\'m so sorry today, can I accompany you another day? By the way, who will be at the party tonight?"

"They\'re all acquaintances from New York. I don\'t know who they are, but Kim and Ivanta should also go there." Paris thought for a while and said.

Kim should be another very well-known American socialite, Kim Kardashian. She has a good relationship with Paris. Although many people in the United States are fascinated by her exaggerated figure, William Chen is definitely not among them. He always thinks it is too weird and doesn\'t like her very much.

But Ivanta, thinking of the woman with the face of an angel and the figure of a devil in his mind, William Chen felt a little moved.

And now is an extraordinary period, I have to pay close attention to the woman Paris, and don\'t accidentally ruin my own affairs. He didn\'t regard her as a girlfriend in the first place, the two of them were nothing more than friends, so if she had anything to do with others, Chen William would just cut her off if it was a big deal.

But the key now is that her future bank is bound to Paris, no matter what happens to her in the future, now that I have borrowed and invested from the future bank for half a month, I can\'t let her do anything wrong, or the consequences will be very serious. serious.

So after thinking about this, William Chen said to Paris: "It\'s a pity that I can\'t accompany you to go shopping, I\'m really guilty, Paris, why don\'t you do this, I\'ll go back to rest first, and I\'ll wait for the evening. I\'ll accompany you to the party."

Chen William\'s thoughtful words immediately moved Paris, and she said softly, "William, if you feel uncomfortable, don\'t be too reluctant, there is still a chance next time, now your health is important, I really Sorry, I shouldn\'t be able to control myself yesterday, with you..."

Uh, eldest sister, can you not always keep in touch with this matter, it makes me feel like *incompetent.

Chen William was speechless for a while and said, "I\'m not as delicate as you think, but I\'m still getting used to the process of staying away from alcohol, mainly psychological adjustment. Well, that\'s it, Paris, I Go home first, then you can go directly to me."

When he got home, William Chen opened the future bank panel again. The actual available limit on the [Account] panel was still 0. He had already borrowed the $50 million limit. If he wanted to increase the limit, he would have to wait until the current loan was returned. .

When William Chen opened the [Event] page, he found that a new event appeared in it—[Newcomer Investment Reward]

Congratulations to the new users who have made the first loan, please start your investment, we will give corresponding rewards according to the user\'s investment results. Please participate in the event in time.

There is a [Participate] selection box below this paragraph. William Chen immediately chose to participate, and then a notification box popped up: You have participated in the event, please pay attention to the status of the event.

Now it seems that the activities of the bank in the future will all appear randomly, and William Chen doesn\'t know what the rules will be. However, since an event had already appeared, he naturally hurried to participate. Thinking of the previous newcomer gift package, he had some expectations for the reward of this task.

Opening his eyes, he thought about his future plans. Now that he has started investing, he will wait for the harvest in half a month.

However, although he has always convinced himself of the correctness of the Eye of the Future, after he really took action, in the face of the unknown, William Chen could not help but feel a little apprehensive.

What if, just if, the report displayed by the Eye of the Future didn\'t come true? Chen William thought of this question, and now he has discovered that the world he is in is still very different from the world of his previous life, such as Paris\' age, and the pictures taken in his predecessor\'s memory. Movies that seem to have never been heard in previous lives.

As for the former girlfriends, only one or two have heard their names in the previous life, and the others have no impression. Either they have always been unknown and finally disappeared in the entertainment circle, or they are two worlds again. difference.

By the way, BTC! Chen William\'s eyes lit up, thinking of the two years before his rebirth in his previous life, the hottest topic was BTC. At that time, its price had historically exceeded 60,000 US dollars a piece, and even Musk, the richest man in the world at the time Bought a lot. It is now 2009, BTC should have just been born, and it has not yet entered the public\'s field of vision. It is only circulated among a small number of programmers in Silicon Valley as a game in a small circle.

And now all those people use computers to mine in their spare time, because the number of participants is very small, and the production of BTC has not experienced the three subsequent halvings, so the difficulty of mining is still very low, if you find it yourself now That mining program, using a computer to dig some and save it, even if only 100,000 coins are kept, it will be worth billions of dollars after more than ten years!

William Chen became excited. He turned on the computer and searched for information about BTC online, but found nothing. Is this thing really so unpopular now that there is no discussion on the Internet?

It seems that when I am waiting to go to Silicon Valley, I will ask someone to ask. Chen William remembered that in his previous life, he was still interested in this, and he specially researched the white paper of BTC for a while, and knew that it was launched in January 2009 and started Genesis mining. It\'s been half a year now, and I shouldn\'t be able to find any news online.

"There is a legend that Nakamoto C, the creator of BTC, used to be a banker. Because of the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis, the Federal Reserve issued a huge amount of money to save the market and plundered the wealth of the people, so I hope to create a decentralized currency that will never be issued... "

Chen William was thinking about this question, UU reading muttered to himself, but heard a voice coming from beside him:

"What subprime mortgage crisis?"

He turned his head to look, it turned out that Uncle Tom didn\'t know when he came in, and looked at him strangely.

"Oh, Uncle Tom, I\'m talking about the economic crisis in the past two years. I\'m considering whether the impact has passed." William Chen didn\'t want Uncle Tom to hear about BTC, a new thing that he couldn\'t understand, and thus cause any trouble. Come, so he said casually.

"Economic crisis? Has there been an economic crisis in the past two years? How come I don\'t know. William, are you okay, are you here..." Tom pointed to his head and said, "I got hurt because of alcohol? You must go to the hospital with me tomorrow. Check it out, promise me, William, be careful."

Seeing Tom\'s concerned look, William Chen was stunned. No economic crisis? How could Uncle Tom not know about such a big thing?

He immediately opened the web page and searched for "subprime mortgage crisis", but he didn\'t get any useful results. He continued to search for the economic crisis, but the results he got were all from the last century. F**K! Chen William couldn\'t help but scolded, in this world, there really was no subprime mortgage crisis.

He slowly recalled, it seemed that in the vague memory of his predecessor, there was no memory of the subprime mortgage crisis at all. However, because the memory of his predecessor was too vague, and he thought it was because he didn\'t care much about the economy, he didn\'t think about it.

Moreover, the high vacancy rate of his own Building 666, and the recent increase in real estate valuations, he has always subconsciously believed that it was the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis and the recovery of real estate after the crisis. Now he finally understands that this world So far, there has been no subprime mortgage crisis in the United States.