America's Road To Fame

Chapter 63: reception

"Boss, I just contacted Tesla and communicated with them that you are going to Tesla tomorrow. Mr. Musk said he would welcome you there."

At the end of the call, Nielsen reminded William Chen of tomorrow\'s schedule.

Thinking of attending a cocktail party in the evening, Chen William simply ate something after reading the information, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

When he came out, he saw that there was a missed call five minutes ago, which was called by Ivanta.

William Chen quickly picked up the phone and called back, and the call was quickly connected.

"Sorry, Ivanta, I went to take a bath just now."

William Chen was talking when he heard Ivanta ask directly, "Which hotel are you in now?"

After hearing the name of William Chen\'s hotel, Ivanta said, "I\'ll be there in 10 minutes. I\'ll call you then."

"What? Are you in Los Gatos now? Ivanta."

"If you\'ve found a female partner, I\'ll go back right away." Ivanta said coldly.

"It\'s definitely not, it\'s just..."

But what was waiting for him was Ivanta who hung up the phone again.

This made Chen William feel quite speechless. When the woman got angry, she really changed her face if she changed her face.

Looking at the time, it was only two hours away from calling her before. It seemed that Ivanta came directly by flight.

Sure enough, it didn\'t take long for Ivanta to arrive at the hotel. When William Chen opened the door, he saw Ivanta standing outside the door.

Wearing a white satin floral dress and a pair of sunglasses, she looked at him expressionlessly.

"My dear, you are still so beautiful and charming."

Chen William opened his hands, wanting to give her a warm hug, but Ivanta didn\'t cooperate with him, avoiding him and walking past William Chen. This scene made him quite embarrassed.

"You must be tired, take a rest first." William Chen closed the door, turned around and followed Ivanta, and said attentively.

Ivanta didn\'t speak, but went straight to the refrigerator, opened the door, took a look, took out a bottle of Veen mineral water, opened it, took a sip, looked around the living room, and asked:

"What time does the reception start?"


At seven o\'clock in the evening, William Chen and Ivanta came to Reed Hastings\' home in Silicon Valley.

When they got out of the car and saw the Hastings couple who came to greet them, Ivanta turned away from the cold expression before, with a charming smile on her face, and took William Chen\'s arm.

Her act of great contrast made William Chen sigh that women are indeed fickle. But before he had time to think about this, William Chen had already met Reed Hastings\' outstretched hand and heard him say to himself:

"Welcome here as a guest, William, some old friends will be here soon, everyone can get to know each other."

At the same time, Reed Hastings introduced his wife Patti Quilling to the two of them, while Paddy Quillin took Ivanta\'s hand and started chatting with her:

"Miss Ivanta, I\'ve seen you on TV for a long time. I didn\'t expect you to come here with Mr. William today. You two are really a good match."

After the reception started, William Chen discovered that Hastings\'s way was really wild, and today there are many big people in Silicon Valley.

After the introduction of Hastings, William Chen met Facebook CFO Sandberg and her sister, Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his wife Nicole Shanahan and others.

Coincidentally, Nicole Shanahan, like him, is half of Chinese descent, the difference is that her mother is an immigrant from China, so Nicole Shanahan can also speak fluent Mandarin. The two also chatted with each other in Chinese for a while, and both felt very cordial.

This year, Netflix publicly released a PPT document introducing its corporate culture, which has been downloaded more than 15 million times online, and has been praised by many industry leaders.

At this time, in addition to serving as the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings is also a director of Microsoft, so his influence in Silicon Valley is not weak and his connections are very wide.

But among these people, what William Chen wanted to know most was the middle-aged Chinese man who was chatting with others.

This middle-aged man, who looks quite refined with glasses, is Jerry Yang, the founder of Yahoo.

After waiting until Yang Zhiyuan was alone with others for a while, Chen William seized the opportunity and walked over and said to him:

"Hello, Mr. Yang Zhiyuan, can you have time to chat for a while?"

Hearing someone speaking to him in Chinese, Yang Zhiyuan looked over in surprise and saw a handsome young man standing beside him with a smile on his face.

Yang Zhiyuan naturally recognized Chen William. After all, his reputation as "the most famous prodigal in this century" was not built. And the other party also knew that the purpose of today\'s reception was to celebrate Mai Netflix\'s $200 million investment from William Chen, so he responded very politely.

"I am very optimistic about the Internet industry, and you are highly respected in this industry and have always been my idol, so I hope I can listen to your teachings." William Chen complimented the other party politely.

"Haha, you\'ve won the prize. Now the Internet is the world of your young people. We are all old." Yang Zhiyuan has a good personality and chatted with Chen William patiently.

Now Yahoo\'s situation is not good. William Chen has collected information about Yahoo before and knows some things.

Previously, because their advertising revenue was pulled further and further away by Google, the board of directors recruited Yang Jieyuan to serve as the CEO of Yahoo again, hoping that Yahoo could shorten the distance with Google under his leadership.

But last year, Jerry Yang insisted on rejecting Microsoft\'s proposal to acquire Yahoo for $45 billion, and instead reached an exclusive agreement with Google in the field of search advertising. It didn\'t take long for the Yahoo-Google partnership to abort.

At this time, Yahoo, which was originally cooperating with Microsoft to deal with Google\'s strong expansion, was in a dangerous situation. Because they lost Microsoft as an ally, they need to face the situation of both grabbing their advertising share at the same time.

At this time, Yahoo once again threw an olive branch, hoping to negotiate the sale price with Microsoft, but the other party refused them without hesitation.

Therefore, Yang Zhiyuan was strongly criticized by Yahoo shareholders, and finally resigned as Yahoo CEO at the beginning of this year and continued to serve as the "Yahoo Chief". The current Yahoo CEO is Carol Bartz, who has the title of "Queen of Silicon Valley".

Although he resigned as CEO of Yahoo, Jerry Yang still has a profound influence in Yahoo, just like the current CEO of Yahoo, who was recommended by Jerry Yang.

In its development over the years, Yahoo has made many wrong decisions. For example, it gave up the acquisition of Google at the beginning; because of hesitation and missed the acquisition of Facebook; and also rejected the acquisition of Microsoft.

But they have also made extremely correct choices, such as exchanging $1 billion for a 40% stake in Ali.

And the reason why William Chen hopes to take this opportunity to get to know Yang Zhiyuan is precisely because he has taken a fancy to the Alibaba shares in the hands of William Chen knows that if he proposes to acquire these 40 shares in the hands of Yahoo! % of Ali shares. There is a high probability that he will be rejected by Yang Jieyuan, because he is still optimistic about Ali\'s future development.

And at present, William Chen does not have so much money to buy all 40% of Ali shares.

At present, Alibaba has split its B2B business and listed it on the Hong Kong stock market. The market value of this part of the business is about 10 billion US dollars. In addition to the remaining Taobao, Alipay and Yahoo China, William Chen estimates that the 40% stake in Ali will cost at least US$6 billion for Yahoo to let go.

Because at that time, the reason why Ali wanted to split the B2B business and listed it was because only this part of the business was profitable and could have a relatively satisfactory valuation. The two businesses of Taobao and Alipay are in a state of early losses and will not get a good valuation.

As for Yahoo China, not to mention, Lao Ma has never paid attention to this part of the business, it is almost equivalent to letting it go.

Therefore, in terms of valuation, the listed B2B business will definitely occupy the bulk, and Taobao and Alipay can be said to be in a depression of value.

But if you wait until half a year or a year later, the subprime mortgage crisis intensifies and affects the world. The valuation of these shares of Ali is likely to be halved.

And in the current situation of Yahoo, it will definitely be deeply affected by the crisis, and it will fall into great difficulties.

At that time, if William Chen proposes to acquire this part of Ali\'s equity in their hands, it will be more easily accepted, and he can get a better price.

Therefore, the main purpose of Chen William now is to have a good relationship with Yang Zhiyuan as the same Chinese identity, so as to prepare for the purchase of Ali\'s shares from Yahoo.