America's Road To Fame

Chapter 62: The vinegar bottle is overturned

"William, you can trust my professionalism. Even if you no longer give me your business, I will not reveal any secrets of my clients."

Hearing William Chen mention this, Alicia said firmly with a positive expression on her face.

"Really? Then I ask you, Ms. Alicia, when did you find out about your husband?"


"Isn\'t it convenient to say it? Ms. Alicia. Did you already know about it before the media broke it out before I left New York?"

There was already a hint of anger in William Chen\'s tone.

"How do you know?" Alicia asked subconsciously.

"Don\'t you remember? After I signed the contract with the Kushnar Group that day, I asked you when I took you downstairs, and you didn\'t seem to be looking very well. What did you say at that time?" William Chen stood up , walked to the desk, leaned there, looked at the slightly panicked expression on Alicia\'s face, and continued:

"I have to admit that you were very professional before, but at that time, don\'t you want to say that it wasn\'t because you already knew about Peter?"

"Yes, I admit, I knew it at the time. The day before, I received an envelope with those pictures of him in it. After I saw it, I was completely lost and went home and had a big fight with him. But I didn\'t mean to hide it from you, I just thought it was my personal business and shouldn\'t affect my work, and... and I didn\'t expect this matter to be exposed so quickly."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Alicia was also a little excited. She put her hands on the hem of the skirt, clasped them tightly, and explained to William Chen.

"That\'s your personal business, but you know, will this matter affect my company now? If I continue to cooperate with you, then it is very likely that I will be caught and even linked to Pete\'s case. Yes. Yes, I\'m not afraid of investigation, because my company has no problems at all, but can the impact of this be said to be non-existent?"

"I\'m sorry, William, I..."

"Alicia, what are you going to do after this incident? I hope to know what you think."

"I\'m still thinking about it, William, you know, this happened so suddenly, and now he\'s still in custody, when I think of those photos of him, I feel sick..." Alicia hugged her head and said painfully.

William Chen didn\'t want to be involved in this kind of thing. The reason why he chose Alicia at the beginning was mainly because of her husband Pete, the identity and faction of the other party, and it was worthy of his goodwill.

And it is true that Alicia\'s ability is still good, but as he said, as a position that can understand a lot of his financial status, he needs enough trust.

Although Alicia is also very elegant and charming, at this time, William Chen couldn\'t be emotional, so he walked to the other side, patted her on the shoulder, and said:

"Alicia, you are a smart person and should be able to make wise choices. I hope you have a good rest now and give me an answer after you have thought about it. I still say that, I don\'t want your affairs to affect me. I need people I trust enough to help me with those things.”

Erica didn\'t come with her this time because she wanted to help William Chen with the admissions to New York University.

Since it was a cocktail party, it was natural to bring a female companion there. Now, on Chen William\'s side, there is only one woman like Alicia, but at this time, it is definitely impossible for Chen William to take her to the reception as a female companion.

And she\'s not in a good mood right now, she won\'t go to participate in the evening, she will rest in the hotel.

After Alicia left, William Chen walked into the living room and sat quietly on the sofa, thinking about whether he needed to bring a female companion there. Of course, it was okay not to.

However, in this kind of communication, having a female companion has obvious advantages. Through communication with your wife, you can also have a better personal relationship with the other party.

"Ivanta, are you in New York?"

In the end, William Chen still called Ivanta.

"No, I\'m in Los Angeles. There\'s a resort here. I\'ll check it out. I just finished my work."

Ivanta\'s sweet voice came from the phone. She said, "By the way, are you starting school now? William, I haven\'t congratulated you yet."

"It\'s nothing, you know, I didn\'t really get in. By the way, are you in Los Angeles? There\'s nothing to do now?"

Hearing Chen William\'s question, Ivanta said strangely: "Yes, I originally planned to go back to New York later, maybe we can have dinner together at night."

"Then there\'s no need to wait for the evening, I\'m in California now." William Chen said happily.

"You\'re in California? What\'s going on?"

"I\'m in a small town on the edge of Silicon Valley, Los Gatos, and just negotiated a partnership. There was a cocktail party in the evening, which was hosted by Mr. Hastings from Netflix. I\'m worried about my girlfriend. I don\'t know if Ms. Ivanta can show her face and accompany me to participate?"

"Oh? Where\'s your beautiful female assistant? And Paris, or, and someone else."

Unexpectedly, Ivanta said such a sentence next, it smelled of vinegar.

"Ivanta, you misunderstood..."

William Chen still wanted to explain to Ivanta, but in a word from her, William Chen didn\'t know what to say.

"Then tell me, have you ever slept with Paris?"

Seeing that William Chen was speechless for a while, Ivanta said angrily, "Why are you speechless now? William."

"Well, I need to explain this, Ivanta. I knew Paris years ago, and we know, I was too young to be so careful about relationships, and experienced So many things, Paris has been a very good friend of mine, and I cherish my relationship with her very much."

"A friend who can go to bed? Right? Don\'t say that you haven\'t done this for a while."

"Ivanta, that\'s just..."

"William, I\'ve heard enough of these words. I admit that I have a crush on you, but you have to understand how I feel, Paris, she always taunts me because she slept with you? It seems that we both You need to think about the relationship between the two.”

After finishing all this, Ivanta hung up the phone, which made William Chen feel a headache for a while. Neither Paris nor Ivanta will be fuel efficient lamps.

This is also normal. Originally, they were all born into wealthy families. They were the proud daughters of heaven since they were children. How could it be so easy to accept being ambiguous with a man at the same time.

It seemed that tonight he was going to attend the reception by himself after all. William Chen sighed. He doesn\'t want to think too much about these emotional things now. After seeing a document on the table, he remembered that it was handed to him by Nielsen today, about the company that he said that day and had researched in intelligent voice. material.

Let’s still work, at least in work, hard work is still useful.

Interesting, UU reading www.uukanshu. com On the information in William Chen\'s hands, he saw a familiar name - Siri.

As we all know, Siri is an intelligent voice program built into Apple\'s iphone. And William Chen also discovered that the iPhone 3GS in his hands did not have Siri.

According to the data, Siri is an APP developed by a personal startup company and is currently listed on Apple\'s AppStore.

It seems that the software Siri should be integrated into their iOS system after being acquired by Apple.

Chen William is naturally very familiar with Siri. He has used it many times in his previous life, and it is very convenient. So now after seeing this situation, he immediately made a decision.

William Chen picked up the phone and called Nielsen, asking him to investigate in detail the current situation of Siri, and he hoped to acquire the company as soon as possible.

Intelligent voice can be applied in many fields. Twitter company, the "Observer" APP, and even Tesla, which he is about to invest in, can also embed intelligent voice into the intelligent driving system. And in the future, he can master the important entrance to the home Internet through smart speakers.

Therefore, the significance of Siri to William Chen is still very important. If he can acquire this company before Apple, he can complete many layouts through Siri.

However, William Chen didn\'t know when Apple completed the acquisition of this company, and in this world, he didn\'t know if this would change, so he decided to start as soon as possible.