America's Road To Fame

Chapter 55: Sasaki Nozomi

After William Chen said these words, Paris was silent, she took out her mobile phone, opened the RB Yahoo website, typed in the name of Nozomi Sasaki, then found the webpage with the photo of the girl in the living room, and put the screen of her mobile phone in front of William Chen , said:

"Hehe, this Brown really made a lot of money."

William Chen saw Nozomi Sasaki\'s information on the screen:

Nozomi Sasaki was born in 1988.

In 2005, when she was only 17 years old, when she was working as a clerk in a grocery store in RB Akita City, she was accidentally discovered by the staff of the all-RB newcomer beautiful girl discovery column "JAPAN" held by a magazine under Shueisha, and took a photo. won the championship.

Later, she joined the economic company and came to Tokyo for development. In 2007, she mainly focused on the exclusive model work of "PINKY" magazine.

In September 2008, the first photo album "Nozomi" was released; in November of the same year, he appeared in the comedy film "Transformation into a Suit" and officially debuted as an actor.

On January 13, 2009, he starred in the TV series "Water Drops of God" for the first time; on November 7, he starred in the love movie "Angel\'s Love" for the first time.

Unexpectedly, Miss Nozomi Sasaki is also a model and an actress, and she should be regarded as a relatively well-known rookie star. No wonder Yumi Kudo had a surprised look on her face when she saw her come in just now.

"I really didn\'t know it would be like this, my dear. I just wanted to find a Japanese teacher. Otherwise, let\'s push this matter away, and let\'s just give up our bet."

One is his own woman, and the other is just a RB star. Which is more important, William Chen can still pick it up, even though Nozomi Sasaki is indeed a rare beauty.

So after saying these words, William Chen prepared to go back to the living room with Paris, apologized to Nozomi Sasaki, and pushed the matter away.

"Wait a minute." Who knew that at this time, Paris suddenly grabbed Chen William, with a bit of struggle and hesitation in her expression, and finally said to Chen William with gritted teeth:

"Leave her for now, you can learn Japanese with her, so you have no reason to go back and revoke the bet. If you lose, you have to keep your word and don\'t go to Ivanta, you know. , William, otherwise I won\'t forgive you."


What is this situation? Sometimes William Chen really can\'t understand, what kind of circuit is in Paris\'s little brain?

Hearing what Paris said, not only was Chen William not happy because he left Nozomi Sasaki, a stunning beauty, but he was full of vigilance. From Paris\'s words, I can understand what she means - I still hope to win this bet, so that William Chen will not go to Ivanta in the future.

This shows that in Paris\'s heart, Ivanta is the person she is most vigilant about. In order to keep William Chen away from Ivanta, she can even tolerate William Chen studying Japanese with Nozomi Sasaki, the RB female star.

This made William Chen understand how difficult it was for Paris and Ivanta to coexist harmoniously by his side.

But that\'s fine, isn\'t it a challenge without difficulty? If it is too easy to achieve, I am afraid it will not be so fulfilling.

At this time, Nozomi Sasaki was sitting on the sofa in the living room, maintaining an elegant and well-mannered posture, feeling like a year. As William Chen and Paris left here, it took longer and longer after entering the bedroom, and the thoughts in her heart became more and more chaotic.

As a new actress who made her debut as a model and recently emerged in film and television dramas, Nozomi Sasaki is still highly regarded in her club.

Today, when the president found her and said that she hoped she could go to a big man and be a Japanese teacher for a few days, she refused the request without hesitation.

Even if she knew that she had expressed such an attitude, she would most likely face the dissatisfaction of the president in the future, as well as punishment or even ban from the club, she did not hesitate at all.

Because she has been in the entertainment industry for several years, she understands what it means for those actresses to go to big people in various names, so she will never compromise.

At first, she was determined to prefer jade broken, but when the president dumped Chen William\'s information to her, Sasaki Nozomi saw the photo and understood Chen William\'s identity, her instant thought was:

If it is this Prince William, I can actually give it a try.

At that time, the president also revealed to her painstakingly that his opportunity was not easy to come by, and it was also because the president had a good relationship with the manager of the Hilton Hotel in Tokyo, so he was able to intercept this errand.

And it can fall on Nozomi Sasaki because the club values ​​her. If you can maintain a good relationship with that Mr. William Chen, Nozomi Sasaki\'s star journey will definitely be very smooth.

No matter how true what the president said, Nozomi Sasaki saw the handsomeness of William Chen\'s photos, and at a glance he could tell that he was definitely the kind of person who was very serious and hardworking, very curious, and needed his own help. youth.

Therefore, Nozomi Sasaki agreed to the task very happily. She would not say that from that moment on, she had already had such a longing for this accompanying study. And at the moment sitting here waiting for Nozomi Sasaki\'s mood, it will definitely not be so calm.

In her eyes, Paris should be the mean and vicious rich lady in the TV series, and the biggest obstacle between her and William.

Fortunately, the final result was good. When William Chen and Paris returned to the living room, they stood in front of her and said to her, "Miss Nozomi Sasaki, thank you very much for coming, and hope to take care of you in the future."

Nozomi Sasaki also smiled. After bowing politely, he said to William Chen gently, "This is my honor, Mr. William, and I hope you can take care of me."

Just like that, William Chen started to learn Japanese. Of course, he wouldn\'t just stay in the room all the time. After today, they will go to Akihabara together to experience RB\'s otaku culture.

I saw the performance, and there was an event held there. Paris still felt very novel, took a lot of photos, and of course she would tweet.

At this time, Yumi Kudo can take care of everyone and introduce the unique culture of RB to everyone as a tour guide. And after Chen William finished learning the basics of Japanese, Nozomi Sasaki will also let him learn Japanese better by introducing him along the way.

During this half-day contact, Nozomi Sasaki exclaimed many times, marveling at William Chen\'s talent in language. Because in her opinion, the speed of the other party\'s learning is too fast.

She had also been in contact with some foreigners because of her modeling and acting work. So far, William Chen was the fastest person she had ever met to learn Japanese, which made her doubt that he had studied before, or that he had It will be normal Japanese.

When they were talking before, Paris would walk near the two from time to time, listen to what the two were talking about, and found that they were indeed learning Japanese normally, so she felt a lot more relieved. It\'s just that every time Paris hears Nozomi Sasaki\'s exclamation, her expression is not so good. As for the reason, only William Chen knows.

By accident, after Sasaki Nozomi noticed Paris\'s expressions, he made up his mind even more. He had already regarded her as a vicious rich lady who was jealous when she saw Cinderella and the prince together...

In the evening, Nikki came back and joined them. From her expression, it seemed that the cooperation with Samantha Thavasa should be good.

It was only when Nikki saw Nozomi Sasaki, and William Chen had been discussing Japanese with Nozomi Sasaki, her expression became a bit subtle.

When everyone went to dinner together, Nikki seized the opportunity and secretly said to Chen William: "William, you are a little dishonest, why did you find another RB beauty, if you do something wrong to my sister, I will I won\'t forgive you."

Haha, William Chen gave Nikki a look and let her experience it for herself. How did you have the position to say this, who was it yesterday... hum, I haven\'t settled with you on that matter. It seems that there is a chance to take care of this girl, just like the night before I came to RB, Let her cry and beg for mercy.

Because Nikki likes to eat sushi the most, their dinner was specially reserved at the Mizutani Sushi location in Ginza through the relationship of the Hilton Hotel.

Speaking of sushi, perhaps the most famous of RB is the "God of Sushi". This title comes from a documentary called "The God of Sushi". The protagonist Jiro Ono was filmed, and was later called the God of Sushi. UU reading

And Mizutani Hachiro, the manager of Mizutani Sushi, is the direct disciple of the **** of sushi. In 2004, Mizutani Hachiro, who already had a master level in making sushi, set up his own business in Ginza, Tokyo, so Mizutani sushi became one of the representatives of Tokyo\'s high-end sushi, and even many food critics would think that Mizutani\'s state has surpassed His master, the **** of sushi, Jiro Ono.

Mizutani Sushi is not big, there are only eight seats in front of the sushi bar in the restaurant. When they walked in here, Chen William and the Hilton sisters didn\'t feel anything, but from the faces of Yumi Kudo and Nozomi Sasaki, they could see solemnity and reverence, as if they were doing some kind of pilgrimage.

Seeing this scene in William Chen\'s eyes, he actually disapproved. I feel that the so-called "craftsman spirit" here in RB is like to deify some things. Yes, any skill to the extreme is worthy of everyone\'s respect, but if it is too outrageous, it will feel too formal.

However, I have to say that Mizutani Hachiro\'s skills are indeed superb. When eating, the few of them sat in the seats in front of the bar, and Mizutani Hachiro personally made sushi for them. In the process, Mizutani Hachiro holds a piece of sushi, and then immediately hands it to them to taste. The whole process is very rigorous and the atmosphere is very quiet. When he is holding the sushi, his dexterous and rhythmic craftsmanship makes people feel like an art performance.

After tasting it, William Chen also felt that the taste of this sushi was the best sushi he had ever eaten. Mizutani Sushi advocates the beauty of nature, without too many fancy designs, and pays attention to the selection of ingredients, so that customers can taste the original taste of the ingredients as much as possible.

This point is in line with the concept of some Western food, and it is no wonder that Japanese food has more advantages than Chinese food in the Michelin rating.