America's Road To Fame

Chapter 54: Japanese teacher?

After the two reached an agreement on this, they went out together. Under the recommendation of Yumi Kudo, they went to the Japanese restaurant of the Hilton Hotel to taste authentic local food.

It is worth mentioning that Nikki’s favorite food is actually sushi. She said that she has liked sushi since she first came to RB to work with Samantha Thavasa.

Well, objectively speaking, Japanese cuisine does have its own unique features, but Chen William\'s favorite is all kinds of Chinese cuisine. Now that Paris is living with Chen William, her acceptance of Chinese cuisine is getting higher and higher.

After eating, Yumi Kudo took Paris and the others to Ginza for shopping. When they came to RB this time, William Chen and the others didn\'t bring any luggage, and they just bought everything they needed on the spot.

But even so, William still underestimated women\'s enthusiasm for shopping. Now there are more than 40 million US dollars in his personal account, so before coming here, William Chen had already told Paris that he would pay for all the shopping.

Paris also knew a little about William Chen\'s current financial situation and knew that he was very rich, so she did not treat him politely.

Besides, Paris, she was used to spending extravagantly. Born in the Hilton family, Paris and her sister never lacked pocket money since they were children.

And she can make money herself, and spending money is also very powerful. I remember Paris once told William Chen that when she was very young, her parents would give her $100 in pocket money every week, while their classmates had only $50 a week in pocket money.

Even so, Paris can spend all of this pocket money within a few hours.

It\'s like Paris spent three hours shopping with her sister this time, including clothes, bags, shoes, and more than ten sets of clothes for William Chen...

"William, you always wear a suit. We are traveling now, so we need to dress casually."

Paris said so, and chose a t-shirt, jeans, casual pants and sneakers for William Chen.

At this time, what can William Chen do? Just let her toss and toss, and be a clothes hanger.

But I have to say that the service of the clerk here at RB is in place. He was by his side the whole time, and his attitude was very respectful. When buying shoes, he would even untie the shoelaces for you, take off the shoes, and then help you put on the shoes and try them on. It was like a royal treatment.

It\'s this kind of service. After you try it, do you have the heart not to buy it?

In the end, William Chen couldn\'t even remember how many things the group of them bought. Anyway, they didn\'t take them by themselves. Just let the store deliver them to the hotel room.

However, Paris did not buy many luxury brands here, mainly to choose some clothes with local popular elements that have not been seen in New York.

In the end, William Chen was not impressed either. The amount of money spent should not exceed $200,000, and it was not as expensive as the Hermes bag he gave Paris.

After returning to the hotel room, Yumi Kudo said goodbye and left after learning that they would not go out at night. At this time, all the things they bought had been delivered one after another. After Paris divided these things, she tried on the clothes in the cloakroom of the bedroom.

"William, do you think I look good in this dress?" Paris changed her clothes, looked in the mirror, looked left and right, and said to William Chen behind her.

"You\'re beautiful, you\'re so beautiful, Paris."

"As for this one, you can take a look when I go in and change my clothes."

"Uh, Paris, why don\'t you try it first. I\'ll go to the study to read some books."

Seeing that Paris wouldn\'t stop for a while, William Chen hurried away.

"William, you bastard!" Paris shouted angrily when William Chen took the opportunity to slip away.

After Chen William entered the study, he contacted New York first, and after asking about the progress in various aspects, he took out his Kindle and continued to read the book.

"Have you finished trying on the clothes? Paris."

Hearing the study door open, William Chen asked.

The strange thing is that he didn\'t hear Paris\' reply, the other party closed the door again and walked to his side.

Only then did William Chen look away from the reader, and looked up to see that the person walking beside him was not Paris.

"Niki, why are you?"

"Can\'t it be me? William." Nikki had already walked to Chen William\'s side. She looked at the reader on Chen William\'s desk and said, "William, are you working so hard? You are still reading."

"Yes, Nikki, what if you come here now, what if your sister sees it later?"

"Don\'t worry, William, she\'s trying on clothes. From what I know about her, it won\'t be finished in a while."

Nikki put her hand on William Chen\'s shoulder, approached his ear, and said softly. At this time, her tone was a little low, with a sense of charm.

"Uh, Niki, it\'s not very good for us to be like this now. If your sister sees it, it will be difficult to explain." This kind of situation is exciting, but Chen William is still rational, knowing that it is too dangerous, and it is easy to be caught Paris crashed.

At this time, Nikki\'s hand was already down on Chen William\'s shoulder. She chuckled and said, "It doesn\'t seem to be as honest as you say, William."

"Niki, you..."

"Shh!" Nikki put her finger in front of her mouth and made a silent gesture to William Chen...

"William, have you seen Nikki? I have a dress that I think is more suitable for her, but I can\'t find her."

Paris suddenly opened the door of the study and came in, stuck her head in and said to William Chen.

"Uh, no, didn\'t see it. Isn\'t she in the room?"

"No, this girl doesn\'t know where she went, and no one answered her phone call. As a result, I saw her cell phone and put it on the bed in the guest room." Paris looked at William Chen strangely and asked : "William, why do I feel that your face is a little red, are you not feeling well?"

"No, I mean I\'m fine, maybe it\'s because it\'s too hot in the room." William Chen touched his cheek, and then said to Paris, "Is there something wrong with Nikki, and I need my help? Did you find her?"

"It\'s too strange to go out, why don\'t you bring your mobile phone? Did you forget to bring it? This kind of thing is normal for her. If you don\'t do this first, I\'ll talk about it later, if she doesn\'t come back later , maybe we need to call the police."

After saying this, Paris left the study and closed the door for William Chen by the way.

Seeing Paris leave, William Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He lowered his head and whispered with a slight anger: "Niki, look at your good deeds, you were almost caught by your sister just now."

And Nikki chuckled and said, "William, I don\'t think your reaction just now was like this..."

Looking at Nikki in front of him, Chen William felt a headache for a while, and said to her, "You better go to your sister\'s place quickly, or she might really call the police in a while."

"Hmph~" Nikki wanted to say something else, but she thought that with her sister\'s character, it\'s not impossible, so she didn\'t care about flirting with Chen William any more, and hurriedly left the study.

The next day, Nikki went alone. She went to the Samantha Thavasa company in Tokyo to discuss the in-depth cooperation between the two parties. For the sake of safety, William Chen asked a bodyguard to go with her.

And William Chen himself didn\'t forget the bet with Paris. After all, the lottery for the two of them is really not small this time.

If he really loses, according to Paris\'s wishes, he will stop contacting Ivanta. Chen William will naturally not let this happen, so although he has the help of language amplification wind chimes, he also needs to work harder.

Thinking that Yumi Kudo will also be a tour guide and translator for him and Paris, so there is not much time to learn Japanese with her, so William Chen specially found Hilton before leaving the hotel this morning. The manager of the hotel hopes that the other party can help him find a more professional Japanese teacher.

The other party naturally did his homework and knew the identity of William Chen. Not to mention his ambiguous relationship with the eldest princess of the Hilton family at this time, in addition to that, Chen William\'s mother\'s influence in the United States is also valued by the other party.

And William Chen himself is the boss of Twitter, so it can be said that he has deep pockets. Therefore, the other party immediately agreed, saying that it would definitely satisfy William Chen.

I don\'t know if he misunderstood William Chen\'s request. When William Chen saw the so-called Japanese teacher hired by the manager, he looked at Paris\' rather unkind eyes and felt that he was really It\'s so wrong.

"Hello, Mr. William, Mr. Brown asked me to help you learn Japanese. My name is Nozomi Sasaki. You can also call me by my Japanese name, Nozomi Sasaki."

The tall and beautiful girl in front of her said to William Chen politely. As for Mr. Brown, she was the manager of the Tokyo Hilton Hotel.

And after Nozomi Sasaki came in, when he was speaking, William Chen\'s surprised look flashed from Yumi Kudo\'s face beside them, and he seemed to understand something.

"Miss Nozomi Sasaki, please wait a moment, I\'ll tell William something."

After Paris finished saying these words, with Nozomi Sasaki\'s confused expression and a trace of panic, she pulled William Chen into the bedroom, leaving Yumi Kudo and Nozomi Sasaki looking at each other.

"William Chen." Paris gritted her teeth and said, "What did you say to that Brown in the morning?"

"What do you mean, Paris, I just told him to help me find a more professional Japanese teacher." William Chen was also at a loss at this time.

"Hehe, you think I\'m a fool, look at the little goblin outside, she looks like a teacher who specializes in teaching Japanese, I don\'t know what kind of teacher she is! Does teacher mean something else in Chinese? Why do I I heard that the women they call that kind of film are called teachers?"

Uh, you have a bit of a hit face, Paris, what does it have to do with me being called that way? Even if I called it in my previous life, what does it have to do with me now... He definitely couldn\'t say these words to Paris, and William Chen could only say to her:

"I really didn\'t say anything else to Brown\'s guy. If you don\'t believe it, you can ask him. Paris, if you don\'t like it, then we\'ll let this Miss Nozomi Sasaki go back. , the big deal, I will continue with Kudo Yumei."