America's Road To Fame

Chapter 549: 10 full 10 US

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At the same time, with the rise of Atlanta, there is not only a large-scale investment in Majus Island, but also continuous penetration into the domestic economy of Papua New Guinea.

Just like Abu\'s participation in the investment in Atlan Mining, after obtaining the mining rights of bauxite on Matus Island, he entered the country of PNG and participated in the bidding of several copper mines, and successfully won three bids. the mining right of the copper mine.

In addition, SP Telecom is also developing business in Papua New Guinea, and its number of users has exceeded that of Telstra, an Australian telecommunications company.

As for the trade between Atlanta and Papua New Guinea, it is growing rapidly and Papua New Guinea has become one of Atlanta\'s main exporters of raw materials and agricultural products.

It is precisely because of this that Atlanta is becoming more and more important in PNG\'s economic field, and accordingly, its influence on PNG\'s politics is also increasing.

It\'s like the candidate with the highest voice in this PNG election is from Atlanta, which is why the current president is so tough on Atlanta during this Majus crisis. .

However, at this time, the PNG government is not monolithic. The current PNG foreign minister, Edge, once said in an interview after the PNG government and Australia signed a memorandum on cooperation in the development of the Raupom Naval Base:

The memorandum just signed by the outgoing president is invalid because the negotiation and signing were completed by the defense ministries of the two countries without consulting the PNG Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

He said at the time:

"When the signing of the agreement does not involve the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it means that the interests of our country are not adequately represented."

Edge made it clear that he would propose to parliament to review the memorandum again and study whether to scrap or amend the agreement to ensure local interests are taken into account.

At this time, William Chen did not focus more on this Mazus crisis. Currently, the Yamaha Sea-Crossing Bridge is still under construction and will not be completed and opened to traffic until the second half of this year.

Therefore, Atlan is now connected with Marcus, but his control over it is still somewhat lacking.

Moreover, the so-called crisis has not reached the point of irreconcilability, and Erica is enough to cope with the current situation.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the U.S. general election has been completed. In the end, the former commander succeeded without any risk, and has officially assumed his new term not long ago.

After the "reward for meritorious deeds", William Chen\'s uncle, John Del Rey, became the Secretary of Homeland Security of the new American government.

It can be said that John Drey has successfully taken a crucial step. With this resume, there are many possibilities for his future.

However, Goldman Sachs, which is closely related to William Chen, is very vigilant against the financial sector due to the subprime mortgage crisis. Therefore, it has not appeared in a financial and fiscal related position as before. During this period, it was considered a Goldman Sachs member. "Dormant" period.

Chen William knew that after four years, they would return to the center of power, which was a move he prepared for the future.

From this time on, the many targets that William Chen encountered before in the United States finally eased a lot.

In particular, regarding the issuance of ATUSD, it has been negotiating with the relevant regulatory agencies in the United States on how to obtain reasonable supervision from the American official.

With the completion of the rapid charging technology by William Lab, the full charging time of an electric supercar with a GB1 battery has been shortened to within 5 minutes, which means that the rapid charging technology that can be practically applied has been mastered by them. .

At this time, the promotion of electric vehicles has two main shortcomings, one is the battery, which needs to be able to provide longer battery life; the other is charging, the gasoline car fills the mailbox with gas, but it only takes a few minutes , and the charging of electric vehicles, it needs to be calculated in hours.

Now with the upcoming mass production of the GB1 battery, the battery life can be guaranteed. In the joint test with Tesla, using the GB1 battery, the Model S\'s cruising range is lighter because of the same volume and weight. , the performance is stronger, can be increased by 5-6 times than before, and has exceeded the cruising range of ordinary gasoline vehicles

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In this way, choosing an electric vehicle does not need to rely solely on environmental protection to promote it, and already has advantages in terms of practicability and economy.

With the implementation of fast charging technology, if the time to fully charge the battery can be controlled within 5 minutes, the experience of using a gasoline vehicle is already on par with that of a gasoline vehicle. You must know that the installation of charging piles is more efficient than that of a gasoline vehicle. Gas stations have many advantages in terms of safety, and the charging process can be self-help throughout the process, which plays a huge role in the promotion of electric vehicles.

Therefore, this fast charging technology will first be applied to the island of Atlanta. SP Power Company, which has obtained the technology authorization, plans to deploy more than 10,000 fast charging piles throughout Atlanta within a year. The coverage of fast charging piles in the entire Atlanta is basically completed.

It is also because of the mastery of fast charging technology that William Lab will form a fast charging standard alliance with companies such as Future Energy, Tesla, Zero Intelligence, Apple, SP Power, Ningde Times, DJI and other companies to formulate fast charging. technical standards.

In the future, this standard alliance will also attract relevant companies from various countries to join, so as to complete the fast charging standards for various industries including consumer electronics and electric vehicles, and unify the specifications of charging equipment.

From the end of April to the beginning of May, William Chen was in Atlanta one after another, accompanied by the women who were expecting to give birth, and welcomed three little lives.

Yang Mi was the earliest. She gave birth on April 25 and gave birth to a baby boy named Chen Mingyi. It was Chen William\'s 8th and the 4th son.

Then came Erica. She also gave birth to a baby boy named Chen Lanyi in the next three days. This time, William Chen had 9 children and 5 sons...

In early May, Zhou Fan also gave birth to a daughter, Chen Churan.

Now William Chen is less than 25 years old. He has 10 children, five boys and five girls. I\'m just asking if you\'re afraid!

Anyway, Chen William has some headaches. It\'s not that he doesn\'t like so many children. It\'s just that he thinks that the number of descendants that may expand in the next few decades feels... outrageous.

Fortunately, the city of Liberty was originally designed to be large enough, even with so many children and their mothers living here - so many children, when gathered together, can make it easier for maids and specially hired nannies. - I don\'t feel nervous either.

It\'s just that based on the current situation, it seems to continue, and there is a need to... um, a little... to expand the area of ​​Free City?

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