America's Road To Fame

Chapter 548: Horseshoe Crisis

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In March 2013, it was reported that when the Australian government visited Papua New Guinea, it mentioned that it hoped to cooperate with it to rebuild the Laupom Naval Port on Machus Island, so that this naval base would allow the Australian Navy to station in the future. , and will be jointly developed by both parties in the future.

After the news came to light, it was protested by locals, including the Governor of Machus, who believed that re-opening the Laupom Naval Base in Machus and allowing the Australian Navy to station there would be extremely It will greatly damage the local interests of Majus Island and affect the economic development of Majus, which has become the fastest-growing province in Papua New Guinea.

However, although this matter was resisted by the local people, a few days later, PNG still announced with Australia that the two sides officially signed a memorandum to jointly develop the Laupom Naval Base with the Australian side. After completion, the Australian side will be allowed to The navy entered.

During World War II, the Raupham Naval Base was one of the frontier bases for the United States to fight against the Japanese invasion. The American military built a wharf, a runway of about 3 kilometers and tens of thousands of soldiers on the island. The residence, after the war, was also the place where Japanese war criminals were tried.

But after that, the United States withdrew from this military base, and it was gradually abandoned.

Papua New Guinea later renovated the site and used it as an offshore processing center for illegal immigrants trying to enter Australia by sea, in order to obtain funding from Australia.

However, when the Atlanta earthquake occurred, a large number of illegal immigrants were killed in the temporary detention center for illegal immigrants due to the resulting tsunami. This policy was strongly condemned by international human rights organizations and Australian opposition parties. was repealed.

Now PNG has reached a memorandum with Australia in disregard of local objections from Marcus, which immediately triggered a wave of protests from Marcus.

The consul of Majus province said angrily in an interview:

"The construction of the Raupom Naval Base, without consulting the local opinion of the Majus, will greatly harm the interests of the Majus people. If the PNG government insists on its own way, we will resist it in our own way."

"Majus is the fastest-growing province in Papua New Guinea in recent years, and it has created huge wealth for the country, but we are disappointed to see that Papua New Guinea has not paid attention to our investment, but has been sucking blood, and now it is even preparing to Selling Majus to Australians, Majus is the homeland of Majus and will not be the Okinawa of Papua New Guinea.”

Next, the Marcus people launched the "Occupy Raupom" operation. Thousands of people entered the Raupom Naval Base, which was already empty because the offshore processing center for illegal immigrants in Australia was cancelled, and set up roadblocks. And protest slogans, preventing the entry of the PNG and Australian inspection teams.

For a time, the relationship between the local Majus and the PNG government began to sharpen.

Frozen three feet, not a day\'s cold, in fact, the disagreement with the Papua New Guinea government did not just appear recently, but it has been a long time. All the reasons are only because of interests.

When Marcus Island first got extra money for accommodating illegal immigrants from Australia, the then governor of Marcus Province was tricked into bidding for the construction of an offshore processing center for illegal immigrants, and was awarded hundreds of millions by a small Australian company. Aussie construction projects dissatisfied.

It\'s just that the status of the province of Majus was always at the end in PNG, so their voices did not have that much influence.

If Marcus has always been like this, he may not be too drastic even if he is dissatisfied with the PNG government.

However, as the Atlanta side began to increase investment in Machus Island, the rapid development of the Atlanta Economic Zone has also driven the local economy of Machus.

You must know that PNG itself is one of the underdeveloped countries, and the domestic economic aggregate is not high. Against this background, the changes in the province of Majus are particularly prominent.

In more than two years, the tax revenue contributed by the province of Majus to the central government has jumped from the bottom to the front. But what made the local people angry at Mazus is that, in their opinion, the PNG government is just blindly sucking blood, and it does not care about local construction. For so long, almost no money has been invested in Mazushang. provincial infrastructure.

especially in contrast

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Under such circumstances, the feelings of the residents of Majus became stronger.

At the beginning, most of the 20,000 or so residents of Majus Island lived in the western part of the island. At that time, the western part of Loren, the capital of Majus Province, was the most prosperous place, and Mashus was the most prosperous place. The eastern part of the island is almost uninhabited.

But now, because of the existence of the Atlanta Economic Zone, the eastern part of Machus Island has far surpassed the western part in terms of population and construction, which has led to many local people starting to migrate to the east.

The western part of Machus Island has hardly changed for so many years. After their tax revenue was taken away by the PNG government, they did not strengthen the local construction, which is also the most angry place for the local people.

Therefore, the incident of the cooperation between Australia and Pakistan in the construction of the Raupom Naval Base only brought this conflict to the fore, detonating the anger that the Marcus people had been suppressing.

In response to the intensifying protests on Matus Island, a week later, Erica, the chief member of the Atlanta Management Committee, stated that she hoped that the PNG side would re-examine their decision to reopen the Raupom Naval Base. This decision of the side affects the current good momentum of the Yamal economic circle. The Yamal economic circle should maintain an atmosphere of peaceful and free development. If the situation continues to deteriorate, the Atlanta side will re-open for the sake of its own investment. Looking at the investment in the Majus Economic Zone, it cannot be ruled out that it will be transferred to a more suitable area.

In this regard, the PNG government\'s response was a little tougher. They said that Matus is the territory of PNG, and the decision made there will be the internal affairs of the PNG government, and Atlanta has not interfered. power.

Obviously, this time PNG is determined to fight against Atlanta.

The reason for this is not complicated.

This starts with the economy of Papua New Guinea. In terms of territorial Papua New Guinea is actually a big country in Oceania, but due to historical reasons and the mountainous country in the country, its economic development is closely related to that of Australia and Australia. Compared with New Zealand, they are relatively backward.

Even compared with neighboring Indonesia, there is a big gap.

Therefore, Papua New Guinea\'s pillar industry has always been the export of domestic copper mines and agricultural products, and it is one of the less developed countries.

And their mining industry has been mainly controlled by Australian and British capital before. The whole country is relatively dependent on Australia and often receives assistance from Australia.

The current President of Papua New Guinea mainly relied on the support of Australian capital to come to power, and this year is the last year of his term of office, and Papua New Guinea is about to usher in a general election.

It can be said that in such an underdeveloped country, the position of the president is only more convenient for their family to obtain benefits. Originally, the other party could not be re-elected this time, so he chose to reach such a joint development agreement with the Australian side at the last moment. It is unknown whether there is anything tricky behind the agreement at the Bohm Naval Base.

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