America's Road To Fame

Chapter 535: Learn Physics with Talulah

Not only Tesla, but accompanied by Natalia Mars, the personal assistant in charge of technology, William Chen went to Meta Technology Group again.

If we say that during this period of time, the fastest growing company in Meta Group is Meta Technology Group. After all, compared with Meta Entertainment and Media, which is a traditional enterprise, the development of technology companies is very fast once they step on the right rhythm.

Through these hours of work, Pichai, CEO of Meta Technology, has also proven himself to be the leader of this new technology giant.

The two most talked about is Twitter, which is preparing for an IPO early next year.

Just like in China, many companies need to introduce state-owned capital, in the United States, it is also necessary for a company to have a broader prospect to allow capital to enter.

However, the Meta Group under William Chen, which is different from many American group companies, is that their listed companies are really too few, and there is only one Netflix company.

This is also the reason why he will be under pressure from the United States whenever there is trouble is every way.

So first listing Twitter is also an attitude gradually shown by Meta Group, that is, it does not mind the transfer of interests.

Therefore, at this time, we will prepare for a financing before Twitter\'s IPO. First, we will introduce some investment institutions that are closer to Chen William. After the IPO, we will introduce more super investment institutions, which will also make Meta Group\'s foundation in America is more solid.

In the plan, Twitter is just the beginning. Next, companies under Meta Technology such as Siri, Live, and Reddit will also carry out the IPO process one by one. Finally, when Meta Cloud conducts an IPO, it will usher in the final capital. carnival.

Yes, Meta Cloud, which has surpassed Amazon AWS, is the fastest growing company in Meta technology and will be a company with the greatest potential in the future. When Meta Cloud IPOs, the most conservative estimate will be that the market value will exceed 100 billion US dollars in one fell swoop...

After leaving Silicon Valley, William Chen came to Los Angeles, where he received warm greetings from Danny Del Rey...

Now, with the politician-like enthusiasm and meeting with cousin Danny, William Chen actually felt that he was getting used to it more and more, and he didn\'t know whether he should be happy or disappointed.

"William, I watched your Oprah show, it was really exciting."

I have to say that after meeting my good brother Musk in Silicon Valley just now, it’s really a bit unnatural to meet Da Lula at night.

It\'s just that although he said so, from the expression on Da Lula\'s face, William Chen really didn\'t think she was really "excited".

This Musk\'s ex-wife looks good, yes, she doesn\'t talk about her career as an actress recently, she is not bad, but in the investment field, she has made a lot of limelight. There are even rumors of an imminent investment in it.

Da Lula\'s figure is still so hot, she is also very good at choosing clothes, short skirts with open backs are naturally inconvenient to wear in the current weather, but in the warm villa, under the light of the lights, But it makes her lines more charming.

"I\'ll take it as your heartfelt compliment to me, Dalula."

Chen William poured red wine into the glass, handed it to her, and said so to her.

Lifting the wine glass gracefully with her fingers, Da Lula looked at William Chen with an ambiguous look. She lowered her head slightly, and after taking a sip of red wine, she approached William Chen and kissed him on the lips.

Feeling the warmth of the wine, William Chen drank the wine and heard her seductive voice ringing in his ears:

"You know, William, I prefer a compliment that\'s done in person."

"It\'s still a long night, dear, and it\'s just the beginning."

Da Lula\'s legs are well-shaped, and she is wrapped in stockings, which also makes Chen William feel... how do you say it? That Dove ad.


Dalula lightly bit William Chen\'s earlobe, and with a scorching air, she murmured:

"I can\'t wait."

As a physicist, Dalula seems to have a lot of physical knowledge and hopes to learn with Chen William.

It\'s as if she\'s already feeling the magnitude of the induced electromotive force in the conductor loop, which seems to be proportional to the rate of change over time of the magnetic flux passing through this conductor loop.

Well, Faraday\'s law of electromagnetic induction, through Dalula\'s hand, has been mastered by her.

And William Chen\'s study of physics knowledge is also his recent interest.

For example, the size of the friction force must be related to the smoothness of the surface of the object. The friction force on the stockings must be lower than that directly acting on the skin...

Just a small physics experiment, it really makes people feel happy...

When an object is squeezed, it will deform. The degree of deformation must be related to the softness of the object. For example, the feeling on the gluteal muscles and fat sacs is also different...

"William, do you have to ruin my clothes every time?"

Of course, there are occasional small discussions in knowledge learning...

Will there be a perpetual motion machine in this world?

Although she is a physicist, at some point, Dalula will have such doubts.

There has never been a time for her when knowledge of engines has made her so aware.

The work done from one extreme position to another is the piston stroke of the engine, but she seems to have lost count of how many strokes it has gone through.

Holding the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, Dalula felt that her soul seemed to have been rising along with the bird spreading its wings, until it reached the clouds...

When Dalu woke up in the morning, she felt that her voice was a little hoarse. Chen William prepared a glass of milk for her very intimately, hoping that her throat would be smooth, but she didn\'t know why, when she saw the glass of milk, her expression changed. It\'s a bit complicated, and I didn\'t drink it in the end.

In addition, what made her curious was that she really found that William Chen\'s physical knowledge was already rich enough, and she was also quite interested after hearing that William Chen was going to set up a laboratory related to battery research in Atlanta. .

In fact, William Chen understands, don\'t look at Da Lula\'s interest in artificial intelligence now, but there are many doorways in it, and it is really very slim if she really wants to invest in such a project as she is.~www.novelhall .com~ But although she has the name of a physicist, she is not really a research person, but if she is really interested in her own laboratory, William Chen doesn\'t mind her trying it out.

At least, at some point, two people can continue to have some exchanges about physics knowledge...

I don\'t know if it\'s because he hasn\'t been in Los Angeles for too long. Even if he just went to Meta Entertainment and Media Group to take a look, there are still many people who get news and contact him.

But now, for female stars, Chen William is not very interested. This is often the case. For ordinary people, it is possible that female stars have a splendid halo around them.

But now that he is in William Chen\'s position, these female stars are all at his fingertips, but there is nothing new.

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