America's Road To Fame

Chapter 534: The choice of super factory

To be honest, William Chen is a little uncertain about the general election situation in the United States next year.

In the previous life, in the general election next year, the current leader was successfully re-elected, but at that time, the subprime mortgage crisis officially broke out in 2008, and that year, he just took office, so in the final analysis, The responsibility for the crisis cannot be blamed on him.

In this world, for some unknown reason, the subprime mortgage crisis was delayed for two years before it broke out, and it was during the current commander-in-chief\'s tenure.

Although from the current point of view, the peak of the crisis has passed, and the American economy has begun to recover, the impact of this cannot be ignored.

Therefore, considering these aspects, it is obvious that the elephant party will use the subprime mortgage crisis as a spearhead in next year\'s general election to directly point at the soft underbelly of the American government at this time. In this case, the results will be somewhat confusing.

Originally, these things would have an impact on Chen William, whether it was the Donkey Party or the Elephant Party, but it would not be too big.

He can stay out of the way, and at most donate to a limited amount of support for himself, not limited to parties.

But after coming to America this time, Uncle Tom also brought news of his uncle John Drey.

That is, after William Chen\'s grandfather, George Drey, will step down as the whip of the Donkey Party recently, his uncle, John Drey, got a promise from the current commander that if the other party can be re-elected, then in the future During the appointment of the government, John Del Rey can get a very important position. This commitment is very important for John Del Rey, who is already a member of Congress at this time.

It is precisely for this reason that John Drey hopes to get the support of Chen William. After all, if it is purely financial, the Drey family at this time is not weaker than Chen William\'s former husband, and even stronger. But in terms of public opinion support, the Meta Media Entertainment Group controlled by William Chen is a very important part.

Whether it is the "New York Times" group, or the new online media Reddit, "American Headline" APP, can play a great role in promoting the election.

If four or five years later, his former father-in-law is powerful and unstoppable, then William Chen will naturally not bet too big on the Donkey Party. After all, even if that happens, dear Ivanta, Another option for him.

But the current situation, according to the history of the previous life, the current commander has been successful, even if there are some variables due to some changes, it does not mean that the situation has completely reversed, and the odds of winning are still not small.

And the Dre family is already deeply tied to their own interests, so William Chen will naturally choose to place more bets on his uncle.

But after all, things come and go, so relying on the connections of the Drey family is also the time to help him stabilize the situation on the American side.

"William, I think about it. Regarding Tesla\'s new super factory, Modu is indeed a good choice."

After arranging these things, just in Silicon Valley, William Chen met with his good buddy Musk, and by the way, concerned about Tesla\'s affairs.

Musk is still so energetic. It is said that he recently had a hot fight with the Canadian female singer. After caring about the accident of William Chen\'s plane crash, he immediately talked about the Tesla Gigafactory:

"But I think Germany is also a good choice. I plan to start two factories at the same time, but in terms of funding..."

Uh, my good brother is really refreshing, and he came to find himself when he was short of funds...

It\'s just that for his thoughts, William Chen can only laugh in his heart, Germany? Maybe it was still a place for business in the last century, but where do you go to build factories now? Believe it or not, it will wait until the Modu Super Factory has started to produce new cars off the assembly line, and they are still waiting for the environmental protection approval.

To tell the truth, Europe still has such a breath now, and in a few years, it will be completely abolished, and it deserves to be reduced to the leek of the United States.

"I suggest that you first determine the super factory in Modu, so that the production capacity can be formed faster."

Chen William is still going to persuade Musk again. After all, he is a major shareholder of Tesla. Although Musk has the operating power of this company because of AB shares, the economic benefits are real.

"I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to talk about in the magic capital. After all, the principle we adhere to is to build a wholly-owned factory, but in China, there is no precedent for such a foreign-funded car company."

It\'s not unreasonable for Musk to have such concerns now, but he has somewhat underestimated China\'s determination to develop the economy, especially new energy vehicles. As their strategic direction, for the development of domestic related industries, at some point , China\'s courage is really not comparable to Europe and the United States.

For William Chen\'s suggestion, Musk still attaches more importance to it, and it is not because of his status as a major shareholder. The most important thing is that the weight of your words is related to your past records. William Chen has always been successful, so he If so, the other party could not help but ignore it.

In addition, William Chen has a large amount of investment in China. It can be said that its scale is no less than that of the United States. Therefore, his words are also very convincing for matters related to China.

After all, the flow of money will not deceive people. If someone tells you that this stock can go up, you will be skeptical, but when you know that he bought most of his net worth in that stock, this is true. The reliability is very high.

So soon, Musk sent a relevant team to the magic capital of China and started further negotiations with the local area on the construction of the Tesla super factory.

It\'s no wonder that Musk is very concerned about the new super factory. The Tesla Fremont factory in California is currently running at full speed, but the output is still stretched and cannot keep up with the increased orders. Therefore, the speed of their delivery, It has always been criticized. In order to increase production, Musk has carried out a large-scale upgrade of the Fremont still cannot meet the needs.

At the same time, Musk also criticized Chen William for the production of streamer paint.

Although the output of the planting plant of the streamer plant in Atlanta Island has undergone several large-scale expansions, and the car paint factory located in the Atlantic Economic Zone of Majus Island has also been put into operation, and the second phase has begun. construction.

But the problem is that the demand for streamer paint in the entire automotive industry is also increasing. Currently, it is only a luxury car brand, and the demand for streamer paint has already taken up the bulk of the increase in production, leaving Tesla to increase production. , is more limited.

This is also impossible. The Tesla Model S is the first to be included in the supply of streamer paint, and it becomes the only mid-range model, because Chen William, as Tesla\'s major shareholder, is very interested in him. taken care of.

After all, if you buy a luxury brand, the streamer paint can get higher profits, so even Chen William cannot favor Tesla without limit. Therefore, the distribution of the streamer paint output mainly needs to be based on the economy. interests are considered.