America's Road To Fame

Chapter 524: Championship announced

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

It seems that there are only two possibilities:

One is a worse result, that is, the result of the jury voting, there is a tie, and the so-called most popular player is not among those who tie the vote, so it is necessary to conduct a fire competition in the live studio to decide. The final champion.

Another possibility is that the [Survivor] easter egg event will not be completed until the host Jeff himself announces the champion.

In any case, since he is still in the middle of this incident, he can only rest as he comes, and see what the result will be if it continues.

During this week, William Chen had a general understanding of the background of the [Survivor] Easter egg event he was currently in.

The current time turned out to be 2022, which was a few years later than the previous life before William Chen passed through in the real world, which also shocked him.

Moreover, Ami at this time is completely like a dejected scene. The end of the empire is nothing more than that.

If the big mouth he was familiar with was unreliable enough, now this old fool makes Chen William feel... It\'s really a source of happiness.

However, although it is certain that the situation in this world will be very different from his real world, the general trend is also instructive. Therefore, during this week, William Chen did not waste it, but tried as much as possible. Gathered some data for research.

It\'s almost time to head out to Los Angeles for the Survivor reunion night.

Usually on the final reunion night of "Survivor", all members participating in this competition will participate, because each person will have a $10,000 appearance fee.

And most of them will bring a group of relatives and friends together with the lucky audience to become the audience at the scene, so through social software, William Chen also knew that Amanda brought his mother to go with him.

As for Chen William, because his predecessor was already alone, he didn\'t bring anyone else, he went there by himself.

In Los Angeles, he met Amanda and her mother, Jenny, who didn\'t look old at all. Together with Amanda, they looked like sisters.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, Amanda, who was born at the age of 17 by Jenny, is only 35 years old now.

After arriving in Los Angeles, William Chen and Amanda met, first found the hotel, booked two rooms, then changed clothes and packed up, and came to the CBS studio in Hollywood.

"Survivor" is a program of Ami\'s well-known TV station CBS. There are many programs on this TV station that have very high ratings, including "Fast Forward", which is also a reality show. The prize money for the champion is also as high as 1 million US dollars.

The whole studio was arranged in a tribal style. Before the live broadcast, the TV station first broadcasted from William Chen and the others on the desert island to the final fire showdown between Mike and Will, to the election of the final tribal meeting.

During this period, the entire studio will be broadcast in real time on the big screen, while the players of "Survivor" are busy putting on makeup, while others gather together and chat in twos and threes.

When the live broadcast officially started, the camera began to cut into the studio. William Chen, Amanda, and Will had all sat on the front chairs in the studio. Today, the three of them were all dressed more formally. William Chen and Will were all dressed in one suit. The suit, and Amanda is wearing a long skirt, looking very glamorous.

At this time, William Chen attracted a lot of attention. Originally, his body shape was very good. At first, many viewers of "Survivor" were attracted by him because of the well-defined muscles he showed when he was only wearing shorts on the desert island. , especially the chest muscles and abdominal muscles, which made many female audiences cry out.

Today, he is wearing a slim suit, coupled with his handsome appearance, even the eyes of Amanda, who has been in close contact with him many times, are full of stars.

Opposite of the three of them, William Chen, sat the other members of "Survivor" this season. Everyone was dressed up to attend, and it could be seen that they were all well-dressed.

After all, every time the reunion night of "Survivor" is broadcast live, it will attract more than 10 million viewers to watch. At this time, they are facing the loyal audience of survivors in the United States.

After the opening, the audience began to applaud and cheer enthusiastically.

The host Jeff wore a light blue shirt, looked at the audience with a smile, and said to the camera:

"Okay, welcome everyone, happy for your enthusiasm. I have to tell you, this was one of the best seasons in my opinion. Having hosted over thirty quarters, I can say this, it was a kind of honor."

His words aroused applause and cheers from the audience. In this way, everyone paid tribute to Jeff, who has always adhered to the "Survivor" column and dedicated many wonderful programs to everyone.

"For the survivors who were eliminated on stage and off stage, they had a happy time in the pursuit of 1 million prizes, but this is the end, the final three: illia Amanda, Will."

Whenever he mentioned a person\'s name, the camera would show that person, and William Chen also calmly faced the camera and smiled.

Many girls in front of TV could hardly help screaming when they saw his charming smile.

"There are now six votes in total."

Jeff said to the top three:

"Tonight you want to see your name, get the Survivor title and a $1 million check."

"I\'ll read the votes."

After all, under everyone\'s nervous gaze, Jeff opened the sealed ballot box. Everyone knows that the title of this season\'s "Survivor" champion and the $1 million prize will be revealed soon.

At this moment, the audience of this CBS program reached an unprecedented 15 million people, which became the highest viewing moment since the program was launched.

At this time, Jeff faced the camera, picked up a folded ballot from the ballot box, opened it and said:

"First vote, illia"

After all, he unfolded the ballot paper and faced the camera, so that everyone could see the words "illia" written on the ballot paper.

Immediately, there were bursts of enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

Knowing that the camera was facing him, William Chen continued to smile, while Amanda nervously grabbed one of his hands beside him. He could feel her warm heart, and he seemed a little nervous.

At this time, in front of the TV in the United States, everyone also saw this scene through the camera, and many people couldn\'t help showing knowing smiles.

"Second vote, illia"


"The winner of "Survivor - Rosen Island" is - illia who was voted unanimously as the champion, the first time that "Survivor" has won by unanimous three candidates to date."

After Jeff read the result, the audience cheered, William Chen stood up, Amanda hugged him tightly, kissed his face, and said to him excitedly:

"Honey, I knew it, it was great."

After hugging her, William Chen hugged Will next to her and accepted his congratulations:

"Congratulations, you deserve it."

"You\'re great too, brother."

William Chen and Dwayne Johnson... uh, it\'s Will, after hugging, patted him on the shoulder and said.

At this time, many people in the audience also came to congratulate, Amanda\'s mother Jenny also hugged and congratulated Chen William, and other members of the previous "Survivor" came over to shake hands with Chen William and hug.

At this time, what was playing on the big screen was a picture of William Chen\'s predecessor\'s alma mater, Columbia University. Under the banner supporting illia, the former teachers and classmates of William Chen\'s predecessor were holding banners with "illia\'s name and "William" A sign in Chinese to celebrate for him.

This also shows the influence of the show "Survivor" in is like the previous champions. At this time, the town where they are located will collectively watch today\'s live broadcast of the reunion night. Once they win the championship, Immediately, the whole town revels, and everyone is proud of a "Survivor" champion in their town.

The next day the champion\'s name will be the headline of the local newspaper, and he will become a local star.

"There will be more excitement on stage, this season is full of drama, love, betrayal, the Jedi strike back, and this season has also set a lot of all-time bests, many of them are very impressive, we Talk to all of them and talk about everything, it\'s the Survivor Rosen Island reunion live on CBS Hollywood."

When everyone congratulated each other, the host Jeff finished saying these words to the camera, and the show cut into the commercial.

And William Chen\'s attention is no longer in the chaos around him, because just after the host Jeff announced that he won the championship, a countdown appeared in front of him...

Provide you with the fastest update on the road to fame and fortune of the Great God and the Bronze Saint, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, be sure to save your bookmarks!

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