America's Road To Fame

Chapter 525: final interview

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

"At any time, illia is like the best student at a top university, handsome, sunny and strong."

This is a sentence Amanda said in a separate interview on the previous show, and it was first released as a championship tidbit.

"I\'m announcing that illia wins, he won a personal exemption."

"Congratulations to illia for another personal exemption win."

"illia, he finished the race first, and with the help of God, he once again won the individual exemption championship."

"illia became the game and he won again."

"In this way, illia wins the game, and he will decide who he will take to the final election in a day!"

The next broadcast is the scene of William Chen winning all 5 individual exemption matches and the final match to the top three. Seeing these scenes also made the audience at the scene and in front of the TV marvel at William Chen\'s super competitive ability. .

"I have crazy ideas here, how about we make a fake god?"

William Chen said to Amanda.

Next is the screen where William Chen uses the statue of immunity, and Roman and Eric use the statue to be judged invalid.

"What I got was not an ordinary immunity statue, but a super statue."

William Chen said to Will.

Then the camera played Will\'s wide-eyed surprised appearance:


When we got here, William Chen\'s championship footage was finished, and the scene was frozen in Will\'s wide-eyed and open-mouthed scene. At this time, everyone on the scene was applauding and laughing, while Will shook his head in embarrassed clothes.

The camera returned to Jeff, who said to the crowd:

"Welcome back to the \'Survivor - Rosen Island\' reunion, we\'re streaming live from Hollywood with illia, who just won $1 million after a no-suspense vote."

"Let\'s talk to illia first, you\'ve made a lot of jaw-dropping moves this season and you\'ve set a lot of records, we look back at the whole season, you\'ve done a lot of the right things to put you in a strong late game Status, you should win without a doubt, let\'s talk about the statue of immunity first, the first record you created is about this, you are the player who has found the most statues of immunity in a single season so far, this is a very important items, so how much do these affect your game?"

"It can be said to have a huge impact. If I didn\'t find the statue of immunity in time, maybe I would have been dismantled when the tribes just merged, and I would have to bear huge pressure to participate in the game. Of course, being able to find so many statues, It can be said that I still have some good luck, but you know, the process is not easy, the first time I found the idol, I almost searched the vicinity of the tribe, but after the first time I found it, I accumulated I have some experience, but I still threw myself into the search for the idol immediately after attending the last tribal meeting. It is still very difficult to find it at night. We all have occasional luck in the game, and I think the winner is The key is that you take advantage of the good luck and drive away the bad luck. I found the idols at the right time, and I used them correctly, so…”

After Chen William finished speaking, he shrugged, the meaning is self-evident.

"And, illia, your other record about the idol is that you are the only person so far who has never used the idol for yourself, but has used it for others many times. Maybe Amanda is deeply touched by this."

Jeff said this, everyone laughed, and he continued to ask:

"Then you\'ve been using idols for Amanda, more for what? Is it love?"

"Honestly, Jeff, it\'s all about strategy. Of course, I don\'t deny it, there\'s definitely an emotional element to it."

Hearing the ups and downs of goodwill in the arena, William Chen glanced at Amanda and said with a smile:

"The premise is that I am lucky to win the immunity necklace every time, so I am safe, but I want to implement my plan and need enough votes, so I can only use the idol in my hand to make sure I have enough votes to eliminate threats that should be eliminated, Amanda has been my closest ally since day one, the only one I trust is her, so I have to use the idol to keep her safe. And for my sake, she The target on my body is also the biggest, and as you can see, my decision is still correct."

"Okay, illia, then let\'s talk about the false idol you made. This is also one of the records you created, that is, you successfully used false idols to deceive two people, which is not easy."

Having said that, Jeff picked up two immunity gods from the table, one in each hand, and showed them to everyone:

"To be honest, fortunately, I still know a little about what happened in your camp. Otherwise, I\'m afraid it would be difficult for me to confirm the authenticity of this statue. I\'m a little curious, how did you do it?"

"This is also a temporary idea. I am a huge fan of "Survivor", and I have watched previous shows, so I have seen people use false idols to deceive people. When I first found the immunity idol, I watched it. Looking at the wooden figure, I suddenly thought - it doesn\'t seem too difficult, why not make it more realistic? I have to say, Amanda showed her artistic talent here, she made this statue by herself, and the final result Surprising."

"Indeed you have a great craft, Amanda, and I think Roman has the most say in that, don\'t you?"

Jeff said to Roman again.

"Don\'t mention it, I\'ve been teased by my friends for a long time because of this, but what can I do? Jeff, I used to just take a stick and pretend to be a god. Who would have thought that fake gods can get to this level now? Don\'t say it\'s me, even Eric, who has seen the real statue, can\'t tell the difference."

Roman said helplessly, and his words caused everyone to laugh again.

When Roman Cue arrived, Eric scratched his head and said:

"This is destined to become my dark history, but who would have thought that someone could make an identical statue on that desert island? I just think it\'s too difficult for future players, and I can\'t be sure if it\'s true to get the statue~www But, illia, I think the best thing about you is your super idol story, how did you come up with that, you managed to keep Will in the dark until the last day of the game."

"I\'m here to apologize to Will again."

William Chen looked at Will and said:

"Those are all strategies in the game, like I said in the game, I have always had a lot of respect for Will\'s character, so out of the game, in reality, I really want to be able to be friends with him. As for that story , I also suddenly thought of it, because of the fact that Roman Reigns used false idols before, I was thinking, how can I pull Will to my side? You know, in this game, we will say a lot of promises to each other , but it is not easy to identify how credible the other party\'s promise is. Then I thought, I should think of a way to make him have scruples about me, so this story came into being. In order to make this story more It\'s credible, at the second tribal meeting, although it was not necessary to use the idol-because I knew that Eric\'s one was fake-they still used the idol first."

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