America's Road To Fame

Chapter 522: Ultimate Tribal Meeting

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

On day 39 of Survivor.

In the morning, Will woke up William Chen and Amanda who were still hugging each other. Seeing that he was holding a roll of parchment in his hand, William Chen knew that something had arrived.

"You two, are you ready?"

Will took the roll of parchment, untied the rope, and said.

"Okay, I can\'t wait to find out."

Amanda said with a smile.

"Congratulations, you have entered the top three."

Will took the parchment and read:

"Follow the trail behind the camp and enjoy your well-deserved Day 39 Survivor breakfast."

"Yeah, we did it."

Amanda cheered very cooperatively, and kissed William Chen by the way.

I don\'t know if Will felt the cold dog food being slapped on his face, but his expression didn\'t change much, and continued:

"Come on, guys, at least have a full meal today."

Fruit, BBQ, Champagne.

The three greeted each other and enjoyed a delicious meal.

This may have been the most relaxing and stressful day the trio has had on this season of "Survivor."

The ease is that there is no pressure of competition, and there is no need to think about daily food, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of this island leisurely.

The pressure comes from the fact that it has reached the ultimate tribal meeting. Everyone has persisted to the end. Now that we are so close to $1 million and the title of champion, we need to meet the jury vote. Who is the last lucky one?

For Chen William, the final result is obviously related to the final score he obtained in this [Survivor] Easter egg event, and even the number of tech tree lottery prizes that he can get. Therefore, compared to this, That so-called $1 million bonus is really nothing to mention, he has to win that championship, that\'s the purpose.

As the night approached, the three of them each took their own torches and began to go to the parliamentary hall to accept the final test.

When William Chen, Amanda, and Will took their seats, the six jury members who were eliminated after the merger of the tribes also walked in one by one. They are: Roman, Monica, Kate, and Airy. gram, Choi Sung-sik and Mike.

"Okay, illia, Amanda, Will, enter your ultimate tribal meeting."

The host Jeff said with a smile:

"Your ultimate battle is to face each other and convince this jury that you are worthy of the title and $1 million prize of the \'Survivor\' champion."

"We get into the intelligence part of the game, which is the social part of the game, alliances, relationships, how you view alliances in the game, and morals and ethics -- if you think it\'s important. The jury can tell you Questions of interest to ask any of the top three of this season\'s Survivor on stage. Who\'s up?" Jeff took the game to the first stage.

"Okay, I\'ll go first."

Roman took the call and said:

"Before we start asking questions, I just want to really appreciate you guys, congratulations on playing a great game, and coming to the end, each of you has a different path and has different obstacles, so tonight I want you to fill in Put your own blanks and tell us how you guys beat us all on "better than wit" to sit in that position. What I\'m asking is socially, when do you think you each played the wrong chess or Missed the opportunity? Illia, talk about it first."

"I think if I made a mistake, it was in the early stages of the game that I didn\'t get in touch with too many people in a timely manner. Because I\'m a Survivor fan, but you know, in the Watching this show on TV is very different from participating in person. When you come to this tribe and face 19 other people, frankly, as an introverted person, it is really difficult for me, so in the In the early days, I did not have a large alliance with a dominant number of people, so I could only rely on the close alliance with Amanda and follow others to vote, which also caused a passive situation when the tribe merged."

"Fortunately, I overcame my weakness in character later, grew proudly in "Survivor", and then went to unite with more people, and finally came to this point. If I have another chance, I will definitely be the first in the competition. God, just reached out to everyone and said, "Man, let\'s talk and get to know each other, okay? ""

In fact, Chen William\'s words were purely based on the experience of his body\'s predecessor, and the so-called mistakes were only summed up in his memory of the predecessor.

However, many people also like this kind of plot where they are forced to a desperate situation and then wake up and break out, which is easy to increase their goodwill.

"Although you said that you were at a disadvantage in the early stage, I have to say that your growth is amazing, illia"

Roman shrugged and said.

His words attracted good-natured smiles from everyone. After all, everyone on the jury at this time already knew about the exemption of the statue.

"Amanda, how about you?"

Jeff threw the same question to Amanda.

"illia is pretty good, facing so many people in the early stage, it\'s not easy to find allies who can trust each other. Even when I watched "Survivor" at home, I saw so many people from the perspective of God It is often difficult to distinguish who is sincere and who is fake, not to mention that you have to talk to so many people every day here, and you need to identify the true thoughts of others. In these respects, it can be said that all of you here have done Better than me, probably the best thing I did was pick a great ally, trust him all the time, and I got paid to sit here."

Amanda said sarcastically.

This also makes everyone smile, and the fact is that in their opinion, Amanda\'s luckiest thing is to meet Chen William, a strong ally, and the two choose to trust each other until the end, but after thinking about it, they can always maintain this It is not easy to build mutual trust.

Later, after Will also answered this question, everyone asked some other questions in The three people had to face these questions and give their own answers.

"Okay, we get to the final part, only one of you can beat the other two for the championship, this is your last chance to speak to the jury, you heard everything they were curious about, and what more do you need to say how you are? Do you guarantee that you are here and you can win? Illia, you talk first."

"So, coming to Survivor this time came from an accident, and I have always been a huge fan of the show, so I came here. Frankly, the early game is not easy, I need to constantly adapt The environment here, like everyone here, also needs to face various competitions and complex interpersonal relationships while challenging the living environment here."

"So at the beginning, I needed to keep a low profile. On the one hand, I had to adapt to learn, keep improving myself, and face the tests that came later. On the other hand, we all have to make big moves and trade-offs for survival. , and I think that in the early stage, living is the best choice, you are at a disadvantage, but you can let yourself see more of the situation, and study each person\'s various aspects, advantages and disadvantages. "

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