America's Road To Fame

Chapter 507: tribal merger

"That\'s good, look at the beads under the statue of immunity, have you noticed? When I was looking for the statue of immunity, I noticed the flag at the gate of our tribe. There are similar beads below as pendants. We can use those beads. , to imitate this statue of immunity god, think about it, if the tribes merge tomorrow, then we are likely to change places to live, even if we don’t change, then the flag of the tribe will also change, and they won’t find out.”

Hearing William Chen\'s words, Amanda thought about it, it was really feasible, and she was young at heart, and she also thought this matter was really interesting:

"You\'re awesome, William."

Amanda hugged William Chen happily, kissed him, and said:

"I\'m going to find out if there is any suitable wood, and I\'ll wait for you to help me look at it. Let\'s find a hidden place, and I\'ll make this fake idol. I really hope they know what they will look like when they\'ve been tricked. ."

Since the discussion is certain, the two will act separately.

Amanda went to find a suitable wooden block to imitate the statue, while Chen William put away the statue of immunity, then returned to the camp, got a dagger obtained by their tribe in the previous game, and took advantage of the fact that others in the tribe were not paying attention. The beads on the flag at the door were taken off, and some slightly stronger thread was rubbed for Amanda to use to imitate the statue of immunity.

By the end of the evening, William Chen and Amanda had imitated two statues of immunity gods - he saw that Amanda had found two pieces of wood about the same size, in case the imitation of the statues was wrong the first time, and then tried again.

It turned out that Amanda\'s level was really good. The statue that was imitated for the first time was very similar, so Chen William moved in his heart and saw that there were enough beads, so she made another statue.

So the two finally got two counterfeit immunity statues, and these two counterfeit immunity statues were only different from the original immunity statues in some details. Those who have carefully observed the real statue, I am afraid that no matter what, it will not be a fake.

In the end, Chen William took out the outer packaging when he found the statue of immunity, and wrapped the note about the statue of immunity with one of the fake statues, wrapped it in parchment, and tied it with red rope.

Where to put it? By the way, Roman often likes to go diving in the sea, so let\'s put it there.

Just thinking about it, William Chen returned to the camp and saw Roman and the three of them were making dinner. They saw William Chen and Amanda coming back, and Roman greeted them:

"William, where have you been, it\'s not date time yet, we\'re playing, man."

Cui Chengzhi laughed beside him, looking at William Chen and Amanda with a bit of joking in their eyes.

"Maybe the tribe will be merged tomorrow. You can\'t miss this last leisure time. You say so, Roman."

William Chen didn\'t take his words to heart, instead he was joking.

After dinner, when they were not paying attention, William Chen put the statue of immunity and a counterfeit in his bag, and then put the counterfeit that he had packed in his pocket, pretending to be walking with Amanda, The two walked to the beach with the reef where Roman often went diving and catching fish.

William Chen deliberately walked from the position where Roman Reigns walked ashore from the water, and then looked for the place where his eyes would fall most easily.

In the end, he chose a hole on the edge of the reef, and pressed the fake immunity statue with a stone, revealing half of it.

Looking at it again, if Roman came up from the water, the line of sight could easily fall there, but it would not be too obvious.

Well, this location is good, William Chen secretly gave himself a thumbs up, and went around with Amanda and returned to the camp.


After getting up the next day, William Chen looked around the camp and saw that Cui Chengzhi was still sleeping in the shed over there.

Will was using firewood to re-ignite the bonfire that was extinguished last night. Roman was not seen in the camp. At this time, he should have gone to the reef to dive and fish.

William Chen got up, said hello to Will, and said to help him pick up some firewood, and then walked towards the reef.

Walking in the woods above the reef, he picked up some dry branches on the ground.

When he looked over to the reef, he could just see Roman carrying a fish with a harpoon and walking up from the sea.

William Chen immediately hid behind a tree and watched Roman secretly.

After he saw Roman walked to the reef on the shore, he was about to walk towards the camp, but suddenly stopped, looked at the reef, and then looked around pretending to be nothing, William Chen lowered his body and let Roman Can\'t see him.

Roman should have seen no one else around, so he walked to the place where William Chen had arranged the fake immunity statue yesterday, looked left and right again, he crouched down, dug over there, got a small bag, and stuffed it into his own. trouser pocket.

Next, Roman continued to walk towards the camp, and William Chen could see the forbearance smile on his face, which made him almost couldn\'t help laughing out loud...

OK, the plan is complete.

William Chen returned to the camp with the firewood. Amanda had woken up. He gave Amanda a color and made an OK gesture on his hand. Amanda immediately understood that their plan was successful, with a smile on his face. .

But at this time, William Chen noticed a fierce look towards him, and he turned to meet that look...

Who is it... um, Choi Sung-sik of South Korean descent, looking at his eyes, it seems that he has the same great hatred as Chen William...

Huh? What are you crazy about in the morning? Chen William is a little But he immediately remembered the gesture he made just now, F**K, this time I am a serious OK gesture, what do you think? Woolen cloth?


After everyone had eaten breakfast, another motorboat came to pick them up.

The games are usually played the next day, so the members of the Kota tribe looked at each other and knew that the game was about to change.

Sure enough, when everyone came to the small island of the competition, the Kota tribe and the Fang tribe were standing on both sides. The host Jeff looked at them with a smile and said:

"It\'s a new day, guys, and can throw away your hoods."

When his words fell, the two tribes were stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of his words, and couldn\'t help cheering at the same time.

Sure enough, according to their expectations, it was time for the tribe to merge.

Everyone took off their headscarves from their heads, necks, or arms, and threw them behind them.

Jeff threw a package at them, Will caught it, opened it, and inside was their new headscarf, no longer color-coded, everyone was the same, from now on—the tribes merged.

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