America's Road To Fame

Chapter 506: Idol of immunity

At the end of the game, Amanda ran over excitedly and gave Chen William a big hug. She kept shouting:

"William, you\'re amazing, you didn\'t watch your performance, it was crazy."

At this point, William Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally temporarily avoided the fate of going to the conference hall and being eliminated:

"Amanda, you\'re great too, I know you did 200% of your potential when you dived just now, thank you."

Giving Amanda and Will a hug, William Chen watched Will excitedly take the statue from Jeff...

Chen William looked at Roman and Cui Chengzhi with fearful eyes again. He knew that after today\'s match, in the eyes of these two, he was a bigger target, and he was probably their biggest threat.

But, who cares?

Since they have already made it clear that they are going to eliminate him, why should he care about their opinions? It\'s a big deal.

And it is very likely that the tribe will be merged soon. After all, after the Fang tribe eliminated one person today, there are only 9 people left in the two tribes. The experience of the previous "Survivor" has also come to the time to merge the tribes. , then it would be better if he and Amanda go to win some more allies.

After returning to the island where the Kota tribe is located in the motorboat, and escaping the tribal assembly, William Chen and Amanda can finally have a slightly leisurely time.

But now is not the time to relax. According to Chen William\'s judgment, since Roman dared to deliberately use the game to release himself before the merger of the tribes to prepare to eliminate himself, then he can be sure that he will still have enough votes after the merger of the tribes.

If the tribes really merge tomorrow, then there will be 9 contestants left, Roman needs at least five votes to ensure the majority, in addition to the three votes of the Kota tribe, he also needs at least two votes from the Fang tribe.

Now I hope that Roman\'s allies in the Fang tribe can be eliminated tonight, otherwise Chen William will still face a dangerous situation.

If they don\'t merge tomorrow, they can only fight for the Kota tribe to continue to win the knockout round; if they merge tomorrow, then with the close relationship between William Chen and Amanda, if Roman has a majority, William Chen will still be his primary target.

Therefore, even now, Chen William still has to work hard for his survival, and it is not the time to relax.

Now that the progress of "Survivor" is more than halfway through, it\'s too depressing to be out at this time. What\'s the matter, I have to get some lottery chances myself.

So after thinking about it, Chen William decided to try to find the statue of immunity. If there is a statue in hand, then he can have room to fight back.

Amanda searched for a long time before but could not find it, William Chen decided to try his luck.

He asked Amanda to watch the others at the camp, then walked himself into the jungle behind the tribe.

As he walked, Chen William recalled in William\'s memory, in the previous "Survivor", where the statue of immunity would be hidden.

Some are buried in tree holes, some are buried in special places, some are tied to branches, or under rocks by the sea, and even once on the wooden board marked at the gate of the tribe camp, it can be said that there are still many places, otherwise it will not be. So many people have been looking for it for so long and haven\'t found it yet.

Moreover, the packaging of the exemption statues will also have characteristics. Generally, they are wrapped in a parchment and then tied with tribal color threads. The Kota tribe is a red turban, so the exemption statues should be tied with red threads on the parchment. inside…

When he thought about it like this, Chen William seemed to enter a wonderful state like in the knockout game in the morning. As far as he could see, all the scenes would be analyzed immediately to find the most likely place to hide the **** statue.

This state of concentration was only discovered by Chen William after he came to this [Survivor] event. It felt like the potential was stimulated after extreme concentration. I don’t know if it only appeared in this event, or if What about the new abilities he had inspired himself?

When he walked to a place, a very mysterious feeling appeared in his heart. He immediately stopped and carefully observed everything around the place.

Finally, William Chen fixed his gaze on a nearby tree, which was a large tree with a diameter of half a meter. At a height of about 3.5 meters above the ground, there was a bark whose color was slightly different from the surrounding area. .

Chen William looked around for a while, but there was nothing that could be stepped on to allow him to reach that position.

So he had to try to climb, the bark was a little rough, but he could still hold the trunk up slowly. After all, when he was in the Amazon jungle, he still had some experience in climbing trees...

When he finally got close to the position where he saw the difference just now, he tried his best to fix his position, then stretched out a hand to reach it, and found that it was a piece of bark that was attached later. A tree hole.

At this time, Chen William felt his heartbeat start to speed up. He stretched his hand in and took it out. He was touching something. When he took it out, he tied the parchment-wrapped thing with red thread.

William Chen wanted to shout excitedly, but he definitely couldn\'t. He slid down the tree with the packet, immediately put it in his pocket, and looked around, there was no one around.

Chen William suppressed his excitement, walked to a sheltered corner, took out the small bag from his pocket, slowly untied the red rope and the wrapped parchment, and saw a quaint wooden statue inside. There is also a string of beads hanging on it.

There was also a piece of paper inside that read:

Congratulations, this is an exemption statue, owning it will allow you to survive the tribal meeting, you can use it before the tribal meeting announces the results of the vote, and all votes against the user will be exempted from invalidation.

Note that you must use it before the clan meeting is down to five people.

Looking at the statue of immunity in his hand, Chen William couldn\'t hide his excitement. After all, with this statue, he would have more protection. If he planned properly, he could even assassinate one of the opponent\'s targets.

After the mood calmed down a little, Chen William carefully looked at the statue in his hand, and had other thoughts in his heart.

"Amanda, look, what is this."

William Chen found Amanda and went to a corner. After making sure no one was paying attention, he took out the statue of immunity and handed it to her.

"Is it? Oh my God, is this the Immunity Idol, William, did you find it?"

Amanda held the statue of immunity, and after looking at it carefully, she said with a look of surprise.

"Yes, now we can have more choices, Amanda. But now I have a new idea. I remember you said before that you are good at craftsmanship, right?"

"Yes, my father is a sculptor. I have studied some since I was a child, but my talent is limited and my level is average. However, I used to work in a handicraft store when I was in college. Why are you asking this, William."

"I have a crazy idea here, how about we make a fake idol, think about it, no matter who gets that fake idol, they will feel that they are guaranteed, and they may want to make big moves, just to let us fish in troubled waters. It would be best if it happened to be acquired by Roman Reigns."

Amanda imagined that during the tribal meeting, Roman took out the false idol confidently, and then was slapped in the face on the spot, and couldn\'t help laughing:

"It\'s a good idea, but I\'m afraid that someone has seen the real idol, so it can be seen as a fake idol."

"Well, it\'s also possible, but it\'s worth a try, isn\'t it? It won\'t do us any harm anyway. Isn\'t there a dagger in the reward our tribe gets? You use that to find a similar piece of wood, and you can carve it similar to this statue. statue?"

William Chen looked at Amanda expectantly. She carefully looked at the statue in her hand and said:

"The technique of this statue is not complicated, the lines are relatively simple, and it should not be too difficult to imitate."

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