America's Road To Fame

Chapter 503: "The Boss of the Tribe"

After talking about this, William Chen began to concentrate on helping Will repair the shed.

This shed is only 3x3 meters in size. When there were many people in the tribe, it was impossible to squeeze so many people. Many people put banana leaves under the rain cloth and sleep directly on the beach.

Fortunately, this island is located in the tropics, even at night, it is not too cold, so it is nothing.

However, the living conditions here are definitely incomparable with the soft big bed in a civilized society, not to mention Chen William\'s super big bed in the city of freedom that can make ten people lie flat without feeling cramped at all, so if it is At other times, he suddenly enters such an environment and needs to live in such a small shed, which must take some time to get used to.

Fortunately, the time he entered the [Survivor] event was when he was returning from the Amazon jungle—compared to the tree shelter in the jungle, this place was considered to be in favorable conditions.

At least, don\'t worry about mosquito infestation at night.

But even so, this kind of condition is also a big test for ordinary people who are accustomed to the civilized world.

Imagine being in this environment for 40 days. The further back you go, the greater the test of each person\'s strength and endurance.

This is the reason why even though the contestants are selected from the ordinary people with the best physical condition, there are still many people who quit the competition halfway because they can\'t persist.

In the previous "Survivor" program, there were even some retired professional athletes participating, but it was difficult for these people to come to the end, because in addition to physical fitness, there are social skills and brain power that will test you, and finally you can stand out and win. Anyone who wins the championship and gets $1 million has both comprehensive qualities and luck.

For Chen William, $1 million is definitely insignificant. The motivation for him to persist is the technology tree lottery for this [Survivor] event in the official event description.

Returning to his current situation, when William Chen and the others were almost finishing the shed, they saw Roman and Cui Chengzhi walking over with two fishes.

Roman is an able-bodied white man. Of course, coming to "Survivor", being physically fit can be said to be a basic condition, but compared with other "fit" people, Roman is also a very prominent one. Er is so tall, but his whole body is full of strength.

In addition, Roman has many tattoos on his naked upper body, which is a very common thing for Ami.

In fact, one of the main reasons why Roman can become the "boss" of the tribe is that in addition to his relatively strong competition ability, he is also very good at many field skills, such as diving and fishing, climbing coconut trees to pick coconuts, etc. It\'s his very good skill.

Therefore, this kind of ability that is very important to the tribe generally does not have too many targets in the early stage. After all, they have to compete with other tribes, and they cannot weaken their strength by themselves.

If such a person can organize a solid alliance in the early stage, then he will properly become the boss of the tribe.

At that time, even though the target on his body was already very large, he was still able to control the rhythm of the game because of the advantage of the number of people.

William Chen met Roman\'s gaze and nodded to him.

Roman took a deep look at William Chen and Will, and didn\'t say anything, but said lightly:

"William, I\'m lucky today, we got two big fish, and we can drink fish soup at night."

"I\'m afraid this is the last fish soup you have here, little William, you have to cherish it, haha."

This annoying voice with a weird accent naturally came from Choi Sung-sik next to Roman.

Chen William didn\'t bother to pay attention to him, and when he walked directly past him, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture similar to "OK", but with a slight difference, his thumb and forefinger were not combined. A circle, but a gap of about... 0.5 cm in the middle.

Sure enough, seeing William Chen\'s gesture, Cui Chengzhi immediately broke the defense, jumping in anger and cursing the beautiful language beginning with F.

This is the first time William Chen has seen Bang Bang\'s reaction to this gesture, and it\'s not an accident. Usually, their character is like this. They are arrogant and inferior. Once they are poked in the pain, they will jump.

In comparison, many Chinese students who bleed abroad would rather be friends with people who had a good life, rather than get along with them. This is what William Chen learned from his predecessor.


"William, sorry, I\'ve searched everywhere and can\'t find the **** statue."

William Chen found Amanda in the woods, and she looked a little dejected.

Seeing that her body and hands were covered with dust and dirt, Chen William patted her shoulder and comforted:

"It\'s okay, Amanda, don\'t worry, don\'t blame yourself, we don\'t have a chance, go to the sea to wash, and then have a good rest, we have to fight tomorrow, we will win, believe me."

Hearing William Chen\'s firm words, Amanda\'s expression improved a lot.

Chen William is not just talking about it casually. I don\'t know if his predecessor is not strong in spatial deduction ability and memory, but for him, these are not difficult things, after all, after the strengthening of [six walnuts] After that, William Chen was still very confident in his abilities in these areas.

It\'s as if he recalled the details of repairing the shed with Will just now, and it still felt very clear, as if it was playing back in front of his eyes.

In this way, William Chen and Amanda tried their best to adjust themselves to prepare for tomorrow\'s knockout match.

For dinner, everyone eats rice and fish soup.

Rice was won in the reward competition before, and there is not much left now, but Chen William doesn\'t have the heart to think about these things now. After all, if he is really eliminated, how much food is left has nothing to do with him.

However, it was very unappetizing to listen to Choi Sung-sik\'s cynicism while eating.

That is to say, "Survivor" does not allow players to have physical conflicts during the game, or because of the small body of the stick, he can beat him three or four times no problem.

Naturally, Amanda couldn\'t take it anymore, so she scolded Cui Chengzhi directly.

According to Amanda, when he first entered the tribe, Cui Chengzhi had a good relationship with her, but Amanda did not pay much attention to him and had a better relationship with William, which may be one of the reasons why Cui Chengzhi has been targeting William.

However, for Amanda, she will definitely not be used to Cui Chengzhi, and she will scold Cui Chengzhi directly. She blushed and had a thick neck. Chen William watched, and even felt that he might faint in the next second.

In the evening, William Chen and Amanda did not go to sleep in the shed. The two laid a layer of banana leaves on the ground on the side of the bonfire, and then spread the tarp on top, and then Amanda slept on it with William Chen in his arms.

By this time, Amanda didn\'t care what other people thought.

Before, in order to fear that the relationship between the two would be targeted by the tree, they would keep a distance, but now the relationship between the tribe has almost become clear, so naturally there is no need to worry so much.

Of course, although the two are relatively close, they will not do anything indescribable.

Thinking about it, I know that I have been on this deserted island for 20 days, and I haven’t had a proper bath for so long, and I can’t brush my teeth. The taste will not be so Naturally, it is difficult to have any further action in the mood.

Chen William knew from William\'s memory that the previous "Survivor" was not without the male and female players\' CP, and then broke the news of some kind of applause in the wild, but it was only breaking the news, and he was really involved in it. William also I know that under this kind of tempering of the body and mind, it is really difficult to have the mood to do anything else, not to mention that with so many pairs of eyes and lenses facing me every day, I hardly feel in the mood to waste my energy. It\'s up there.

Amanda was already asleep, but William Chen was still not sleepy. He was lying on his back, looking at the starry sky at night, with the sound of waves in his ears.

On this day, William Chen has gone through too much, from being rescued in the Amazon jungle to seeing his cousin and his beloved woman. When he finally relaxed a little, he came to such a so-called "survivor" inexplicably. In the event, facing a terrible situation that can be said to be hopeless.

Lying here now, Chen William looked at the pure starry sky and couldn\'t help but wonder, what are his women and his children doing now?

She suddenly lost consciousness, so what kind of situation will they face next?

Just thinking about it, Chen William didn\'t know when, drowsiness suddenly came, and he fell asleep.

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