America's Road To Fame

Chapter 502: preliminary strategy

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

"What did Roman say?"

Listening to Amanda\'s words, William Chen thought quickly.

"Roman said that if he doesn\'t want to release water, he can do these things. He only needs to make targeted arrangements during the game and put us in a position where he is not good at it. It\'s like you have a bad puzzle. If you have a puzzle, give this to you, and if you mess up, just use this as an excuse to put a target on your back."

At the end, Amanda looked at William Chen with a worried expression.

William Chen also knew from the memory of the former host of this body that in a previous tribal game, william was assigned to the puzzle, and the result was a poor performance. At that time, the kota tribe had always been ahead, but in the final puzzle In the link, because of William\'s poor performance, the Fang tribe reversed the result of the game.

However, at that time William and Amanda still voted with Roman, so the Kota tribe took advantage of the situation and eliminated a member of another small group.

From time to time, if Chen William still messes up the puzzle tomorrow, then this big target will stand up, and Roman and the others will definitely find an excuse to throw themselves away, although in the current situation, this excuse is actually It\'s not important anymore.

In such a critical situation, William Chen and Amanda picked up suitable dry and dead wood and carried them back to the camp, while thinking about countermeasures.

In the current situation, there are only two ways to choose, one is to find the statue of immunity, the other is to try to win tomorrow\'s knockout match, so that the kota tribe can avoid entering the tribal meeting to eliminate members, there is no other way.

The so-called immunity statue is a hidden item in "Survivor". It is usually hidden in a hidden place in the wild. Those who get the immunity statue can choose to use it before the voting of the tribal meeting ends and the host Jeff makes public the voting results. Void all votes for someone, then eliminate the person with the most votes from the rest of the votes.

However, it is too slim to find a statue of immunity now, it is a matter of luck, and certainly not all hopes can be pinned on it.

In the end, William Chen decided that both preparations should be made. While looking for the statue of immunity in his spare time, he should try his best to win tomorrow\'s game.

The most important thing now is to determine Will\'s meaning. There will be a total of five players in tomorrow\'s game. Even if the water is released, Roman and the others will not be too obvious in order to hide.

As Roman said, his biggest possibility is to arrange both William Chen and Amanda in positions that they are not very good at, so that they can be confident in the end. Therefore, William Chen still needs to do some preparations for these.

As a loyal fan of "Survivor", William Chen, the predecessor of this body at this time, has also watched every season of the show in the past, not even just once. Some classic seasons will be rewatched many times.

Although the statue of immunity has only just appeared in recent seasons, I still know very well about the setting of this statue.

"Amanda, you are pretending to be picking up firewood now. Do a good search around here. If you can find the Immunity God statue, then we can be more secure. I\'ll talk to Will."

For Amanda, William Chen still trusts him. In his memory, this is the person he has had the closest relationship with since the first day he divided the tribe. Often this kind of early allies have the most reliable relationship with each other. trust is also the strongest.

"This neighborhood has been rummaged many times. Almost everyone will secretly look for the statue when they have time. I have never heard of anyone finding it. Someone used it in another tribe before, and ours hasn\'t appeared yet. Or it was secretly hidden by someone."

Amanda said somewhat uncertainly.

"Even if the odds are small, let\'s try, we have to seize every possibility now."

"Okay, I\'ll try my best, william, hoping to find someone to help us get through this."

Seeing that Amanda began to concentrate on searching, William Chen turned to leave. He had to confirm Will\'s thoughts first.

If it was said that at the beginning, Chen William didn\'t care too much about this [Survivor] incident.

He even thought that it would be good to be eliminated just like that. He could return to the modern society, and he would no longer have to work so hard every day on a desert island, not only to find food, do all kinds of physical work, but also to face intrigue and interpersonal relationships.

But since he decided to stay and try because of the technology tree lottery, then with his character, he would naturally try his best.

Back at the camp, William Chen saw that Will was repairing the straw shed where they lived. After the storm and heavy rain in the past few days, many banana leaves had been blown away, and some supporting bamboo poles had been blown away. It also needs to be replaced, and the workload is still not small.

But at this time, only Will himself was doing it slowly, and William Chen walked over and asked casually:

"will, where are Roman and Choi? Didn\'t you get it for you?"

"The two of them went fishing, william, how are you recovering?"

Will didn\'t stop what he was doing, as he spoke.

"It\'s much better now, you see, I can\'t wait to exercise my muscles now, although it\'s not as good as yours, Will, you\'re a superman."

"Haha, but it\'s better to take a break, william."

"It\'s okay, I\'ll help you."

Chen William began to help Will lift the bamboo pole up and let him fix it:

"Will, you\'re a good guy and I respect you a lot, so can you talk to me about tomorrow\'s game, what do you think?"

When Will heard William Chen\'s words, he paused for a moment, looked at him, and said apologetically:

"william, you\'re a great guy, if it\'s after the game, I hope we can be good friends. But you know, it\'s Survivor and we\'re all fighting for the prize money, and every day like this is not a vacation Yes, I\'m going to work hard for my family and my kids. So I\'m sorry, but I have to stay true to my team and that\'s what I need to do to get to the end."

"I understand you, brother, you are a good man and you have the most upright character. Because of this, I will not ask you to stand by me at a tribal meeting, it is precisely because I consider you a friend and don\'t want to It\'s embarrassing for you. But the current situation, you know, we kota tribes don\'t have to be eliminated, right. There are only 10 people left, you should understand that it\'s time to merge the tribes, we can\'t just see the eyes , but also to consider more long-term, when the day of the merger really comes, Roman may have other allies, he controls the votes, how about you? Are you sure he can take you to the end? Will."

Seeing Will\'s expression changed, William Chen continued:

"Of course, I\'m not asking you to oppose Roman Reigns. If I stand on your side, I will choose to do so. After all, it is more secure to continue to follow Roman Reigns. But you have to know, brother, security may let you go to the end, but This will not win the respect of the jury. The final champion is voted by a jury of members who were eliminated after the merger of the tribe. Even if you reach the final, you and Roman will welcome their vote, what will they think? What?—Will? The guy who has been lying behind Roman’s **** to win? Why should I vote for him, does he have any strategy of his own?—Do you think so?”

"william, it\'s too early to think about it, first of all I need to be able to get to the end."

"I understand, will, so I\'m not asking you to make big moves now, just to remind you that you need to pay attention to these issues. What I want to ask you is, don\'t hold back tomorrow\'s game, okay? Like you, I also need to work hard for myself, we should give all people the opportunity to work hard, rather than relying on conspiracy to directly deprive them of the opportunity, this is what "Survivor" is about, isn\'t it? We are the same people , Will, you can beat me head-on, so even if I lose, I still respect you, when you sit in the last chair, my vote will go to the person who is really playing the That\'s what I want to say."

William Chen said to Will with a very "sincere" expression.

"Don\'t worry, william, I\'ll give my best every game, no matter what the others do. Good luck, bro."

"Thank you, Will."

Hearing Will\'s promise, Chen William\'s first goal was achieved, at least he had a little more chance.

And through this chat, he has been paying attention to Will\'s expression. He understands that his words still play a role. At least Will will not follow Roman Reigns mindlessly all the time. After all, everyone who comes here wants to win. The one million dollar prize, everyone understands, there is no big move, and in the end, it will just accompany you to run.

The key question is when you need to make your big moves.


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