America's Road To Fame

Chapter 5: all or nothing

"I understand all this, Uncle Tom, I know that my previous investment in movies has been very unsuccessful, and I have disappointed you in the past few years..."

"Actually, this can\'t be entirely your fault, William, after all, you are still young. I thought about it, maybe it was because my expectations for you were too high and it put too much pressure on you. Now I just hope you can live a peaceful and happy life. That\'s good, I really don\'t want you to take too many risks." Tom said sincerely.

"I just want to try one last time, Uncle Tom, will you give me one last chance? I just want to keep the mansion my parents left for me, so now I have a chance, and I have to try it once. If it still fails this time, , then I promise you, go back to the Dre family, and I will be an ordinary person in the future, and I will no longer have any delusions. I only hope that this time, you can give me one more trust and help without reservation. "

William Chen had no choice but to take this as a guarantee, hoping that Uncle Tom could help him one last time.

He understood that it would be really difficult for Uncle Tom to make this decision. Thinking from another perspective, if he does not have the future bank and the information in the eyes of the future, whoever tells him these words, he will feel outrageous.

Do you think the financial field is really so profitable? Who do you look down on? So many of the smartest people on Wall Street, including mathematicians and psychologists, cannot guarantee that all funds are profitable. Where do you get your confidence? So he can only hope now in Tom\'s expectations of him and the unreserved trust a parent has in his children.

Although Chen William doesn\'t need a house mortgage, just using the future bank\'s line is enough for his investment to earn enough income.

However, if you just use the future bank\'s loan limit, the transfer of 50 million US dollars will not be monitored by anyone, so the problem arises, how do you explain to the people around you, where you make the money and pay it back What about bank loans? After all, William Chen is not alone. A large amount of income appears out of thin air. Even if you benefit from the investment, where does the principal come from?

Therefore, the reason why he needed to use a house as a mortgage to obtain a loan, in addition to wishing to increase the investment amount, the most important thing is to be able to explain the source of the investment income. At that time, as long as all the trading team sign the non-disclosure agreement, he will be able to say something to Tom and others.

Tom took a deep look at Chen William, he closed his eyes, his face was full of struggle, and he didn\'t know what to think of. Perhaps what appeared in his mind at this time was the figure of Chen William\'s predecessor\'s mother. When he opened his eyes again, he said to Chen William, "William, this is the last time, I hope you won\'t let me down."

After saying this, he turned to look at the garden outside the window, sighed, and said, "I don\'t know if this decision is correct, I hope I won\'t regret it."

But now that it has been decided, Tom will not continue to struggle, he directly asked: "What do you want me to do for you, William?"

"There are two things now, Uncle Tom. The first is to find a bank to handle the mortgage loan for this house. I hope to get a loan of no less than 20 million US dollars, and the sooner the better. The second is me I hope to find a reliable trading team to help me invest in the stock market." William Chen had planned these things for a long time, and now he told Tom directly.

"The loan is easy to handle. The valuation of this house is not low, and it is very popular. Just leave this matter to me. I will contact a few bank managers I know after a while. As for the trading team, I will go to Ask Hunter Ho, the stocks and securities left by your parents were handed over to him before, and he is also a friend of your father who works on Wall Street, so there should be a suitable team introduction." Soon, Tom made up his mind. How to solve these problems.

He mentioned Hunter He, and Chen William can still find some impressions in the memory of his predecessor. This person\'s Chinese name is He Ansheng, and he is his father\'s classmate. The relationship between the two has always been good. After Chen William\'s father passed away, The assets left, including stocks and securities, were handled by He Ansheng. At that time, his operations were relatively good, and he helped them get a more suitable price.

Chen William knew from Tom that He Ansheng is currently working at Goldman Sachs and is in charge of a private equity fund. With his connections on Wall Street, it is not difficult to help Chen William find a suitable trading team.

Sure enough, the next day, William Chen got Tom\'s reply. Chen William has already told him that his mortgage loan does not take long, and he only needs a one-month short-term loan for the time being. Moreover, his procedures are complete, and it will not take long. Coupled with Tom\'s relationship, it may be as soon as possible. The loan can be paid in a day, and the loan amount, as he said, is 20 million US dollars.

Hunter He also introduced a trading team to Tom, who will meet William Chen today. The person in charge of the trading team is Joss, who was once under Hunter He, and his team consists of 5 people.

After meeting with them, Chen William successfully finalized the cooperation plan. The cooperation period is 1 month. Chen William will give the trading team a remuneration of 200,000 US dollars, and depending on the final completed income, a part of the bonus will be added. .

Because after all, William Chen doesn\'t know much about the operation of the stock market, so he can only provide them with a few key stock names and the entire shipping sector, and Jos will carry out specific operations, so how much is the final income, Jos\'s here Operation is also a very important factor. In order to motivate him to operate attentively, bonuses are also very necessary.

As for the place where they work, the building at No. 666 Fifth Avenue, which Chen William holds shares, has a lot of spare office space. done.

Of course, William Chen also specially asked Tom to hire a lawyer for him, signed a cooperation agreement with the trading team, and all team members signed the relevant confidentiality agreement. Any content of the trading cannot be leaked to the outside world, otherwise it will face a huge amount of money. compensation.

After completing these things, William Chen opened Future Bank and lent all the amount—$50 million. Soon, he received information from the bank that he had transferred $50 million in cash into his account, and in his bank account, he could only see that the balance was more than $50 million, but he could not check the transfer record just now. , which made William Chen feel deeply about the strength of the future bank.

At this time, the available quota displayed on the [Account] interface of the future bank is already 0. William Chen continued to transfer the $50 million in his bank account into his stock account, which he handed over to Jos for operation.

"I\'ve seen the DryShips stock you mentioned, and it\'s priced right now and trading is sluggish. The entire stock doesn\'t have a lot of liquidity. According to my calculations, you can only put in a maximum of $5 million, if more , it will have too much impact on the price, and it is not conducive to subsequent selling.

As for the remaining stocks, I plan to put $30 million into the operation, and the remaining $15 million into other stocks in the shipping sector. "After Chen William handed over the planned investment target to Jos, he did some research and analyzed it.

"These are under your control. I have already given you the target stocks. Now you can decide the specific operation plan. If the final profit can satisfy me, I will also give you a satisfactory bonus. I have 2000 in the future. Ten thousand dollars, it will take a few days to arrive, and you can continue to make additional investments at that time. But I only have one request, that is, when I tell you to sell, don’t hesitate.”

William Chen remembers that the future report said that the 15th of next month will be the moment when the sector will skyrocket. All stocks have reached the highest price on that day, so he will notify Jos to sell in time. stock.

After all, this investment is very important to Chen William, so although he will hand over the specific operations to Jos, it does not mean that he will not care about it later, he will still come over every day to grasp the situation of the transaction. Now he can be said to be desperate, and under such circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to give the whole heart to others, regardless of himself.

After explaining these things, William Chen left Building 666 together with his lawyer. UU Reading The lawyer by his side, named Alicia, was the lawyer Tom helped William Chen find from the law firm where he worked. Alicia is about twenty-seven or eight years old, and her short blond shoulder-length hair looks very temperamental, and she wears a dark red professional suit.

After the two entered the elevator, William Chen said to her with a smile, "Ms. Alicia, thank you very much for your help today."

"This is my job, Mr. Chen, if you have anything else to do in the future, you can contact me." Alicia naturally knew the handsome young man in front of her. After all, the other party\'s popularity is not small, although most of them are not well-known.

However, he is his own client now, and she still has basic professional skills, so both words and attitudes are very decent.

"Of course, I\'m very satisfied with your work." By this time they had reached the door of the building, and William Chen said, "Should I see you off?"

"No, thank you, I drove here." Alicia said politely.

When the two separated, Chen William also walked over to a silver-white sports car. This sports car was a Ferrari California sports car that his uncle gave him when he was an adult.

Although driving a sports car does look very dazzling, the driving process is not so comfortable. Moreover, Chen William is 185cm tall. Apart from the feeling of sitting on the ground to drive, the space in the car is far less convenient than that of an SUV.

In his previous life, he still preferred SUV models. Although he also had a sports car dream, on the one hand, when he was rich enough, he was no longer young. On the other hand, after a test drive, compared with the SUV driving experience, Decided to give up the idea of ​​buying a sports car.