America's Road To Fame

Chapter 4: Reporting from the future

In an instant, the vortex in the Eye of the Future in his hand turned, and then instantly turned into a ball of light that flew into William Chen\'s forehead. A burst of white light immediately appeared in front of Chen William\'s eyes. After the white light passed, he found a picture floating in front of him. It was a newspaper report, and the content was:

During the U.S. stock trading session on July 15, 2009, the shipping sector collectively soared, and many stocks rose more than 100% during the session. The sale of assets of bankrupt South Korean container company KJ Shipping was the main reason for the single-day surge in shipping stocks. In addition, the Baltic Dry Index rose for 9 days in a row, hitting a nearly one-year high.

The share price of Greek cargo ship maker DryShips has risen 831.74% in the past week. At the end of June, the share price of DryShips was only about US$0.3. During the US stock market trading session on the 15th, the share price of DryShips once rose to US$102 and closed at US$73, an increase of 70.3%. In other words, it only took DryShips half a month to rush from $0.3 to $100.

DryShips\' recently announced second-quarter performance report shows that although the company\'s operating income fell by 76.19% year-on-year in the second quarter, its net loss has improved compared to the same period last year.

A January filing by Dryships with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission revealed that the company had been questioned whether it would be able to continue as a going concern. Dryships is understood to have defaulted on three loans totaling $213.7 million at the time. As of the end of October last year, its debt totaled 280 million US dollars.

At the time, Dryships had announced a moratorium on all debt repayments, stressing that the company was in debt restructuring talks with banks.

In addition, the stock price of cargo ship operator EagleBulk has also risen by 115.8% in the past week. Data show that EagleBulk\'s main revenue in the third quarter achieved a year-on-year growth, and there are preliminary signs of recovery. Shares of Diana Container Lines, which owns and operates 10 Panamax container ships, rose 154.7% on the 20th, hitting a new high in nearly six months.

After Chen William read the report, the picture in front of him gradually disappeared. At this time, he panicked. Although he generally remembered the content, he was still afraid that he would forget some important data.

But fortunately, he later found something in the future bank\'s inventory. At this time, the three items in the newcomer gift package had disappeared, but there was one more [Eye of the Future (Trace)]. When Chen William opened the trace, he found that it recorded the picture he just saw. He was relieved.

Recalling the content of the report I just saw, it mainly refers to the news of the shipping sector of the US stock market on July 15, especially the most important of which is the share price information of the Greek cargo shipper DryShips.

This stock can be called a demon stock. At the end of June, the stock price was only US$0.3, but by July 15, it will be able to rise to a maximum of US$102 within half a month. How many times is this? A full 340 times increase is really awesome, that is, if he invests 10 million US dollars now, it can rise to 3.4 billion US dollars by then, which is terrifying.

Chen William confirmed the time, today is June 29th, which means that if this report really comes from the future, this wave of market will start soon, and he should have time to make arrangements.

Of course, it\'s not that Chen William has never invested in stocks in his previous life. He knows that things are not that simple. Often, such super-high-growth demon stocks are not too big. It is estimated that their circulation will be limited, let alone 3.4 billion. It is estimated to be 340 million. At that time, it will not be able to sell at that price, so it will only be possible to play with small funds.

But even so, a lot of information can be seen from this report, that is, by the next month, the entire shipping sector of the US stock market will have a relatively large market, and many stocks will rise by more than 100% in a single day, then As long as the funds are sufficient, you can make more attacks and deploy the entire shipping sector, so that the plate of the entire sector will be larger, can accommodate more funds, and can earn enough profits.

But the question now is, first, is this eye of the future reliable? If the news is inaccurate, the stock will not only not rise, but will fall sharply, then the game will be over.

But now he is faced with such a predicament, and he can only choose to believe. After all, his time travel and the appearance of this future bank are magical enough, and it is something that subverts his entire cognition. Since these are slowly accepted, there will be no such thing as the appearance of the eyes of the future. So incomprehensible.

The second question is the current situation of William Chen. Even if the news is true, it is also a problem to find funds to invest in this market. Now he has no money at all, only the tens of thousands of dollars he usually spends. .

The rest, including his own film and television company, are already at a standstill. As for Building 666 on Fifth Avenue, the bank is watching now, and everyone knows that a loan will expire soon. I am afraid it is difficult to use that at this time. Building mortgage to get loan.

In the end, there is only the house he lives in now. His own villa has an area of ​​more than 8,000 square feet. Converted to square meters, it is about 750 square meters, and it is the most expensive area in New York, where oldmoney in New York is concentrated. They, that is, those families that have lasted for several generations, this is the vocabulary corresponding to newmoney, which refers to those newly rich, or the upstarts.

Residential houses on the Upper East Side near Fifth Avenue are often priceless and have high requirements for the owners who live in them.

Therefore, the requirements for occupants will not only have asset thresholds, but also have restrictions on their occupation and identity. Just like those celebrities or nouveau riche, they are often refused to move in, and they can only go to the emerging residences on the other end of the Upper East Side. area to live.

Therefore, William Chen\'s house here can be said to be the highest in the United States, or even in the world. The market valuation of his villa is more than 25 million US dollars, and if he mortgages it, he can borrow about 20 million US dollars.

In addition, the Future Bank he just got, can provide him with a loan amount. Thinking of this, he opened the [Account] interface and saw that the amount was still 10 million US dollars.

But at this time, he has not yet bound a partner. The only partner he can bind is Paris Hilton. Although it always feels that binding her may not be reliable, there is no way, the time is running out, and now he has no choice. It\'s time to find a more suitable person, and after all, he and Paris have known each other for three years, and other people may not be able to have a lower "hat rate" than her.

You must know that once bound and borrowed, if the bound partner is judged to be deviating by the system, it is still very dangerous. In the future, the bank will immediately like the forced liquidation in many leveraged transactions. At that time, the financial assets held by William Chen were sold to repay the loan.

If it is in the operation of financial investment, this kind of behavior is difficult to prevent. If the stock invested during this period of time is at a low price and is forced to sell, then the loss will be huge, and your own positions will be sent instantly. Pending orders, eating all buy orders, and even causing the price to drop instantly.

Therefore, you must be more cautious about the bound partner. William Chen has not many choices now, so he can only bind Paris first. The big deal is to watch her more during this time, so as not to let himself be because of her reasons. investment is lost.

When he figured this out, William Chen chose Paris Hilton in the binding column. After he made the selection, he saw that under the [Account] column, the bound logo appeared, and there was an avatar of Paris next to it. And his quota has also entered a state of adjustment.

A minute later, when the adjustment was completed, William Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that the quota at this time had become 50 million US dollars. He didn\'t expect Paris Hilton\'s score to be good, although he has not tried other people\'s scores, if it is not enough at least the current amount, he is very satisfied.

But it\'s not so difficult to understand if you think about it. After all, Paris was born in the Hilton family, and she has also made a lot of film and television works in the past few years, and her popularity in the United States is relatively high.

The most important thing is that Paris Hilton has not had any negative news yet, and her personal image is generally good. It is not like Chen William\'s previous life, after she was backstabbed by her ex-boyfriend and some kind of videotape was released. , After being attacked later, the love history is also relatively rich, so the reputation at that time was not good, and it was even called the prodigal son of the Hilton family, and even the entire family was greatly affected.

Today is June 29, and there is not much time left for William Chen. He needs to hurry up. And one thing he also needs to consider is that if the bank\'s quota in the future, plus the mortgage loan for his house, his total capital will be about 70 million US dollars, and he needs to buy more than one stock, which he may be difficult to operate. Come.

Professional things have to be done by professional people, so he plans to find a reliable trading team to help him operate these stocks.

However, he always wanted to tell Uncle Tom about the mortgage loan. Although Chen William could predict how he would react when he knew about his decision, he was the most trusted and close person in his predecessor. A man, even out of respect, must give him advance notice.

And William Chen knew that Uncle Tom was a lawyer in New York before, and UUkanshu had a wider network of contacts than him, so things like finding a trading team needed his help.

"What? Are you going to mortgage this house loan?" Sure enough, Uncle Tom had a very big reaction after hearing William Chen\'s thoughts: "William, I thought you really had high ambitions before you reflected on it, but I didn\'t expect you to even think about this now. I want to sell the house. This is the house your parents left to you. This is not just a house. In my heart, there are still memories here. Memories of past life. It\'s all sold."

"Uncle Tom, I\'m not trying to sell this place. I\'m just taking a mortgage loan to solve the current problem. I won\'t give this house to anyone else."

William Chen tried his best to explain, but he also knew that what he saw from the eyes of the future could not be explained clearly to the other party. Even if he did say it, Uncle Tom was more likely to think that there was something wrong with his brain.

"It won\'t be as easy as you think, William, yes, it\'s easy for you to take this house to the bank for a mortgage, but what will you use to pay it back? Don\'t say what movie do you want to invest in, after so many years The movies you invested in have never made money, and you have lost so much. If you don\'t make any money, you will even lose your last property."

Uncle Tom rubbed his forehead and said, "To be honest, William, the result of my communication with the bank today is not optimistic. Even if there is a reconciliation from the Drey family, they still insist that at least half of the repayment be due. , so that the rest of the loan can be extended. So if the worst happens and the shares in that building can’t be kept, you still have at least one such property, and I don’t want to see you on the street in the end, understand?”