America's Road To Fame

Chapter 437: almost exposed

During this time, William Chen also did one thing, that is, after he and Ivanta\'s daughter Chen Yiran had their first birthday, they completed the divorce procedures with Ivanta.

After the divorce, in addition to becoming the largest shareholder of tc business management company, William Chen also bought another manor next to the Long Island Manor and transferred it to Ivanta\'s name to become her residence in New York.

It is worth mentioning that Paris was also in New York during this time. After the at skin care center in Atlanta became a crazy place for global actresses and celebrities, she also began to work in the meta future building on Fifth Avenue. In 2018, the second at skin care center was established. The essences used for skin care here are all airlifted from Atlanta, so the fees are naturally very high.

However, William Chen still made an excuse and did not meet her for the time being, but went to Los Angeles on the West Coast next.

Because of the calculation of time, half a year has passed since the [One Hit Hits] used on Paris. If the two of them... learn knowledge together, then I am afraid that she will inevitably become pregnant.

But he just finished the divorce procedure with Ivanta, and he didn\'t hope that in the future, after he was with Paris, some good person made a timeline of this time and found out that he divorced Ivanta, and that Paris was divorced. Si is pregnant and it is a seamless connection, so I am afraid that his reputation will not be very good.

Of course, it was indeed necessary for William Chen to come to Los Angeles. First of all, he brought his two new personal assistants to the meta entertainment and media company here to have the necessary familiarity, and he was going to the air force base here soon. , SpaceX, is about to conduct a major satellite launch for sp telecommunications.

Initially, after SpaceX launched the first communication satellite, Siren-1, for SP Telecom, it received two orders from SP Telecom. At this time, SP Telecom already owned three communication satellites.

This time, SpaceX will try to launch 5 satellites for SP Telecom at one time. It can be said that this launch is of great significance for both SpaceX and SP Telecom.

In Los Angeles, William Chen also met Musk. It seems that he is in good shape, especially SpaceX, which is about to make a five-star attempt. He can even feel that he is still quite excited, and he is not affected by him at all. effects of divorce.

Uh, yes, in this way, William Chen and Musk can really be regarded as brothers and sisters.

William Chen just divorced Ivanta, and Musk, it was reported earlier that he had divorced his second wife, Dalula.

The marriage between two people lasted a little longer than that of William Chen and Ivanta, but William Chen knew that this was not the end. once.

The launch of the satellite was ultimately very successful, and Musk continued to talk in front of the media, expounding on the future prospects of SpaceX and his set of rhetoric for the development of Mars.

However, William Chen did not accompany him to continue the performance, but returned to his villa in Malibu.

Nozomi Sasaki\'s mother and daughter, who lived here before, have now gone to live in the City of Freedom on Atlanta Island, and this villa is temporarily vacant.

Here, William Chen and "Black Widow" Scarlett relived their old relationship. In this way, it seems that the two of them spent the most time together in this villa.

It just seems that Scarlett is still not used to the existence of other people, so when Ember and Milanda came here the next day, the "Black Widow" excused something and left early.

"How are you, how are you, beauties?"

Seeing two beauties with different characteristics come into the house, William Chen casually wore pajamas, held coffee in both hands, handed them to them, and said hello.

"Very bad, William."

Ember said with a bit of resentment:

"I feel that I have become a machine for work recently. Work, work, and work. Think about it, it\'s been a long time since I saw you. The last time, I\'m afraid it was when your super yacht made its maiden voyage."

"Don\'t complain, dear, work is the most meaningful thing, okay, don\'t put your face down, I promise you, I will take you on vacation soon."


Sure enough, after hearing his words, Ember had a smile on his face, and Miranda was the same, quite happy about this matter.

Since they complained that they haven\'t seen themselves for a long time, Chen William naturally has an obligation to help them together and continue to learn knowledge, but women, ah, that\'s how it is. They were the ones who spoke harshly at first, and finally Vulnerable, or they.

It\'s just that there was a small episode in the middle, that is, Ember received a call. William Chen was condescending at the time. Looking from behind her, he saw the caller ID on her mobile phone, it was Da Lula.

After hesitating, Ember gestured to William Chen and connected the phone.

Chen William\'s hearing is inherently strong, so although he is learning knowledge, he can also hear the conversation between the two. Dalula doesn\'t seem to be in a good mood, and at this time, Ember is a bit difficult and needs a side Accept the learning of knowledge, while comforting each other with kind words.

Even William Chen was a little worried at the time, would Ember accidentally read out the knowledge he had learned...

When Ember felt that the long time had finally passed, she hung up Dalula\'s phone and looked back at William Chen angrily:

"I almost exposed myself just now..."

Ember said that Da Lula is not in a good mood recently. She can see that the other party still has some unrequited love for Musk, but she can\'t stand the other party spending too much time. When they were at work, even the most outrageous time, for a full month, the two of them spent no more than five hours together.

In this regard, Chen William did not comment too much. After all, for some people, it is true that the proportion of love in the meaning of life is very small, and if the other half can\'t bear it, I am afraid it must be a torment to be together. .

It\'s like the two continue to get back together in the future, but in the end they didn\'t stick to it.

"She asked me to accompany her tomorrow, but I really don\'t want to take up time with you, my dear."

Ember said so.

Chen William could also understand what she meant, so he said to her:

"It doesn\'t matter. In fact, for the past month, I have been here at the Metropolis, and at most I will take some time to go to Silicon Valley, so you have a lot of time, baby."