America's Road To Fame

Chapter 436: Funds and Foundations

"Anna is so cute, she smiled at me."

In the manor on Long Island, after William Chen returned to New York, Uncle Tom also made a special trip to visit him.

But now it seems that he just wants to see his daughter.

Just like now, Uncle Tom hugged Chen Yiran and kissed her on the small cheek, his eyes full of doting.

"Uncle Tom, you can actually have a baby too, it\'s not too late, is it?"

William Chen said to him with a smile.

"Me? Forget it, I think life is good now."

Hearing William Chen\'s words, Uncle Tom shook his head, disapprovingly.

Uncle Tom and his girlfriend still dare to ask for stability at this time, but they are just like many couples in America, they don\'t care about the form of marriage, they live together as lovers all the time, and at the same time they can maintain their relationship. They live relatively independent lives.

In this regard, Chen William will not say much, no matter what, as long as he feels happy, it doesn\'t really matter.

This time, Uncle Tom inevitably talked to William Chen about the Caitlin Foundation.

Entering the new year, 2012, the Caitlin Foundation will continue to plan funds for charitable purposes.

In the past year, the Caitlin Foundation donated entirely to charitable purposes, reaching as high as 3.2 billion US dollars, exceeding the stipulated minimum of 3 billion US dollars.

Of that, $900 million will be used for the construction of Atlanta, including research and development, health care and education spending on crops and livestock, as well as the construction of parts of the road network.

The charitable funds used in the United States have also exceeded 1 billion US dollars. Of course, in addition to part of the assistance for Asian groups and biomedical donations, these funds are also divided into two parts, one part is for various associations. Donations from organizations, this part of the donations, have more political purposes and are used to gain support from relevant political figures.

The other part is the industry related to the meta group held by the Caitlin Foundation, which is implicitly subsidized and promoted.

In addition to Atlanta and the United States, in the places where William Chen\'s industry spreads, such as Europe and Asia, the funds of the Caitlin Foundation have also been donated.

Of course, these donations are also conducive to their local business operations and create a good relationship.

So now, you need to plan the use of charitable funds this year.

In fact, the difference from last year is not too big, but in Atlanta, this year\'s funds will be mainly invested in education and medical expenses.

Among them, the investment in basic education is not too high, and in William Chen’s plan, Atlanta School, which previously cooperated with New York University, will invest more funds in it after its completion this year, not only It will invite some well-known scholars to teach in Atlanta, and will also provide more attractive scholarships to the students of this school.

As for medical care, Atlanta will also have a large comprehensive hospital this year, as well as at least three related professional hospitals that are in line with its climate and environment. The personnel of these hospitals naturally need to hire excellent professionals, which will also be included in the Caitlin Foundation\'s charitable giving to Atlanta.

In addition to the matter of the Caitlin Foundation, the CEO of Meta Investment Company, Nielsen, talked to Chen William about another thing, that is, in the third year of cooperation with Chen William, John, from the Securities Investment Department of Meta Investment Company Paulson, once put forward the idea of ​​leaving his job to him, but was persuaded by Nielsen.

The main reason is that John Paulson, who performed amazingly in the subprime mortgage crisis, was not eye-catching in terms of fund returns last year, not to mention the Tianshu Fund in charge of William Chen, whose asset appreciation rate exceeded 100%. In comparison, even among other funds on Wall Street, the performance of the John Paulson Fund can be said to be mediocre.

Therefore, users of the John Paulson Fund who have experienced a substantial appreciation of their assets before, in this case, have a little bit of criticism.

However, in Nielsen\'s view, these are all innocuous. There are not many funds that can guarantee to maintain a state of rapid growth. Even Buffett, known as the **** of stocks, his Berkshire Hathaway can only be said to be an annual average. The income is relatively high, and in this way, it has also created a legend.

Those users of the John Paulson Fund were only initially appetized by his amazing performance, so they have not yet adapted to the gap after the fund returned to ordinary income.

In this regard, William Chen also agrees, because he knows that, in fact, judging from John Paulson\'s past record, he is better at short-selling. When encountering an economic crisis, the fund he is in charge will perform very well. , and now, it is the economic recovery period after the crisis, then the income of his fund will drop sharply, which is also a very normal thing.

Just like in William Chen\'s previous life, when John Paulson also became famous in the subprime mortgage crisis, his fund expanded rapidly, and at its peak, it even reached the scale of 50 billion US dollars.

But still after the crisis, the performance of that fund became mediocre, and the final result was that John Paulson dissolved his fund.

It now appears that this life, and ultimately the result of the John Paulson Foundation, will probably be the same.

At that time, for William Chen, some things were not so important. The fund could be maintained for a longer time, which could be regarded as earning a little more fund management fee for him. During the subprime mortgage crisis, John Paulson had already Earn enough profits by himself. Of course, Paulson himself has huge assets because of this. After UU read, he did not want to be able to share too much income in this fund.

However, when it comes to Tianshu Fund, Nielsen\'s mood is completely different, just because the performance of this fund is really dazzling.

In particular, those technology stocks heavily held by this fund have performed very strongly in the past, far outperforming the overall rise in the stock market.

This result has also made the investors of Tianshu Fund very satisfied, especially those big households in the Middle East rich countries, who have made invitations several times, hoping that William Chen can go to their country and take him to experience the local customs.

But think about the rules of those countries, then forget it. The royal families of these rich countries have to go abroad if they want to enjoy fine wine, so they don\'t go there to experience it themselves.

In addition, it is also because of the sky-high performance of Tianshu Fund that William Chen gained a very strong network of connections among the elites in the United States.

After all, in the Tianshu Fund at that time, not everyone could invest if they wanted to. The customers who participated in the investment of this fund were all screened, and the quota they could obtain also needed to be confirmed by William Chen. Therefore, The current situation has also allowed his influence to spread to more fields.