America's Road To Fame

Chapter 393: cousin danny

The sun in Los Angeles is good in mid-August, especially on the beaches of Malibu, where the evening views are most pleasant.

Chen Xiran, who was almost three months old, was in William Chen\'s arms, and he was teasing him with a toy and giggling.

Nozomi Sasaki watched this scene from the side, with a demure and happy smile on his face.

At this time, her figure has generally returned to her pre-pregnancy appearance. If there is a difference, it will be a little more mature and plump, making her look more attractive.

The servant came to report that Mr. Drey had come and was waiting for him in the reception room. William Chen handed his daughter to Nozomi Sasaki, kissed her on the face, and said:

"You accompany your daughter first, and I\'ll go see my cousin."

Yes, it was not John Drey who came to see William Chen this time, but his cousin, Danny Gray, Roger\'s brother.

When Chen William came to the reception room, he saw a fitted suit and glasses. At first glance, he looked like a social elite. When Danny Gray saw William Chen appear, with a warm smile on his face, he stood up, stretched out his hand to William Chen, and said:

"William, I saw your performance at the World Swimming Championships. It was amazing. It was unbelievable and exciting."

Shaking hands with his cousin, William Chen smiled faintly. The standard politician\'s smile on Danny\'s face was exactly the same as that of his uncle John Drey. It was no wonder that Roger had always said that he truly inherited his father\'s mantle. It\'s his brother.

But this is also the reason why William Chen rarely deals with him. In addition to Danny Del Rey who has been teaching in California universities before, there is also the fact that compared to Roger\'s straightforwardness, getting along with him will make him feel good. I feel a little more tired, because from their performance, there is no direct emotional feedback at all, it is always just a decent smile, or a solemn and sincere listening...

"Congratulations too, Cousin Danny, there is a new member of Congress in the family."

Danny Del Rey is four years older than William Chen, and is now 27 years old. Just this year, he officially resigned from his teaching position at the university, entered the political arena, and was successfully elected to the California Congressman.

"Thank you, William, I will remember your help to me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve the people."

Danny\'s words, how do you say it, high-sounding... very politician, it seems that he is indeed born to be suitable for this.

"This is what I should do, cousin, and it\'s just a trivial matter. We are a family."

"Yes, we are a family, William, and we are more trustworthy to each other."

The help Danny Del Rey said was that during his campaign, William Chen, in the name of the Caitlin Foundation, donated a total of more than $20 million to several California institutions. These donations also helped Danny Del Rey has more support from voters.

"Is there anything wrong with this visit? Cousin, you also said that we are a family. If there is anything we can do, I will definitely help you."

After the two of them sat down, William Chen casually said to his cousin.

"Well, then I\'ll just say it straight, William, you know the economic situation is not very good right now, the unemployment rate has been high, and as an MP, I need to do something for the people in my constituency, they need some jobs... "

Chen William can also understand what his cousin said. He just took office and he must have hoped to make some achievements. He is now 27 years old and has become a state assemblyman. If he gets more support during his term of office, then there is hope. , In the next gubernatorial election, represent the Donkey Party to compete for that position. Once this step can stand firm, then relying on the influence of the Drey family in California, Danny Drey\'s future future is worth looking forward to.

"Investment is okay, but with all due respect, cousin Danny, the taxes in California are too high, and they are not attractive enough for companies. You have to see that whether it is Hollywood or Silicon Valley, there are more and more Companies are fleeing California, so if it\'s just to provide some jobs, then I can do it, but more than that, first of all, California needs to lower the tax rate and provide more attractiveness for those companies."

What William Chen said is also true. Now the Hollywood film companies, in the production of film and television dramas, most of them choose other American states that provide tax rebates or subsidies, and even Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom that give more preferential conditions The proportion of projects that are still filmed on Hollywood studios is getting lower and lower.

The same is true of Silicon Valley. Not only those start-ups, but also many Internet giants are considering moving their headquarters to other states, because the tax rate in California is really high.

In the United States, taxes are divided into national tax and state tax. The national tax is obviously the tax that needs to be paid directly to the state. The tax rate is the same everywhere; the state tax is different, and even some states vary greatly. Economically developed states such as California and New York have more companies and relatively higher taxes, while many states with relatively less developed economies will lower their tax rates in order to attract investment.

If start-up companies are more dependent on factors such as local facilities and business environment, then those large companies with mature and stable business pay more attention to tax rates, because their business is stable and their revenue is stable. Relatively speaking, the changes will not be too big, and the reduction of tax rates is equivalent to increasing their own income.

"I understand what you said, William, but this is not an easy task. I need to have a bigger stage before I can make efforts for these. Now, I just hope to make the constituency where I live. people, get more benefits, and let them see results.”

As soon as Danny Gray\'s voice fell, William Chen already understood his subtext, that is, at present he just needs some jobs, so that those voters can see that he is working hard for them and fulfilling part of his canvassing time. Promise of.

For the time being, there is no need for William Chen to make too much investment in him. After all, he has just been elected to the state legislature. At this time, it is not suitable for William Chen and the Drey family to immediately invest too much resources in him. And if you want to reduce the tax rate, or reduce the tax rate for some specific industries, it is difficult for him to promote his current position, and he needs to wait until he sits in a higher position, such as... …Governor of California.

Since this is the case, it\'s simple. For the enterprises under Chen William, when they are recruiting, if they tilt Danny Gray\'s constituency, they will be able to complete his entrustment. For Chen William, it can only be said to be a side dish. a plate of.

But fundamentally, the main purpose of Danny Gray\'s coming here today is not to make this request, because he also understands that he didn\'t have much interaction with William Chen before, and more to take advantage of his return to California. From time to time, meeting with him and having more exchanges can be regarded as laying the foundation for future "cooperation".