America's Road To Fame

Chapter 394: Hastings' suggestion

After continuing to chat with cousin Danny for a while, and after dealing with it, William Chen sent him away. After returning to the living room, he saw that his daughter had fallen asleep, and Nozomi Sasaki was humming a song beside the cradle, looking at Chen Xiran who was sleeping peacefully.

William Chen walked to Nozomi Sasaki\'s side and held her hand. From William Chen\'s eyes, he seemed to have something to say to himself. Nozomi Sasaki got up, walked out of the room with him, recruited a maid, and asked her to help look at Xiao Xiran.

William Chen held Nozomi Sasaki\'s hand like this, and the two walked into the courtyard of the villa, slowly walking along the small path towards the beach.

"Kiko, our daughter is a little older now. If you feel bored at home, can you go out and do something you like, such as filming?"

William Chen also doesn\'t want Nozomi Sasaki to be trapped by the child all the time, and there is always a servant to help take care of the child. He still hopes that the other party can do what she likes.

"Actually, I like my current life very much. I can listen to my favorite music, connect with yoga and gymnastics...and, most importantly, I have already filmed the script written by my man. It\'s the most satisfying thing for me, the same satisfaction as having your children."

Nozomi Sasaki hesitated for a while, and said, "But I know that after that, I relied on this drama and gained a lot of popularity. It will be a pity if I don\'t make movies in the future. If you need it..."

Chen William smiled, took her upstairs into his arms, and said softly to her: "It\'s not necessary, baby, I just hope you can live a happy life, do what you like, no matter what it is, it\'s fine, if If you like your life now, keep it that way."

"Thank you, husband, I always wanted to call you that."

"I like your name too. Besides, our house in Atlanta is about to be built. It will be a very beautiful place. I will show you there when the time comes."

"I also look forward to it very much, husband, as long as I can be with you, anywhere is the best."


Next, William Chen met with Hastings, the CEO of Netflix. Netflix is ​​headquartered in Silicon Valley, which is why he is more optimistic about Netflix than Hulu, which is headquartered in Hollywood. Netflix has the genes of the Internet, and in the field of streaming media, traditional Hollywood companies are difficult to beat. than Internet companies.

In the previous life, even though Disney+, the streaming media platform launched by Disney later, relied on the content of the strongest Disney, which acquired 21st Century Fox and Marvel Pictures at that time, it did not surpass Netflix and was firmly seated in the second position of streaming media. .

But after Netflix acquired 20th Century MGM Studios, Hastings spent a lot of time traveling between Silicon Valley and Hollywood, because 20th Century MGM is headquartered in Hollywood.

This time Hastings came to see William Chen, not because he deliberately passed over Bramall Norwood, the CEO of Meta Entertainment Media, but his proposal, which can only be implemented with the approval of William Chen.

Hastings\' proposal is to suggest that William Chen change the incentive policy for MGM executives in the 20th century, from performance commissions to equity incentives for them.

The main reason for this is that after the acquisition of 20th Century MGM Pictures by Netflix, the conflict of interests between the two has become more and more intense.

You must know that before the 20th Century MGM Movies, the main profit method, in addition to the theater box office and film peripherals, was the copyright income of their content, but when Netflix acquired 20th Century MGM Movies After the business, if you want to put the company\'s film library content on the Netflix streaming platform for users to watch as planned, there will be a lot of conflict with 20th Century MGM Pictures.

Originally, content that can receive copyright income, if provided to Netflix for free, it will have a great impact on the performance of 20th Century MGM Pictures, and the current management of 20th Century MGM Pictures In addition to salary, the main income, including CEO Jim Gianlopoulos, is the company\'s performance commission. The higher the income of 20th Century MGM Pictures, the higher their income share will be. If content is given to Netflix for free, then their revenue will be greatly affected.

So what if Netflix buys their content at market prices? This is also impractical, because how will the price be set then? Isn\'t it still necessary to negotiate regularly? In this case, what is the point of merging if it has become a company and needs to carry out these additional negotiation and negotiation, resulting in additional time and salary costs?

There is another thing to consider, that is, the 20th Century MGM Films has had a good box office income for more than a Then these incomes, if they follow their own plans , the more films you shoot, the more likely you will make more money.

But if according to Netflix\'s development plan, there are some films that need to be customized, which will more or less affect the development of MGM in the twentieth century.

Therefore, if the contradiction between these two modes of operation is forcibly suppressed simply by virtue of the status of the parent company of Netflix, it will definitely be detrimental to the operation of MGM in the 20th century.

In the end, the solution Hastings came up with was to change the incentive method for the executives of MGM in the twentieth century, and change the revenue sharing. The executives of Mei Pictures, like the management of Netflix, can obtain the corresponding equity incentives of Netflix according to the results of their operations, that is, they can buy the additional shares issued by Netflix at a low price.

In this way, the 20th Century MGM executives\' income will be tied to the company\'s revenue and will be tied to Netflix as a whole. Then, if they want to obtain equity incentives from Netflix, they must first help Netflix to improve its performance. At the same time, if Netflix\'s performance improves, Netflix\'s stock price will rise accordingly, and the value of the shares they obtain will also increase. higher.

However, neither Hastings himself nor Bramall Norwood, CEO of Meta Entertainment and Media, has the power to implement this change. It is only possible with the approval of William Chen. This change has been implemented, so Hastings came to see William Chen this time, and told him his expectations and the reasons for doing so, hoping to persuade William Chen.