America's Road To Fame

Chapter 376: Acquire the WE team

However, this move has also greatly expanded the influence of Xiao Wang\'s upcoming entry into the field of e-sports.

In this lively atmosphere, on July 1, news came out that the CCM team, which had just won the TGA finals in the first half of the year, was acquired by Xiao Wang.

The news was soon confirmed, because then he aggressively poached four members of the Dota division of the giant LGD and announced the formation of the iG club.

It is reported that for these four players, Xiao Wang gave each player a poaching fee of 50,000 yuan. This fee, in the e-sports industry at this time, is undoubtedly a sky-high price, which has caused countless disputes for a while.

It is also for this reason that Xiao Wang was also evaluated by the media at this time as the most competitive investor in the history of e-sports.

In a subsequent interview, he said:

"I think the players and clubs in this circle are not very good. I want to increase the income of the players and make the circle a little more benign. Otherwise, the players will not have the money, and the club will not have the money. This industry only Can die slowly. But no one wants to come in this circle now, so I\'m here."

As Riot announced the number of prize money for this year\'s S1 season global finals, various domestic clubs are also gearing up to participate in this competition.

Because the Huaguo Club is already very strong in e-sports, according to this bonus, even if it fails to win the championship in the end, it can have a good ranking. In the total prize pool of 25 million US dollars, the remaining 60% of the 15 million US dollars bonus is also Can get a lot.

And for the 24 teams that entered the finals, the travel expenses to and from Atlanta, as well as the local food and lodging, were provided by the organizers of the event, and there was no need for each team to pay any fees, so everyone was highly motivated.

But what is interesting is that the CCM team has just been acquired by Xiao Wang. In the final final of the TGA finals in the first half of the year, the opponent is the well-known old club WE.

Recently, the club has been looking for good players in the LOL project, and seems to be preparing to reorganize the LOL project team.

But they were originally a team with good strength. The members of their LOL team are: the top single night dream book, the wild Xiaofan, the middle single knife brother, the ADC Ruofeng, and the auxiliary IF.

In the just-concluded TGA finals, they only lost to the CCM team, so there should be no need to make too many adjustments.

Soon, more accurate news came out, which also cleared everyone\'s doubts. It turned out that before Riot announced the news of the S1 season, someone had contacted the WE club and bought their entire LOL team, including coaches and players. Members, the agreement is signed, even if the WE club regrets it later, it is too late.

And the team\'s treatment given by the other party is quite good, and the entire team will be moved from the current Xi\'an to the magic capital, so those players are naturally very satisfied.

Shortly after Xiao Wang acquired the CCM team to form the IG club, a new club composed of members of the original WE club LOL team - HTG (HeyTeaGag) was established in the new TC Building in Pudong, Shanghai.

According to the inquiry, this team is owned by Wei Mi Investment Company, and the major shareholder of Wei Mi Investment is Yang Mi.

And from the name of the team, HeyTeaGag, it can be seen that their team has also received the title sponsorship of HeyTea Company. The founder of HeyTea was Yang Mi.

Yang Mi no longer concealed at this time, and posted a photo of her with all the HTG team members on Weibo, with the text:

New journey, HTG come on!

This Weibo has been able to explain the problem, and under this Weibo, not only are there messages from her friends in the circle, such as Qi Wei, they left a message:

"Boss Yang, take me to open the black in the future, love you!"

Xiao Wang also promptly forwarded this Weibo and left a message:

"IG and HTG work together and work hard for the development of Huaguo E-sports!"

When we got here, everyone remembered the previous interaction between Yang Mi and Xiao Wang on Weibo, how could they not understand that the two should have discussed investing in e-sports clubs before.

But in addition, people with discernment can see that Yang Mi\'s background is very unusual. Otherwise, if he were an ordinary star, how could he make a top rich second-generation student like Xiao Wang look different? Not only was he very polite to her, And after the scandal between the two, it was clarified for the first time.

Compared with many celebrities that Xiao Wang had run into before, the treatment that Yang Mi received was a world of difference, and Xiao Wang also took the initiative to call her sister, which explained a lot.

After acquiring the LOL team of the WE club and establishing the HTG club, Yang Mi\'s Wei Mi investment as a major shareholder has attracted the attention of many people.

However, this is not the only action of Weipower Investment, but only the beginning.

What William Chen designed for Yang Mi\'s Weimi Investment was to make efforts in games, e-sports, and live broadcasting. Therefore, some other investments that he could not take care of were handed over to Yang Mi to complete.

A few days later, the second investment project of Wei Mi Investment has been negotiated. It will invest 1 million Chinese dollars in a startup company with three graduates and get 15% of the shares. This company is called Mihayou. .

The three founders of Mihayou all graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, and they are all "technical houses" who love the two-dimensional culture.

In 2009, the three tried to independently develop web games, and transformed their love for the second dimension into game products.

It is worth mentioning that the graduation project of the three of them at Modu Jiaotong University is a single-player game DEMO, but the relatively older tutors are not optimistic about the two-dimensional culture, resulting in a low score for the graduation design of the three of them.

In 2011, Cai Haoyu, who was about to graduate from graduate school, joined Liu Wei and Luo Yuhao, who also loved the two-dimensional culture, and officially established Mihayou Studio in the dormitory of the Minhang Campus of Modu Jiaotong University, shouting the slogan "Technology Saves the World", Focusing on the development of two-dimensional games, he has since started his entrepreneurial journey.

The start-up capital of their team came from a 100,000 yuan interest-free loan from the Magic City Innovation Center. The office is only 50 square meters, and the free use period is half a year.

Just when they were focusing on the development of Mihayou\'s first game, "FlyMe2theMoon", a cute girl game under simple conditions, what they didn\'t expect was that Yang Mi, an employee representative of Weimi Investment Company, found the game. They, proposed to invest in their game studio.

At this time, the three who were not very sure about the future and lacked start-up funds were overjoyed, but they still couldn\'t believe it.

It was not until Yang Mi appeared in person that they finally convinced them that they had not encountered a liar. In the end, Wei Mi Investment Company invested 1 million and got Mihayou, a future two-dimensional game giant with a valuation of more than 200 billion yuan in the future. 15% of the shares.

After that, Wei Mi Investment made another move. Yang Mi listened to Chen William\'s advice and sent someone to the headquarters of Station B to discuss investment matters.

In 2006, the Japanese animation platform nii began to use the barrage function. The following year, Huaguo\'s A was the first to introduce the barrage function. At this time, a young man named Xu Yi became A\'s earliest members.

At that time, A was called Station However, due to internal contradictions and technical problems, the server of Station A was often down, and it was down from July to August 2009.

So, in June 2009, Xu Yi decided to create his own stable barrage video sharing platform.

He improvised a website in three days and named it ikufans, which means fans of Hatsune Miku (iku). This is the predecessor of station B.

At this time, the operation of ikufans basically relied on some of the artificial love differentiated from station A to generate electricity, which is basically the back garden of station A.

Due to the broadcast of "A Certain Scientific Railgun", and Xu Yi likes its protagonist Misaka Mikoto, Misaka Mikoto is jokingly called Bilibili (discharge girl) in the anime, so the original ikufans was renamed in January 2010 bilibili, later corresponding to station A, was called station B.

Some mechanisms of station B, such as coin-operated, charging, and membership system up to level 6 are all related to Super Cannon animation.

While Yang Mi\'s men were discussing investment with station B, another person also came to station B, hoping to invest in it. He was Chen Rui, vice president of Cheetah Mobile.

The reason why he chose to invest in station B is because he himself likes animation very much and is also a loyal user of station B.

The final result of the negotiation was that both Wei Mi Investment and Chen Rui became the seed round investors of Station B.

Station B was finally valued at a post-investment valuation of 20 million Chinese coins. Chen Rui invested 2 million Chinese coins and held 10% of the shares; Wei Mi Investment Company invested 5 million Chinese coins and held 25% of the shares.

After this investment is reached, the projects under Weimi Investment Company will include an e-sports club, a two-dimensional game studio, and a two-dimensional video website. It seems that Yang Mi\'s investment is developing in a strange direction...