America's Road To Fame

Chapter 375: clarify

It was also on June 29th. At this time, Xiao Wang, who was already well-known in China, posted a Weibo with a very simple content——

"Enter strong and integrate e-sports."

If it was another ordinary Weibo big V who posted such a Weibo, I am afraid that everyone will just look at it, and there will not be too many associations. .

But who is Xiao Wang? At this time, his identity as Prince Yida was already widely known, so when such a Weibo post was sent out, it could cause many speculations and associations.

In fact, at the beginning, Xiao Wang opened Weibo mainly to show off his wealth, to show off his private jet—the first Gulfstream G550 in China, his 300,000 computer, etc., which only attracted some people who were curious about the life of the rich to pay attention. Not too well known in the public.

Later, what made him famous in the first battle was the mutual confrontation with Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei\'s mother and son.

Last year, Wang Xiaofei and Wanwan actress Xu Xiyuan got married, and Zhang Lan posted on Weibo, meaning to thank Wang Jianlin, the boss of Yida, for sponsoring the wedding. Naturally, classmate Xiao Wang was very impressed with her behavior. dissatisfied.

He directly posted that his father didn\'t know Zhang Lan at all, laughing at her family being very low...

As a result, they broke up with Zhang Lan\'s family, which attracted many people\'s onlookers and became a hot event. Because of this incident, Xiao Wang also became famous and became completely popular.

And his identity as the son of Yida became widely known.

Through this incident, classmate Xiao Wang also tasted the taste of being famous, and then he started his journey of scolding people on Weibo, but he is also measured, knowing who can swear and who cannot, and choose The targets are all far below him, or their family members, and they have since become the so-called "national husbands". There are a bunch of brain-dead fans who like to shout "husband supermarket me" on Weibo.

But no matter what, classmate Xiao Wang at this time is also one of the top players on Weibo, and his father gave him 500 million to start a business at this time is also widely known, so after he posted that Weibo, aroused It has attracted the attention of many people, guessing that he is going to make a big move in the field of e-sports?

However, this question did not last long, because Yang Xiaowang, Mi then posted on Xiao Wang\'s Weibo

"Which club did you buy?"

Xiao Wang also quickly replied:

"It will be announced in two days, have you bought it? It\'s so crowded."

You know, although Xiao Wang is well-known on Weibo, Yang Mi, as one of the most popular actresses, has more Weibo fans than Xiao Wang.

Therefore, the interaction between the two immediately attracted more attention, making this matter much more popular.

There were also actresses in the entertainment industry that Xiao Wang had been arguing with before, but this is his interaction with Yang Mi on Weibo this time, but it was very friendly, which also gave everyone a lot of speculation.

There are even many people who speculate on the relationship between the two people on the scandal. Is this going to be made public?

Although Xiao Wang was later known as the Internet celebrity harvester, at this time, his emotional life was far less rich than a few years later.

Among the girlfriends he has made public, the first one is his first love when he was studying in the UK. Because the other party likes panda ornaments, he is nicknamed Little Panda. Many people think that the live broadcast platform founded by Xiao Wang later The name is to commemorate this relationship.

It\'s just that this little panda, although he has a good family background, is more devoted to money, which also led to the two breaking up, which may sound a bit unbelievable, but when Xiao Wang was studying abroad, he was not particularly high-profile, and his friends didn\'t know it either. He is the prince of Yida Group.

Regarding this relationship, Xiao Wang once mentioned in a Weibo post:

"A few years ago I had a fight with a very vain girl in the UK. I asked: why do you like LV so much? She said because it is a symbol of status and status. I was speechless and called her ridiculous, she was very confident. Say to me: You see it this way because you are poor and can\'t afford it! Girls only have emptiness and low self-esteem and need to use these things to decorate themselves."

After studying in the UK and returning to China, Xiao Wang was still relatively simple in his relationship with his relationship. During this period, he encountered milestones in his life, former former former former former girlfriend, "pure" Beidrift girl Wang Ying.

It can be said that at that time, classmate Xiao Wang put his true feelings into Wang Ying. Because she was ridiculed by the group for posting pictures in Tianya, he even stood up to defend her. At that time, he said:

"She is a ninth-rate model, because she is still a student and her family is not good. Is it easy to come to BJ to eat by herself when there is no class?"

"It\'s not my character to be a good match. Love is a very pure thing. If you want to find out the strength of others before you fall in love, you take yourself too seriously."

As a result, the netizens in Tianya couldn\'t see the pure Xiao Wang being deceived. The Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers.

In the end, the face of Xiao Wang, who had a green light above his head, was slapped, so he was silent, deleted all replies, and changed the status of Weibo to "widowed" and "bisexual", this emotional state , has been maintained for a long time.

According to Wang Ying\'s mother, Xiao Wang was even ready to marry Wang Ying...

It is said that women are men\'s universities. After graduating from Wang Ying\'s school, Xiao Wang\'s emotional outlook has changed In addition, he has gradually integrated into the circle of the top rich second generation, Naturally began "unmarriageism".

Now the interaction between Xiao Wang and Yang Mi on Weibo has naturally attracted the attention of the public and the media, and all kinds of speculations about the relationship between the two have appeared for a while.

Originally, for this kind of attention and enthusiasm, both of them who were going to make a difference in the field of e-sports would be happy to meet them.

But Yang Mi is different from other stars. Xiao Wang knows the relationship between her and Chen William. Naturally, she will not be regarded as an ordinary star, and she does not want to cause misunderstanding and cause Chen William to be unhappy.

Moreover, Yang Mi herself was very aware of this kind of thing. When she had similar speculation, she made it clear in an interview with reporters that she was just friends with classmate Xiao Wang, and only regarded him as her younger brother.

Xiao Wang also posted a clarification on Weibo, and @@yangmi:

This is my sister @杨米. I will never hide it in terms of feelings. If it is a rumor, I will sue you for bankruptcy.

His tough statement has also stopped the so-called "scandal" speculation that has been gaining momentum. After all, everyone knows that with his character, he can really do such a thing...

Xiao Wang\'s current girlfriend is Yao Xingtong, an actress who once played the heroine in the movie "Zodiac" starring eldest brother Cheng, but she is not well-known, so she is naturally not the same as Yang Mi. Fab\'s.

At the beginning, in order to chase Yao Xingtong, classmate Xiao Wang drove her a car of 999 roses. Now, they are still in an underground romance.

In order to completely clarify his relationship with Yang Mi, he directly went out with Yao Xingtong on a high-profile show of love, and made their relationship public...