America's Road To Fame

Chapter 370: The soul of the girl group

Sure enough, after the song is over, the girls finally freeze the action.

Then they stood in a row, bowed deeply to William Chen, and introduced them separately:

"Hello, Mr. William, I\'m Kim Taeyan, the captain of girls\', please take care of me."

"Hello, Mr. William, I\'m jessica, a member of girls\', please take care of me."

"Hello, Mr. William, I\'m Lim Yoon-ah, a member of girls\', please take care of me."


Sure enough, Li Xiuman brought the most popular Girls\' Generation group from SNN to entertain Chen William.

The nine girls looked at them like this, and they were all wearing similar clothes and makeup. For a while, William Chen couldn\'t tell who they were.

But it doesn\'t matter, anyway, for him, there is no need to distinguish them too clearly.

When William Chen was in his previous life, he only knew that this girl group was very popular for a while, but during that period, he was busy with work most of the time, and he was not very interested in such idols in South Korea. There are many of them. Songs, because they are often heard on various occasions, may sound familiar, but I don\'t know much about them personally. I only know that the captain Kim Taeyan, Jessica and Lin Yonger are the three major faces of this girl group.

The reason why I know this is because later, after many years, Jessica of their team participated in a very popular variety show in China, which caused a topic, and only got some understanding.

However, in this world, the change of Chen William\'s identity, this girl group that has become popular all over Asia at this time, can only become a tool used by SNN to please him.

When they were introducing themselves just now, William Chen\'s attention was mainly on the three girls, Jin Taiyan, Jessica and Lin Yong\'er. After such observation, it turned out that the three of them were in the whole group in terms of appearance. The tallest among the nine is not sure if there has been an "adjustment".

Anyway, in South Korea, although there are a lot of beautiful women, they are not the work of the day after tomorrow. No one knows because plastic surgery is too common here. Therefore, for South Koreans, the body is more important than appearance. After all, the face can be adjusted, but the figure really needs self-discipline and exercise to be able to shape it.

Although Chen William\'s charm itself has a racial bonus for South Korean women, he will still be very cautious in choosing women here. After all, prenatal and postnatal care is also very important. He doesn\'t want one of his descendants. Because of this situation, there will be an "accident" in appearance.

Today\'s "entertainment" was specially prepared by Li Xiuman for Chen William. Although he is the president of the SNN company, being able to take out all the signs of a current company such as Girls\' Generation is a bloodbath.

After introducing them, Li Xiuman bid farewell and left, leaving nine girls over to play with Chen William. They were nothing more than singing, performing dances for Chen William, and finally playing games together.

Chen William has already learned Korean using [Language Amplification Wind Chimes], so there is no obstacle in communicating with them. Although the layout here is very luxurious and complete, Chen William is naturally not at ease in such a place. What an outrageous move.

Even at the beginning, his bodyguards had thoroughly inspected the place, but after all, it was the other party\'s territory, and with the urination of South Koreans, he really couldn\'t trust them.

Therefore, after it was almost done, William Chen took the girls out of here. They have been instructed a long time ago, and the most important purpose today is to "satisfy" the super rich man. Moreover, Chen William\'s own conditions are enough to satisfy all girls\' fantasies about men, not to mention girls of South Korean descent. There is also an extra charm bonus, so for Chen William to take them away, the girls are still very happy in their hearts, not like other occasions that require entertainment, there will be no reluctance.

As for the nine members of their team, they have to accompany Chen William alone. How can I say it? After all, the most important thing for a girl group is the soul of the group, right? As a team, everyone must be neat and face everything together. , good or bad...

The only thing is that they may be a little worried. With so many people on their side, can Mr. William take care of everyone? Will it also be powerless? Hey, it would be nice if there were not so many of us. Even if it was four or five people, we could share more favors.

Although it doesn\'t feel good to think this way, but in their respective hearts, this not-so-unity idea will inevitably appear.

But in the end, the development of things completely exceeded their expectations, and it also gave them a better understanding of the magic of this world. Uh, the main thing is William Chen\'s magic and power...

This day is destined to be an unforgettable scene in their life. Whenever they recall this beautiful day, they can\'t help being impressed by Chen William\'s strength. It turns out that there really is such a perfect man in the world, and they tirelessly follow them in turn. Everyone learns knowledge, so that they are constantly immersed in the joy of learning, and even addicted to the ocean of knowledge, roaming in it and lingering.

When William Chen left the presidential suite of this hotel, what he left behind were the girls in that room who were too tired from studying and fell asleep, especially Kim Taeyan, Jessica and Lin Yueer who were under his care. The three girls, even earlier, had been so exhausted that they lost consciousness because they studied too hard.

However, Chen William also saw the soul of their girl group. Seeing that the captain and two companions were exhausted from studying, the other girls also took the initiative to share the learning tasks for them, and absorbed and mastered all kinds of knowledge without flinching. , In the end, although they did not succeed, it can be seen that they did their best.

Girls\' Generation is just a small episode of Chen William\'s visit to South Korea this time. This time, when I came to South Korea, Quan Zhixian was not in the country, but went to Atlanta to start the filming of the second part of "Extreme Games".

Although in the new "Extreme Games" drama, the leading actors of the first part will not continue to act, but Quan Zhixian and Fan Bingbing have new identities in this drama, is that right? Participated as an actor, but instead became a producer of the series.

The director of the second part of "Extreme Games" is still Wen Ziren, and the female lead actors include Tang Yan and Li Yuxi. In addition to Huace Film and Television Company, there are also Huayi Company, which participated in the investment, and actors from Yinghuang Entertainment.

Originally, William Chen planned to let Yang Mi also participate in the role, but this girl, now her main interest is no longer in acting, and more energy is put on entrepreneurship, so Tang Yan got the role instead.

The first "Extreme Game" was filmed on Atlanta Island, but at that The name of Atlanta Island was still Palu, and it did not experience the landforms and scenery there before the volcanic eruption. , are completely different from now.

In the plan, at the beginning of the second part, it was the former island, the organizer of the "Battle Royale" game in which the multi-national joint annihilation, and finally the leader of the organizer detonated the underground explosives, but caused the under-the-island The volcano that caused the eruption, the lava flooded the whole island...

Yes, many of these shots can directly use the audio and video data after the eruption of the Atlan Island. Of course, the process of volcanic eruption requires special effects to complete.

Then on this island, with the investment of a certain super-rich, a prosperous city began to be built, and a new "Battle Royale" game began secretly.

According to Fan Bingbing\'s proposal, Chen William will also appear in this "Extreme Game" drama, playing the super rich man who invests in the island, is also the patron of the new "Battle Royale" game, and can be regarded as Chen William\'s true character. .

Of course, William Chen doesn\'t have much energy to film in person now, so William Chen doesn\'t have many scenes in the drama, and most of the time he can use a stand-in to complete it, but in the few scenes where he shows his face, he needs to complete it himself. , and does not require too much acting skills, it is more suitable for him.