America's Road To Fame

Chapter 369: invitation

Last year, William Chen invested in SNN at a valuation of US$300 million. In the end, Future Media held a 30% stake in SNN, while CJ Holdings, under the name of Quan Zhixian, held 5% of SNN. shares.

Regarding Jin Xiufan\'s hope that he can put the shares of SNN company he holds into Kakao Company, William Chen does not want to do so at present, except because the stock of SNN is held by Meta Entertainment Media Company, which holds shares in SNN. The development of the media in South Korea still has some significance.

In addition, he prefers that Kakao can enter the SNN company through investment and hold part of the shares, so that even if Chen William\'s shareholding in SNN will be slightly diluted, the proportion of shares directly or indirectly controlled by him at the same time will be Increase.

At present, various industries in South Korea are penetrated by several major chaebols. For example, in the Internet industry, SK Group and Samsung Group occupy a relatively large proportion, while in the entertainment industry, CJ Group and SK Group directly or indirectly hold many companies. Samsung Group has also begun to actively invest in this.

Now that Chen William enters the game, he will hope to support kakao company, become a new Internet consortium, and then penetrate other industries.

Therefore, after meeting with Jin Xiufan, Chen William expressed his thoughts. He will talk with Li Xiuman of SNN Company, and let Kakao Company invest in SNN Company. This kind of benefits can increase SNN Company\'s valuation on the one hand, and also can Let snn companies get more resources for Internet publicity.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, the weight of kakao company must be heavy enough, so Chen William hopes that Jin Xiufan can speed up the development of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet industry, and can play a more important role, so naturally, It will attract the attention of SNN company.

The Internet industry has always been easily linked with the entertainment industry, just like the SK Group, the strongest entertainment industry in South Korea. The reason is that one of their main industries is the communication industry, which is naturally related to the entertainment industry.


Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, in the afternoon, Li Xiuman, the president of the SNN company who knew that Chen William was coming to South Korea, expressed that he hoped to entertain him in the evening.

Since Li Xiuman put it forward sincerely, Chen William would like to see what his so-called hospitality looks like. For example, Jin Xiufan, although his ability is good, but after all, he started from the civilian class, and now he is still in a period of entrepreneurial passion full of passion. He didn\'t have the hedonistic style of the South Korean chaebol, so the best thing he could think of about Chen William\'s hospitality was just eating and drinking.

Li Xiuman is different. The entertainment industry in South Korea is originally behind various chaebols. It can be said that they collect handsome men and beautiful women from all over South Korea for various dignitaries. Therefore, they are naturally extremely skilled in entertaining such bigwigs. .

Before being invited in the evening, Chen William met with Yang Mi and the others who were accompanying them, and asked them how they had seen and heard during the day.

Today, through the introduction of kakao company, Yang Mi and Qi Wei went to sktt1 (skteleteam1), the most famous e-sports club in South Korea.

It is an established e-sports club in South Korea, formerly a team founded by Boxer in 2002.

It was renamed in December 2003, and finally in 2004 it was sponsored and renamed sktelet1 by the largest news agency affiliated to the sk group in South Korea.

The traditional project of sktt1 is StarCraft, but they also set up a lol division this year, with 2 teams sktt1#1 and sktt1#2.

The well-known players of this team are boxer, gorush, bisu, rain, fantasy, faker, etc.

Yang Mi and Qi Wei both had excitement on their faces. After all, many members of this team are quite well-known. They like to play games and have heard of these people. It is very interesting to meet them this year. , and through this day\'s visit, she also had some basic understanding of the operation of the club.

It\'s just one day, and she can only take a look at the flowers. She plans to continue to visit this club tomorrow. After thorough research, she can focus on visiting other clubs.

Unlike Yang Mi and Qi Wei\'s investigation, Nazha, accompanied by two bodyguards, visited some places she often heard about in South Korean dramas before, such as Gyeongbokgung Palace, Myeongdong and other places. , it still feels interesting.

Tourism is like this. Some people say that it is to live in a place where you are tired of living and go to a place where others are tired of living for a few days. There may be a sense of freshness in the short term, but if you live in it for a long time, it will still be boring.

Chen William\'s feeling is that when he goes to other places, the freshness will not be retained for too long. He has tasted most of the food from all over the world, and often when he is trying early adopters, there will be some food that makes him feel good, but after a long time , What he likes and is used to the most is Chinese food, which may be the thing that has been engraved in DNA since two lifetimes.

In the evening, William Chen left the girls in the hotel. He took the bodyguards and got into the car sent by the SNN company to pick him up.

The car took them to a clubhouse, and Li Xiuman from SNN Company personally greeted Chen William at the entrance of the clubhouse and brought him into the clubhouse.

Along the way, William Chen silently looked at the clubhouse. The interior decoration and layout were very luxurious. However, William Chen had seen a lot of decorations of this level, even in America and China. Good arrangement, so the expression is very indifferent.

When he entered a private room, it was a bit interesting. Chen William left the bodyguard at the door, and he walked into the private room with Li Xiuman.

This private room is very large, and the layout is very interesting. There is a row of sofa seats, and on the opposite side, it is arranged like a stage.

There were only Chen William and Li Xiuman in the private room. When Chen William sat down, waiters kept coming in and brought drinks, snacks, and fruit plates in one after President Li, what is this today? "

Chen William looked at Li Xiuman with a mysterious look and asked in puzzlement.

Li Xiuman said respectfully: "Mr. William, you are now a major shareholder of SNN, so I hope you can evaluate the most famous group in our company."

After all, he clapped his hands, and the lights in the room dimmed instantly.

At the same time, a rhythmic dance music sounded, and on the stage opposite them, a burst of lights turned on, and you could see that on the stage, which was more than 50 square meters, there was a row of slender figures, nine people dressed in various colors. The girl in the black short skirt and black silk high heels danced to the music.

Seeing this scene, Chen William became a little interested. This dance song was quite familiar to him. It was very popular in his previous life, and the girls who danced were all very good, especially their dancers. Actions often have a very provocative appearance, giving people a vague hint of some kind.

Seeing Li Xiuman\'s flamboyant battle, Chen William already seemed to understand what happened today.