America's Road To Fame

Chapter 350: Somali pirates

The Gulf of Aden is very famous, especially in the past few years, there have been many incidents of pirates hijacking merchant ships that shocked the world in the Somali waters. According to statistics, at most, one pirate hijacking of merchant ships occurs here on average a week. .

Therefore, when the "Future" passed through the Red Sea and came to this area, the whole ship entered a state of alert, and the members of the Southern Cross Security Company began to pay close attention to the surrounding situation.

Although they have a vigilant attitude, Chen William and the others are not particularly worried about this. Although the "Future" is just a yacht, it is not undefended. Except for its design, pirates cannot climb through the ship\'s side at all. In addition to boarding the yacht, the members of the Southern Cross Security Company were all armed with live ammunition. They were all equipped with regular army equipment purchased from the United States, including firearms, rocket launchers, and grenades.

And his biggest reliance is on the helicopter platform that has been raised at this time, and the docked helicopter is painted in blue and white camouflage-AH64 gunship, which also has a name called Apache.

This gunship is an active-duty gunship purchased from the United States by Southern Cross Security Company, carrying the famous "Hellfire" anti-tank missile (Hellfire, transliteration "Hellfire", meaning "Hellfire").

This is a heavy anti-tank missile developed by the United States, model AGM-114, which is a special helicopter-borne anti-tank weapon specially equipped for its "Apache" armed helicopter (AH-64).

This kind of weapon has made a big splash in the Gulf War, and it can even be called a bull\'s knife to deal with small Somali pirates, and it will only be used in special circumstances.

At the beginning, Southern Cross Security Company purchased five Apache helicopter gunships and supporting weapons and equipment from the United States. Two of them were placed on the Poseidon frigate, and two were used for daily defense patrols in Atlanta. One, along with the Eclipse, drove to Hamburg, Germany. After the Eclipse entered the shipyard for maintenance, and the Future started its maiden voyage, this Apache gunship was deployed on the "Future" superyacht. , used for safety defense during navigation.

As for Chen William\'s direct deployment of such an active-duty gunship of the American army to his superyacht, the Germans naturally won\'t say much, and can only silently complain, the Yankees really know how to play!

However, it is precisely because the Somali pirates were too rampant at this time. In the past few years, even in China, William Chen was very famous for these Somali pirates. Therefore, at that time, China also specially dispatched a fleet to The Gulf of Aden is escorted to protect the shipping routes of merchant ships.

In the past two years, merchant ships including the United States, China and Russia have been frequently attacked by Somali pirates, which also shows the rampant pirates here.

Therefore, at this time, he chose such a route, in addition to himself on the boat, there are so many stunning beauties, it is impossible not to prepare.

But one thing is that most of the pirates here are just seeking money, hijacking ships and asking for millions of dollars in ransom.

The reason why piracy is so rampant here in Somalia, especially in recent years, is mainly due to many reasons.

One is the location of the Gulf of Aden. As you can see from the map, this golden waterway from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean is one of the busiest waterways in the world. When entering the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean, it passes through the Gulf of Aden, so this is the point of guarding the waterway.

The second is Somalia, a country that is too poor. It has been colonized by the West before, and then fell into civil war. There are a lot of people living in extreme poverty in the country. So when people organize themselves, they take risks and form large and small pirate groups.

To put it bluntly, it is to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and rely on the water to drink water.

In the Gulf of Aden today, the sea still looks relatively calm, and the surge is not large. Chen William and the others knew that it was precisely in this weather that pirates were most likely to appear.

Because they often approach the merchant ships through small assault boats, and intercept them with the speed of the small boats. If it is when the waves are relatively large, the problem will not be too big for a huge merchant ship, but for a small assault boat, the surge is too large. If the interception is accelerated, the ship may capsize if it is not careful.

Therefore, this relatively calm sea is their favorite weather, and they can fully exert the speed advantage of the small assault boat.

But when the "Future" finally passed the narrowest part of the Gulf of Aden, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, members of the Southern Cross Security Company sent an alarm. Through their lookout, they found a self-made boat approaching from afar, and it seemed to be approaching the "Future" intentionally.

And through the yacht\'s radar, it can be found that there is a relatively large ship not far away, closely following them.

This time, Macie Lori, the head of the Southern Cross Security Company\'s **** team on the yacht, came over and told William Chen that it was estimated that they were being targeted by pirates.

The opponent will often follow the main force closely, and then send a small forward to test. If they can stop, they will all come over. Otherwise, they will continue to send multiple small boats to surround them. forward ship.

Sure enough, the boat quickly came to a stop only more than 30 meters away from the "Future".

From a distance of 30 meters, the other party can be clearly seen from the boat, and they are not approaching recklessly, but accompanying them unhurriedly.

There are four or five black buddies on the boat, wearing tattered clothes, one person is controlling the boat, and the rest are carrying guns, AKs and submachine guns, and even a machine gun on the front of the boat.

One of the black buddies started shouting in English, telling William Chen and the others to stop the boat and hand over all the money, or else they would get on the boat and shoot people. .

At this time, Chen William was standing on the upper deck of the yacht, looking down through the glass, but he was not afraid, because all the glass of this yacht was bulletproof glass, with their weapons and distance, they could not pose a threat to Chen William at all.

It\'s just that the girls around him were the first to see such a scene. Although they didn\'t scream out in fright, their faces were clearly worried.

Chen William naturally couldn\'t show his timidity at this time. He smiled and said to Marchie Lori, "Should we speed up to get rid of them, or play with them?"

"I\'ll listen to you, boss. But I suggest that even if it\'s just for fun, just get rid of the boat, there\'s no need to stay too long, after all, we\'re not an army, there\'s no need to kill these pirates, and the pirates here rely on We can’t stop it, and safety comes first.”

Chen William naturally understands these reasons. It is like the boat they are facing. Not only are the black buddies on the boat wearing tattered clothes, but most of them even have no shoes. Even this small boat is not worth as much as a "Hellfire" on his Apache. Using such a big killer is simply a waste. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

With his current equipment, to deal with these so-called "pirates" who look similar to beggars, there is really no sense of accomplishment. William Chen is not some bt in the American army, and likes to kill civilians...

To be honest, these pirates were really the civilians who couldn\'t survive who took them to sea to work for the pirates.

And even if these Somalis don\'t know that the person wearing it is William Chen, but looking at the appearance of the yacht, it is a fat sheep that is fatter than ordinary cargo ships. If there is more delay here, I am afraid it will attract more pirates. A siege would be a bit dangerous.

Even if it does not cause harm to the personnel, those bullets and shells hit the ship, don\'t you still have to spend money to repair it when you go back? The "Future", which has just made its maiden voyage, has a scratch.

Therefore, at this time, when William Chen noticed that the pirates saw the "Future" and did not stop the ship, they were still driving at the original speed.

The leader shouted something, and when the others stood on the deck from the cabin with their weapons in unison, and made a threat with their guns, they said to Maciey Lori:

"Send Apache over, send them away, inform the captain, speed up and get away from them, don\'t let them hurt our ship paint."

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