America's Road To Fame

Chapter 349: delicate relationship

"Why are you here by yourself?"

William Chen asked softly.

"Mi Mi and the others went to the movies, it\'s not what I like to watch, so I\'ll just stay here for a while.

Liu Shishi said lightly.

"How are you feeling?"


Liu Shishi suddenly realized what Chen William meant by these words, and her face blushed. She lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at Chen William, and whispered in her mouth:

"Should.... have recovered."

At this volume, if Chen William\'s hearing was not developed enough, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t be able to hear what she was saying.

"So, let\'s try again?"

Chen William said in Liu Shishi\'s red ears.

Feeling the breath in his mouth, Liu Shishi felt a strange softness all over her body. She seemed to be doing something bad. She raised her head to look left and right, then turned her head to look out the window, as if she wanted to study the color of the sunset, but her mouth was full of He replied quietly:


When Chen William stood up with a smile, he hugged Liu Shishi by the waist, only to hear her leaning into Chen William\'s ear, exhaling like blue:

"Go, go to my room."

After the "Future" arrived in Portugal and docked in Lisbon, after Zhang Yuqi and Chen Zihan boarded the super yacht, the yacht became lively.

However, the atmosphere among the women was a little more subtle at this time. Yang Mi seemed to be at odds with Zhang Yuqi, and Zhang Yuqi\'s character was originally straight, so she made no secret of her **** for tat with her.

Gradually, it became a situation where Yang Mi, Tang Yan and Liu Shishi were together, while Zhang Yuqi and Chen Zihan were together.

Although Li Shenxi is also learning Chinese, but because he has just learned Chinese, his daily communication mainly relies on English.

Because she and Orisa both have experience as models, and they mainly communicate with other people through English, but they have a good relationship.

Yang Mi has also been studying English hard during this period of time. At first, she wanted to bring Li Chenxi to her side, but Li Chenxi is not stupid. She has experienced the career of a trainee in SNN, and she does not have this kind of intrigue between women. With little experience, it is wise to maintain a friendly relationship with both parties, but to be neutral with Orisa and not to lean on either side.

Although there are three people on Yang Mi\'s side, Liu Shishi often avoids at night and does not participate in the activities of learning knowledge together with Chen William. Therefore, in fact, the competition for Chen William\'s evening study has become Yang Mi. , Tang Yan; Zhang Yuqi, Chen Zihan, Li Suxi, Orisa, the competition of the three groups

When it comes to learning knowledge, Chen William will not force the other party too hard. After all, although learning is very important, it often requires self-consciousness.

Therefore, he defaulted to this grouping of women. Although it may be more efficient for everyone to study together, many training institutions have launched one-on-one or one-on-two small classes, claiming that this can take care of more to the differences between different students.

But the positive side is that in addition to Dai Xin, other women like Tang Yan, Dai Xinqi and Chen Zihan have also realized the importance of foreign languages, so they are ready to study hard.

Well, this is also what Dai Xinhui is happy to see, learning makes people progress, knowledge makes people happy, but this delicate balance similar to the Three Kingdoms period was broken after the "Future" arrived in Greece and docked.

Because here, this sea palace has two more members, Chen William and Liu Shishi from the United States came to Greece and caught up with the yacht.

All of a sudden, the yacht was completely lively, and the relationship between the previous seven people had undergone subtle changes because of the arrival of the two Hollywood actresses.

Usually it is Liu Shishi, who was originally a smart woman. Since she came to the "Future", she has keenly discovered the simple relationship between the women who arrived earlier.

So because of the convenience of language, she and Chen William quickly got along with Zhang Yuxi and Yang Misha.

In the face of the gradually formed English four-player alliance, Li Chen decisively changed his strategy and improved his relationship with Oliqi and Chen Zihan, so the original Three Kingdoms balance gradually became a two-party alliance.

Dai Xinhui is even more happy to see this happen. After all, time is precious. Wouldn\'t it be more efficient for him to learn knowledge with four people.

As for Jessica, Li Chen hated her a little bit. Why was he willing to be a salted fish instead of wandering in the ocean of knowledge? How could he improve himself and change his destiny through learning?

I feel that the learning atmosphere on the ship is already relatively good, so Dai Xinhui temporarily stopped posting on the Moments, uh, Ivanta took her daughter to video chat with her last night, and she continued to chat until the middle of the night after her daughter fell asleep. To make Dai Xinhui a little vigilant, it seems better to keep a low profile.

However, although the women are secretly divided into two factions, on the surface, the relationship is still harmonious. It\'s just that Li Yuan didn\'t want to have a good relationship with Dai Xinhui and the others at first, but Liu Shishi\'s character is like this. She is now well-known in Hollywood. Among these women, the one who can be seen by her is William Chen.

The reason is very complicated. Through last year\'s "007: Skyfall", Dai Xinhui, as a newly promoted girl, has become a hot actress because of the film\'s global box office of more than 1 billion US dollars.

And Liu Shishi, although through the two films of "Iron Man", he has gained a lot of popularity because of the role of Little Pepper, but compared with Chen William, it is still a little worse.

If there are rich daughters from wealthy families like Ivanta and Paris, then Liu Shishi is willing to let go of his body and deliberately please each other, but in the face of Dai Xin and these people, his international reputation is almost no, then Liu Shishi is free With arrogance, there is not much thought to form an alliance with them. Therefore, it eventually evolved into a situation where the two factions in the English circle and the Chinese circle are separated from each other.

Of course, although Ember was like a special emperor during this time, and a group of girls with their own characteristics surrounded him, he would not be addicted to it. "From now on, the king will not go early"

In addition to dealing with work every day, or accompanied by Yang Misha, he practices swimming in the heated swimming pool of the super yacht and regulates his various swimming styles.

Either accompany the girls and try to fish on the yacht in Shanghai. Not to mention, although everyone has no technical content, but with the help of the Southern Cross Guard members who have experience in sea fishing, Ember is also slow. Slowly I mastered many of the tricks, and even among those girls, there is no lack of luck to catch a good The yacht is already equipped with service personnel, and the results of these sea fishing are naturally regarded as Fresh ingredients, even after simple processing, make people move.

And the recreational facilities on the yacht are very rich. Even if you sail on this vast sea for a long time, you will not feel known. Even if you feel boring, you will stop at the ports along the way and rest for a day or two, and you will be full of blood. Resurrection, once again into the journey.

After about twenty days, the "Future" passed the Suez Canal and reached the Red Sea. The Red Sea is the boundary between the two continents of Asia and Africa. It is very narrow and long. It is also the busiest shipping route in the world. From the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, the Suez Canal in the Red Sea is the most time-saving and cost-effective passage.

Therefore, after the "Future" arrived here, it was obvious that there were more merchant ships along the way. Generally, when passing through the Suez Canal, they all had to queue to pass.

After many merchant ships saw the "Future", many of them, through news reports, already knew that this chic superyacht belongs to Ember, and that the "Future" not only has Art The logo of the Island of Orland, and the flag it flies, is also the flag of the American flag and the flag of the Atland Island logo side by side.

Therefore, when passing by this super yacht, the Metropolis will whistle to signal it, and even when approaching, the personnel of both parties will stand on the side of the ship to greet each other.

However, when the "Future" passed through the port of Djibouti and was about to enter the Gulf of Aden, it also saw the tightening of the Red Sea here, the Mande Strait. After passing here, it can reach the Gulf of Aden, and then enter the Indian Ocean. middle.

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