America's Road To Fame

Chapter 332: Lobbying and Nobel

Netflix\'s acquisition of 20th Century MGM Pictures was finally completed by Netflix\'s directional issuance of 800 million common shares to Meta Group at a price of $25 per share, equivalent to 20 billion MGM in the 20th Century. The acquisition was carried out at a valuation of US dollars, so that after the acquisition, Meta Group held a total of 833.45 million shares of Netflix, accounting for 95.18% of the total share capital.

At this time, the price of Netflix\'s stock in the secondary market was around $23.5. After the announcement of this acquisition, the market immediately gave positive feedback. Netflix\'s stock price rose directly to $27, an increase of nearly 15%.

In order to take care of investors in the secondary market, Meta Group, which already owns more than 95% of Netflix, has issued a privatization offer to other Netflix investors, and will take back Netflix shares at a price of $30 per share.

But again, it is no surprise that the Federal Trade Commission of the United States announced an antitrust investigation of Netflix\'s acquisition of MGM in the twentieth century.

The two companies need to provide a reasonable explanation for the FTC\'s inquiries.


"Hello, Mr. Epeli Herman?"

"Yes, I\'m Epeli Herman, may I ask who you are?"

"I\'m an employee of OffHillStrategies, I know you work in the FTC, can you talk a little bit about the acquisition of Netflix, don\'t worry, it\'s in the cafe next to it, in a public place, we just want you to know about it some documents……"

From this time on, the lobbying company hired by William Chen began to work, and their employees began to contact the relevant personnel of the FTC in charge of the antitrust investigation of Netflix\'s acquisition. Of course, these are all carried out under legal circumstances, mainly on some specific information, and communicate with each other, this kind of thing is very common in the United States.

In the case of Netflix\'s acquisition of 20th Century MGM, they gave several sources to deny the monopoly fact:

The first is that whether it is the acquirer Netflix or the acquired 20th Century MGM Studios, the most important feature of not involving monopoly before and after is the uniqueness of cooperation with the other party.

After the acquisition, Netflix still welcomes other film and television companies to put content on its broadcast platform, and the terms of cooperation will not be any different from 20th Century MGM Pictures; and Netflix does not It will be the only distribution partner of MGM Pictures in the 20th century, and they will continue their original cooperation in traditional theater distribution and other DVD rentals.

Second, on the contrary, this time the acquisition was a targeted refusal by Netflix to cooperate with Hollywood film companies, and instead licensed the content to its competitor, hulu. In this helpless situation, choices made.

On the contrary, Netflix is ​​the party that is more reluctant to form a monopoly. If under the current situation, these content parties are only authorized to one of the streaming media platforms alone, it will cause the American people to increase the pressure when they are engaged in film and television entertainment. burden.

Because the content that people like may be exclusively owned by different streaming media platforms, if they want to see this content, many members who have opened multiple streaming media platforms can watch it, which makes the American people need Pay more to see content that you would otherwise only have to choose from a streaming platform.

Netflix is ​​even preparing to issue an initiative to allow content providers, including Hollywood companies, to refuse exclusive licensing, but to open their content to all streaming media platforms, allowing people to freely choose their favorite platforms to watch all interested Content.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, these lobbying companies first need to explain these facts to the FTC personnel in charge of the investigation, and make it clear in subsequent inquiries as evidence that the acquisition will not cause a monopoly.

In fact, under the same conditions, Netflix is ​​not afraid of the challenges of any streaming media platform, including hulu, because it can be seen from the location of the headquarters that Netflix is ​​headquartered in Silicon Valley, the fact It is an Internet company in Silicon Valley. In the streaming media business, it is more developed with Internet thinking.

And hulu is headquartered in Hollywood, even if it is a streaming media company, it is still developing with the thinking of a traditional Hollywood company, which is why William Chen was not optimistic about hulu company at first, otherwise it would have acquired 200 yuan from News Corporation at that time. Century Fox would not be indifferent to the 30% hulu shares.

In any case, Chen William still convinced Scarlett to make her attitude better. As for which shui it is, you don\'t need to care about these details.

After continuing to accompany Nozomi Sasaki for a few days, William Chen returned to New York.

Don\'t forget, he also has a student status. At the beginning, he studied for a master\'s degree in economics from New York University for three semesters. By this winter, it will be Chen William\'s last semester. If you want to go smoothly To get this degree, Chen William needs to work hard, not only to complete the credits, but also to complete the final graduation project and thesis.

These are not difficult for Chen William, just need to spend some time on it.

And the Caitlin Foundation has donated 20 million US dollars to New York University again, I am afraid that William Chen will not be able to get this diploma, it will be more difficult than getting it smoothly.

Of course, his purpose has never been just to get a degree, otherwise, with Chen William\'s current wealth, there is no need to do this at all. He still wants to learn more.

Just like William Chen, although he did not spend much time at New York University during his studies, both he and his assistant Erica have always kept in touch with his mentor, Professor Thomas Sargent, even though Chen William did not know that one year later, his professor would award the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics to Sarkin, an American economist and professor at New York University, for the reason of "empirical research on cause and effect in macroeconomics". Special and Princeton University professor Sims two.


Up to now, the Meta Future Building has been renovated and has become a landmark building on Fifth Avenue. It has also become the headquarters of Meta Group and Meta Investment Company.

When you enter Fifth Avenue, it is easy to find the very distinctive Meta Future Building from among the many buildings. The double-sectioned rocket-like shape looks full of futuristic feeling.

Of course, on the top floor of this building, overlooking the scenery outside, is even more fascinating. Especially when William Chen let go of Paris\' waist and watched her limp on the carpet...

"Damn, William, I can\'t get up anymore, my feet are numb."

"It\'s alright, dear, it\'ll be all right later."

"Are you sure you\'re not going to take me into the bathroom and give me a good bath? If it weren\'t for you bastard..."

"Okay, darling, I\'m just joking with you."

William Chen\'s office on the top floor of the Meta Future is naturally not too small. It can even be said that the entire top floor is his site.

When Paris was put into the bathtub and hot water was placed for her, she still complained a little:

"Don\'t you think Delphine is too strong? My dear, she gave me too little shares, less than 30%!"

"Uh, Paris, in fact, HC Fashion has too few brands, after all, the size of Delphine\'s father\'s LVHM group is there."

What Paris is complaining about is Rick Walton\'s fiancee, Delphine Arnault. Perhaps she was inspired by the Zoom that Rick is running, and she is also preparing to create a company specializing in luxury goods. brand, and invited HC fashion company as a partner to take shares.

It\'s just that it can be clearly seen now that Paris, the eldest lady of the Hilton Group, does not seem to be very useful for Delphine, and I can understand that as the princess of the LVHM Group, Delphine is not Kadaishan. The kind of person who needs to please Paris.

In fact, objectively speaking, Delphine, who has more luxury brand resources, is willing to give Paris and William Chen\'s HC fashion company 25% of the luxury e-commerce shares, which is not too small. Paris is resentful. , I\'m afraid it\'s more of the kind of resentment that Delphine compares to.

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