America's Road To Fame

Chapter 331: biubiu~

The social track is like that, winner takes all.

When you don\'t have any subversive functions, users will always only choose the social software that their friends use the most, and how can it be so easy to have subversive functions, because the experience of William Chen in his previous life has proved that , the path is the correct way of mobile social networking.

Even if other software occasionally has some dazzling functions, it is a very effective way to "borrow" or directly acquire the startup team.

However, such an approach also needs to be limited, just like the penguins of Huaguo. This is the practice from the beginning. They firmly occupy the leading edge in the social field within Huaguo, and then use the users in their own hands to continuously Go for "learning", you come out "Happy Farm", I have "Penguin Farm"; you have "Dazzling Dance Troupe", I have "Penguin Dance"...

So from games to software, Penguin killed a group of start-ups. As long as the functions they liked, they would "borrow" them. In the end, everyone complained about them more and more until after the 3Q war. , Penguin realizes that what he is doing is not good enough. The country will not allow them to monopolize the network in this way and crowd out innovative companies to death. If they continue to do this, they will be hit.

Therefore, they changed their strategy, no longer "learning", but launched a platform, so that all start-ups can share their users on their platform. This move has laid an unshakable future for enterprises in one fell swoop. Status, because as long as everyone is on this platform, then this platform will never die.

This is also the reason why William Chen wants to be a small program platform. Like China, the United States also has stricter supervision on the Internet, and will not allow the existence of monopoly enterprises. Therefore, it is certain that it is too "learning" like the early Penguin. It will be investigated, but to be a small program platform, to pull many other startups into its own platform, and let users go to help its development, this method will definitely be welcomed.

Once this small program platform can be successful, then as the platform is located, it will become a universal software from a social software, and everyone is indispensable in order to exist for a longer time.

"Facebook has done a similar platform before, but it was on the PC side, on the smartphone side. No one has tried this yet, and we will be the first."

Sundar Pichai said this, but it seems that he is still very optimistic about the project:

"Indeed, if any function is made in the form of an APP, it will be a problem for user management, so often those companies will make an APP far beyond this scale for a less complex function. For users, this will be a disaster. In order to maintain the memory capacity of the mobile phone, they have to choose the software carefully, and it is not so important to cut it off. Instead, the original purpose of those software - to stay in the user\'s mobile phone, Not only was it not realized, but it was abandoned.”

"The so-called we help those companies make better decisions. There is no need to build a store for toothpaste. We provide shelves. All they need is to put their own toothpaste on the shelf."


Now Chen Weiliang rarely communicates directly with the top executives of the companies below, but manages the companies below through the CEOs of Meta Investment, Meta Technology and Meta Entertainment Media.

This greatly reduces his workload. When the CEOs of these companies are competent enough, it is a very good way to hand over them to the helm. What William Chen needs to do is to evaluate these CEOs.

The good news is that the CEOs he has carefully selected for these companies seem to be very competent at present, which has also brought the development of Meta Group into a stable period.

I don’t know what method Hastings used. In fact, he did persuade Jim Gianlopoulos, CEO of Twentieth Century MGM, to agree with him through Netflix. The idea of ​​May Pictures making an acquisition.

So after William Chen returned to Los Angeles to meet the two, he and Meta Entertainment Media CEO Bramall Norwood conducted further scrutiny on the two acquisitions, and reminded them that once the deal was made public, Immediately after that, there will be an antitrust review of the deal by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

This is definitely something that needs to be dealt with with energy. William Chen doesn\'t want to be so embarrassed in this anti-monopoly review like Bill Gates.

However, through this incident, William Chen also remembered Valve\'s Steam, a game distribution platform in the game industry.

He suggested to Bramo Norwood, CEO of Meta Entertainment and Media, that he could try to spin off the Steam platform from Valve and operate it independently, so as to weaken the color of its parent company\'s game company and make it more convenient for other game companies to The game is put on this platform.

Of course, this is his sudden idea at this time. As for the feasibility, it will be discussed later, and that is what Bramall Norwood needs to deal with.


"Long time no see, Scarlett."

On the Malibu beach, William Chen accidentally saw a familiar figure walking on the beach. After walking in, he found that it was Scarlett.

"Indeed, William, someone you may have a hard time seeing." Scarlet seemed to still have a cold attitude towards William Chen for some reason. Could it be that she still hates what happened last time?

"If you say you want to see me, then I will appear in front of you immediately, you know, I am to you..."

"Hehe, William, put away your sweet talk, if you don\'t want me to turn around and leave now."

William Chen shrugged and was thinking about how to relieve her negative emotions when he suddenly heard Scarlett say:

"I\'ve seen a pregnant girl in that villa. Is that your child?"

When Scarlett spoke, she drew an arc on her own, and the meaning was obvious.

"Uh, yes."

Chen William admitted so directly, but she didn\'t expect that Scarlett\'s expression was a little complicated. She looked at Chen William and said, "Very good."

At this time, William Chen remembered that Scarlett\'s house here, as she said before, was near her house, so it was normal to say that she could see Nozomi Sasaki, but it also explained, She still paid close attention to William Chen.

"It\'s a bit windy outside, you\'re wearing a little less clothes, why don\'t you go and sit at my place..."

William Chen grabbed Scarlett\'s hand and said. She tried to break away, but she didn\'t like it. In the end, she turned her head away angrily, looked at the sea, and said lightly, "Will you stop by and see that Asian woman who is pregnant with your child?"

"You shouldn\'t be so hostile, Scarlett, Nozomi Sasaki is a very kind girl."

"I shouldn\'t be hostile? William!" Scarlett said through gritted teeth: "You seem to have forgotten that time, in that villa... I never thought that I would become one of the three One, what do you think of me?"

Uh, William Chen almost said it would be good to get used to it, and she herself is not good at fighting, why not be more efficient.

Of course, he is still sensible, knowing that if he really said that, then it is not surprising that Scarlett will really pull out a gun to biubiu herself.

"Honey, you can take that as a chance, uh... ie if you don\'t like it, but it\'s always more convincing to say you don\'t after trying it."

"Then I should thank you for giving me the chance to try, William?"

"No, no, I mean Scarlett, I\'ll respect your way of life, but other people\'s way of life... at least it won\'t hurt anyone, will it?"

Feeling that Scarlett was on the verge of an outbreak, William Chen hurriedly cooled down and said, "My dear, I won\'t force you any more, OK?"

"You\'re an asshole! William!"

When Scarlett was angry, she didn\'t have any style. Chen William moved in his heart and said to her:

"Scarlett, did you say your house is nearby last time? Aren\'t you going to invite me to visit?"

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