America's Road To Fame

Chapter 302: Magic mirror system

In this trip to Japan, in addition to the harvest of a child, William Chen also gained another prop.

I still remember that in the Thanksgiving gift package of the Future Bank last year, William Chen got this prop——

[Giving Sons Guanyin Statue] Having more children can solve all problems. With this statue, whenever you have a blood-related child, you will get a luxury lottery chance here, and you can have a great chance to draw high-level items.

After Ivanta had a child, William Chen got a chance for a luxurious lottery from here. It was during that opportunity that William Chen got the Eye of the Intermediate Future, and thus he could "see" Palu\'s future immersive. volcanic eruptions.

Therefore, there is still a relatively high chance of getting good things in the luxurious lottery of [Send Son Guanyin], so Chen William is also looking forward to it.

After the lottery, he was also quite satisfied with the result and obtained an intermediate item——

[Magic Mirror System] Mirror Mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? The magic mirror can give you an answer to this question, but the magic mirror system will give you more. Through the configuration of the system, it can be scored according to the identity data of the other party. The system has growth potential and can continuously optimize the score according to the opponent\'s subsequent performance.

In the inventory, this [Sunglasses System] is just a USB flash drive, it seems that it should be a system installed in the server.

Although I don\'t know the specific principle of this score, Chen William knows that it will never be simple. Because if it is true for a person, an accurate score can be given only by relying on the identity data of the other party, such as ID number and social security number, then it should not only be the captured network data, but in reality, even this person psychological dynamics will be involved.

The key is that this system also has growth potential. The rating of a person is not fixed. It is very powerful to be able to continuously optimize the rating based on his subsequent performance. With the current level of technology and data analysis, it is absolutely impossible to achieve. of.

However, this also solves a very big problem of William Chen, that is, the Kingdom of Atlan needs to be normalized, and even to develop continuously, it must continue to increase its population and accept immigrants.

But for such a new country, how to choose the right person to issue a nationality or a suitable work visa among the massive naturalization applications is a big problem.

Then, if there is such a magic mirror system, then only the identity data of the other party can be used to give a score, which greatly simplifies the immigration screening and can introduce better talents.

It even only needs the system to give a data feedback port, and in the terminal, make a page facing the world to apply for naturalization or visa to the Kingdom of Atlanta, then through the classification of scores, then the other party only needs to pass Internet, log on this webpage, enter your identity information, you can give a score in the magic mirror system in the background, and automatically classify it according to the settings.

So the other party can quickly get different answers after the application, whether it is a naturalization permit, a certain type of work visa, or a direct rejection. This method is very efficient.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Kingdom of Atlanta must have a certain attractiveness in order to attract more talents to apply for naturalization or work visas. If it\'s just the current situation in Atlanta, I\'m afraid even Chen William\'s fans will give up after hesitating for a long time when they think they need to live there.

Anyway, Chen William is still very satisfied to be able to draw this [Magic Mirror System]. This is really useful for the future development of the Kingdom of Atlanta.

After sending Nozomi Sasaki on the charter flight to the United States, William Chen completed this trip to Japan, took Erica and the others to board the Gulfstream G550, returned to China and connected to Ivanta, and continued This time around the world.

Their next stop is Russia.

In September, the climate in Moscow is still relatively cool. The highest temperature during the day is more than ten degrees. When the group got off the plane, they all put on their jackets.

In the meeting with the Russian leaders, Erica first mentioned that the Kingdom of Atlan hopes to carry out trade with them in food, energy and other aspects in the future. These are the main trade items of Russia, so it is not surprising.

However, William Chen pointed out that he is very interested in Russia\'s ongoing offshore floating nuclear power plant project, and hopes that the Kingdom of Atlanta can reach an agreement with Russia in this regard to build a floating nuclear power plant for the Kingdom of Atlanta.

His words made Russia\'s eyes shine. They had already proposed the project of floating nuclear power plants at sea in 2006.

In their plan, the floating nuclear power plant would be built on a barge 144 meters long and 30 meters wide, carrying two 35-megawatt (MW) KLT-40S reactors.

Russia had planned to put fuel into the reactor in 2012 and then tow the floating nuclear power plant to the Kamchatka region of the Far East.

This floating nuclear power plant can provide enough power for a city of 200,000 people. Its operating life is 38 years, including three 12-year operating cycles, with an average shutdown of 8 months in the middle of each cycle. Maintain and clean up nuclear waste, and add new nuclear fuel.

The cost of the floating nuclear power plant is less than 400 million US dollars, but if it is exported, there will naturally be a good profit, and in addition, the purchase of such a floating nuclear power plant in the Kingdom of Atlanta must definitely require the employment of Russian technicians. Routine operation and maintenance, which requires at least 50-70 people, can also create employment and training costs for Russia.

At present, the progress of Russia\'s own first floating nuclear power plant is not smooth. The keel of the first floating nuclear power plant was laid at the North Shipyard in Severodvinsk in April 2007. However, in 2008, the state atomic energy company publicly stated that The construction of this hull was transferred to Bardiski Zavod, as the Northern Shipyard had already undertaken too many military contracts.

After that, Rosneft signed a contract with the Baldiski Zavod shipyard to complete the nuclear power plant in February 2009, when the hull was expected to be completed in 2012, but later due to the Zavod shipyard itself facing bankruptcy. Circumstances hinder work.

In Chen William\'s previous life, it was not until 2018 that the first offshore floating nuclear power plant officially began to operate.

"I\'m afraid your country can\'t use so much electricity."

Hearing that William Chen intends to order a floating nuclear power plant at sea, the Russian side asked suspiciously after the initial excitement.

You must know that the most important thing for a nuclear power plant is to cool down, because its operation principle is to convert nuclear energy into heat energy, and then convert the heat energy into electricity. Usually, the conversion rate of its converted electric energy is not high. Usually only about 30% of the heat will be converted into electric energy.

This is also the reason why many nuclear power plants are built on the seaside. Using seawater for cooling is indeed a very direct and simple method.

Moreover, once the nuclear reactor is in operation, the electricity generated will be used, and it is impossible to stop it easily. This is why nuclear power plants are often built not far from big cities. Ordinary cities simply cannot use that much electricity~www. If the power is transmitted over a long distance, the loss will be too large.

That\'s why the other party asked this question, because even in the Palu Republic period, there were only 12,000 people on Atlan Island, and now they have all moved away, so how can Chen William use this kind of supply? What about the electricity used by 200,000-1 million people?

"If you can\'t use it now, it doesn\'t mean you won\'t be able to use it in the future. Besides, we are going to carry out many large-scale infrastructure projects in Atlanta, and we also need electricity very much. Your floating nuclear power plant can be completed and handed over to us, I am afraid it will take at least 6- 8 years, and then we will need it.”

Hearing that William Chen was so confident in his country\'s development, the other party just smiled and didn\'t say much. However, the expression clearly did not agree with him.

Chen William didn\'t have much explanation for this. Yes, Atlanta Island is only 30 square kilometers now, but he knows that after the subsequent volcanic eruption, this area will expand ten times to about 500 square kilometers, about 500 square kilometers. It is one third of the area of ​​Huaguo HK.

The current population of HK is more than 7 million. Even if Atlanta cannot reach the population density of HK, it is very likely that it will exceed 500,000.

------off topic-----

There is another chapter today, and the monthly ticket is 500 plus more.

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