America's Road To Fame

Chapter 301: again

, America\'s Road to Fame

Chen William stayed in the magic capital for two more days. In addition to accompanying Ivanta and completing the reorganization of the Future Group, he also took time to spend one night with Yang Mi and Tang Yan.

It can be said that with the popularity of HEYTEA in the magic capital, Yang Mi now has the identity of a successful entrepreneur in addition to his status as a popular star, and he is very popular in China.

And now, William Chen\'s identity is also different. He is no longer a super rich man in America, but has become the king of a country. This is something that no one could have imagined before. Of course, this also includes Yang Mi and Tang Yan and them.

Men often feel a sense of achievement when they conquer women who seem to have such a noble status. I don\'t know if it is the same for women.

Anyway, Chen William can clearly feel that the enthusiasm of the two people seems to be stronger. Under the blessing of this enthusiasm, it seems that the combat effectiveness has also improved.

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied?"

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she smiled and looked at Chen William.

"It\'s the king!"

Chen William said solemnly, and after she finished speaking, there was a "pop" in her coquettish voice.

Tang Yan was also used to this kind of relationship at this time, and when she saw Yang Mi was deflated, she laughed out loud beside her.

"His Royal Highness, look at this little noble person who dares to gloat in misfortune. Is this palace going to punish her?"

"Hmph, I\'m a noble, so what are you?" Tang Yan pouted and retorted.

"I am older than you, and I am a noble concubine anyway, if you are not obedient, I will demote you to a talented person, and let the teacher be a noble person.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

Tang Yan came over and shook Chen William\'s arm, complaining: "Dear, look, she always bullies me.

Uh, William Chen couldn\'t help but think, this seems to be possible.

Chen William temporarily changed his plan, first leaving Ivanta in the magic capital, and he took Erica and others to Japan on the William.

The plane landed at Tokyo Airport, and the group first went to meet the Prime Minister and talked about the relationship between Japan and the Kingdom of Atlanta. In fact, Japan was originally one of the main trading countries of the Palu Republic, and now it has become the Kingdom of Atlan, and the other party naturally hopes to continue the good relationship before.

It can be said that although Japan has not been regarded as a normalized country after the war, after all, it has always been guarded and suppressed by the United States militarily, and it can only be held on a rope, and the rope is only held by the United States.

However, as their economy took off, they never gave up their presence in the world, especially in developing countries. They also established a lot of connections through economy and aid.

Especially in Africa and South America, Japan\'s tentacles have reached into various countries, and the countries in the South Pacific are also important targets for their development.

At this stage, Chen William is naturally the first to be able to obtain more national support. Therefore, although Japan\'s status in the United Nations is the same, it is also a force that cannot be ignored in the Asia-Pacific region.

Therefore, in this kind of meeting, it is when William Chen shows his charm. You must know that Japanese leaders are often not strong in English. In public, William Chen will naturally use English, the current official language of Atlanta, but in private chats, his fluent Japanese also makes the other party treat him more. a lot of goodwill.

In the end, the two sides determined that in the field of trade, Japan will remain an important partner of the Kingdom of Atlan, and Japan will also provide economic and technical assistance to the Kingdom of Atlan, and help the Kingdom of Atlan to build, especially in the ocean. In terms of development, Japan will provide technical support for the Kingdom of Atlanta.

From Japan\'s point of view, they belonged to the same system as the Atlan Kingdom and the United States, so the tone of friendship was naturally set from the beginning.

However, the main purpose of Chen William\'s trip to Japan was not to have an official meeting with them. It can be said that in fact, it was just a pass, and it could also be used as a cover.

His main purpose, after meeting with the official, William Chen went to see Nozomi Sasaki.

Originally, according to the abnormal words, "Extreme Game" has not been completed yet, and she should still be filming on the crew. But something unexpected happened. When the final stage of Americana was filmed, her body suddenly felt unwell. After being rushed to the hospital, she learned that she was pregnant.

Fortunately, there are not many scenes left for her, so after Sasaki learned about this, she asked Nozomi Sasaki for her opinion. She insisted and asked the crew to finish filming her scenes first, and then she was escorted back to Japan. residence.

After Sasaki saw America, he held her in his arms and asked how she was doing now.

With a sweet smile on her face, Guan Da Yuxi told him that the fetus is now in good condition, and it has been almost two months. Because of her constitution, the previous pregnancy reaction was not strong, so she did not find it.

"You didn\'t have your period before, and didn\'t you check it out?"

Hearing Sasaki\'s question, Guan Da Yuxi said embarrassedly: "My time was not very accurate before, and sometimes it was very shallow, and the amount was not that big, so I didn\'t care too much at the time... I\'m sorry, dear. "

"You don\'t have to say sorry, Kiko, I\'m just worried about you."

Sasaki counted the time, it was almost when they first went to Palu to shoot, Sasaki went to visit the class, and then had a night with America, seeing that sometimes it was really unintentional.

"The child

America looked at William Chen a little nervously, firmed up, and said, "If it\'s not suitable,

"What are you talking about, Kiko, since you have a child, if you want it, I will definitely hate it. It\'s just a pity that I can\'t give you a name."

Hearing Sasaki\'s words, Nozomi Sasaki\'s face immediately showed a smile, she shook her head and said, "No, my dear, I\'m very satisfied now, I can finish the script you wrote, and have yours. Boy, I feel like the happiest woman ever.

Sasaki accompanied her and said a lot of words, while Meriken was full of longing for the future, usually her own child. From her gentle and ugly face, you can see the brilliance of motherhood.

The thoughts that I had once came up again. Sasaki has always been thinking that Japan will not be violent in the past two years. Although the Fukushima earthquake this year did not have much impact, but next year, it will lead to the leakage of the nuclear power plant. .

Therefore, he naturally won\'t worry about letting Guan Da Yuxi stay here. Besides, her figure will be obvious soon. She has a high reputation in Japan, and after the release of "Extreme Game", she will be more It has attracted much attention, so it is not suitable to stay in Japan to give birth.

Now that Sasaki can\'t be separated, he discussed it with American, he will charter a flight, and American\'s bodyguards and her family will accompany her to Atlanta, and temporarily live in Sasaki\'s villa in Malibu Beach, Los Angeles , rest there.

At that time, Sasaki will hire the best medical team in Atlanta to take care of her, and there, Guan Da Yuxi will not be disturbed by the can wait for labor with peace of mind.

As for the reason, just find it carefully, either say that America went to Atlanta to see a doctor to recuperate, or she went to study and advanced studies. In short, as long as she is not exposed to the media, it is very unreasonable.

Moreover, on the "Extreme Game" crew, Sasaki has also blocked the news, and there will be no casual remarks. Even if there are leaked words, as long as they don\'t deny it at all.

The entertainment industry is like this, as long as there is no real hammer, as time passes, it can cover up the past.

America is very well-behaved. Listening to Sasaki\'s various arrangements, he can feel his concern for himself, and he feels very at ease.

"You go and have a good rest first, and after I\'m done working for a while, I\'ll go over to accompany you and wait for me."

"I see, my dear, you have something important to do, don\'t worry too much, I will take care of myself and our children.


"Xizi, ta will be the prince or princess of Chen William Kingdom, you hate flowers, I will build the most beautiful garden for you and let you live there

Sasaki hugged America and coaxed her to sleep, watching her in her sleep with a smile on her face.

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