America's Road To Fame

Chapter 268: boom and bust

But the development of things gradually turned uncontrollable...

With the continuous expansion of feminism in Japan, some feminists began to have a sense of superiority, discriminated against men, and became antagonistic between the sexes.

A male leader sends an email to a female subordinate, which is sexual harassment in the workplace. A male colleague glances at a female colleague and shows that he has a bad intention. As long as a man has physical contact with a woman, it is indecent...

Soon, Japanese women\'s rights also found the "wealth code": compared with the feminism of academic speculation, the "women\'s rights" that directly scolded men are more disseminated. They are especially good at raising individual mistakes to the whole group, thus completely denying men. .

As a result, the atmosphere of public opinion began to become smoky.

Women-only carriages were created to fundamentally "physically separate" men and women.

Just when the confrontation became more and more fierce, the Plaza Accord was signed, and Japan\'s economic bubble was burst, which also brought great changes to the Japanese feminist movement.

When Japan\'s economy entered the era of great collapse, all companies were thankful for not going bankrupt. How could there be so much money to recruit people?

More monks and less porridge will inevitably lead to "involution". At this time, because of the prevalence of feminism and its expansion in various aspects, the disadvantage of women in the workplace begins to show. The same staff, the cost of hiring women will be higher, because male staff can be at any time at any time. You must be careful not to get along with them alone, and you need to be careful when sending emails and talking...

Sometimes I have to admit that the difference in the physiological structure of men and women allows men to better adapt to high-intensity work. In this workplace involution, women failed to have the last laugh, and most of them were killed.

The way out for the women who have been drawn out is to return to the family.

But only then did they realize that they had lost the right to choose—

Men who are still involved in the workplace feel that they have financial power, and naturally they will not give women the opportunity to make demands.

The men who were pulled out of the workplace even chose to lie down: since I have no money, then I will not fall in love or get married, so that I will not step on the thunder of "squeezing women".

This is also the reason why otaku culture has emerged in Japan - my "paper people" can sing and dance well, and don\'t need to buy a package or a house. Isn\'t this more fragrant than marriage?

At this time in Japan, a very interesting phenomenon happened. Women were more eager for marriage than men——

Last year, according to a questionnaire from relevant agencies, only 38.7% of men wanted to get married, while 59% of women wanted to get married.

After a lot of work, Japanese feminism has not gained anything, and the standard of mate selection has even dropped from the previous three highs to as long as there is a job and no domestic violence.

But the male side is only the external cause, and the more important thing is the collapse of the female fundamentals.

In the beginning, the common demands of Japanese women\'s rights were generally the same, but in the environment of economic downturn, they gradually broke apart.

Some women hope to form a family with men to resist high rent and high prices. What they are facing is the real economic risk. Now that she advocates marriage, she naturally no longer voices support for women\'s rights.

Another group of women began to hate men even more radically. They believed that their unemployment was the result of male oppression, not the cause of economic depression.

Most importantly, the group of women who stayed in the workplace also began to oppose feminism.

If you still follow the previous routine and continue to practice the idea of ​​"a male boss sending an email to a female subordinate is sexual harassment in the workplace", wouldn\'t that increase their employment costs? You can obviously win men in the workplace by your own abilities, so why make extra efforts?

Therefore, the real appeal of Japanese working women at that time was to reject the "equal rights of men and women" that specialize women.

However, it was too late to brake at this time.

The awareness of the high cost of women in the workplace has been established, and a large number of women have been expelled from the workplace. Even if they stay in the workplace, they will be treated differently in salaries.

For example, the 2009 "Basic Statistical Survey of Wage Structure" released by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare shows that the average monthly salary of women is only 3/4 of that of men.

And this astonishing gap is actually the smallest since the statistics began.

If we have to say what is the practical significance of this mighty feminism in Japan, it should be that some Japanese men have become a refined egoist who does not get married and is irresponsible, and invests all their money in themselves.

They are more independent than women\'s rights, and they are more able to withstand the "baptism" of 996 than women.

However, compared with the feminist movement in Japan, the feminist movement in South Korea is more radical, but the consequences are not much worse.

So at this time, seeing Nozomi Sasaki\'s well-behaved appearance, William Chen couldn\'t help but sigh that his own Kiko was more caring.

Nozomi Sasaki is wearing a simple white skirt at home today, but with a good figure and good looks, this skirt still looks no less than a designer fashion when worn on him.

At this time, William Chen saw Nozomi Sasaki bowing his head, his long eyelashes trembling slightly, and he couldn\'t help but pull her into his arms.

"William, it\'s not all right."

Nozomi Sasaki was speaking softly, but William Chen directly sealed his lips...

I don\'t know if it was because I didn\'t study with William Chen for a while, Nozomi Sasaki\'s performance became more and more unbearable, and it didn\'t take long for her to cry, and her voice even became a little hoarse...

When the two of them calmed down, William Chen put his arms around her and told her what happened during this time.

Previously, William Chen took Nozomi Sasaki to visit Sun Zhengyi of SoftBank Group, and the other party also knew about William Chen\'s relationship with her.

Sun Zhengyi is also very good at being a person. After that, SoftBank Group took the initiative to contact Nozomi Sasaki\'s club and invited Nozomi Sasaki to be the spokesperson for their products.

The SoftBank Group\'s position in Japan is not easy, so with the blessing of its traffic, Nozomi Sasaki\'s reputation has become more and more popular. With her good looks, she is now the most powerful actress in Japan.

But Sasaki Nozomi didn\'t receive too many announcements recently. She said to William Chen softly:

"I just finished filming a TV series, and now I have some scripts for me, but most of them are the protagonists of this vase type, and I still want to pick a slightly challenging role to play. Am I being a little too lazy like this, dear of."

With a smile, William Chen rubbed her hair and said to her:

"Just do what you think. I support you, baby. In addition, I will launch a series recently, which will be broadcast on Netflix. If you are interested, you can try it."

Twentieth Century MGM Studios just acquired Summit Entertainment for $350 million. This company owns the copyright of a series of films. Two films have been released so far, and the results are good, but William Chen knows that the box office of the latter two films will be even more surprising.

Just under the subprime mortgage crisis, there was a problem with the company\'s financing, so it took advantage of the situation to acquire it and put the IP under its banner.

In addition, when William Chen was with Jessica, he happened to see a novel she was reading. It has become very popular recently. The name is called. This novel was originally released in 2008. It will be a trilogy and is currently released. two.

William Chen remembered that the movie based on this novel seemed to have a very good box office, so he instructed the 20th Century MGM Studios to buy the movie adaptation rights of the movie and plan to release it later.

It is a novel in the "Battle Royale" mode. The origin is a movie made in Japan. A group of people are put into an environment and kill each In the end, there is only one winner left, who will be rewarded. , the works of this mode are called "Battle Royale" type.

From this, William Chen remembered that the South Korean drama series that was broadcast on Netflix in his previous life and became popular all over the world also used this model. Therefore, he wanted to try to make a similar series to see the reaction of the market. If If the acceptance is high, then the homeopathic launch will also have a better response.

Of course, this drama will be used as a reference, but it will not be copied completely. After all, many of the levels and plots in it have also borrowed from many previous film and television dramas of the same type, including the settings of comics, , , etc.

And William Chen will adapt a series based on what he has seen in his previous life and some similar drama series, and the story will be similar. It will take place in the Asian region and will be starring stars from the three countries of Qihua, Japan and South Korea. This series is used for Netflix to expand the Asian market.

"Is there a script? My dear, I want to see it."

"Uh, the script is still being written. I\'ll show it to you when I\'m done."

"What do you mean... Did you create this script? My dear!" Nozomi Sasaki looked at him in surprise after understanding the meaning of William Chen\'s words.

"Yes, I suddenly had an interesting idea, so I wanted to create it and try it out."

"That must be great, my dear. The script I remember was written by you. If that\'s the case, I must play the role in it."

"Don\'t you read the script first?"

Nozomi Sasaki hugged his arm happily and said, "Because it\'s a script you wrote, being able to play the characters in it has special meaning to me."