America's Road To Fame

Chapter 267: HOLAuniverse

Chen William hid in the yacht, observed the yacht that was getting closer and closer, and saw that the yacht stopped when it was about five or six meters away from him, and then a graceful woman walked out of the cab. He holds a telescope in his hand and looks at his yacht.

Uh, William Chen found out that he actually knew this woman, or, in other words, most Americans should know her, a well-known Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie.

Seeing her appear here, William Chen is a little strange, how could it be her?

He suddenly thought that when he bought this Long Island manor, the house salesman had casually mentioned that Angelina Jolie and her boyfriend Brad: The manor that Pitt bought was right next to him, and he was relieved immediately. .

When he saw Angelina standing on the deck of the yacht, he mumbled something in his mouth, and was about to turn around and enter the wheelhouse when William Chen walked out of the cabin and greeted Angelina on the deck:

"Hello, Ms. Angelina."

Anjilina saw William Chen appearing on the opposite deck, with a bit of surprise on her face, and said:

"William? It\'s you." Because there was still some distance between the two of them, and as if afraid that he could not hear clearly, Angelina slightly increased her voice: "I saw a yacht parked here all the time, and there was no one on the deck, so I thought it was What happened, I wanted to come and see, but I didn\'t expect it to be you."

"Uh, something happened just now, so I didn\'t come out. What a coincidence, Ms. Angelina, I didn\'t expect us to meet here, come over to chat?"

I didn\'t see it, Anjilina was still a very enthusiastic person, but this might be the reason why this place was originally a wealthy area of ​​Long Island, so it wouldn\'t be dangerous.

"It\'s a coincidence, I remember we had a quick meeting in Hollywood, but you were an actor at that time, and now you are super rich."

Angelina looked at Chen William, her eyes darted across the cabin behind him, and asked, "Are you yourself? William."

"A few more um, friends.

Hearing his words, Angelina\'s face showed a clear look, and she said, "Forget it today, let\'s do it another day. You often go out to sea?"

Huh? If you have a friend, just say it, don\'t you think.... It\'s easy to make people, uh, misunderstand me.

Thinking so in his heart, William Chen replied:

"It\'s not very often. I wanted to try fishing just now, but I don\'t know where is the best place to go."

"Next time I can tell you, I often go fishing around here, and I know a little bit about it. Next time we have a chance, we can come and fish together. Last time I caught a largemouth bass, and I also caught a black spot. All very good.”

Seeing Angelina talking with interest, William Chen was a little unsure. Did you mean fishing together, is it serious fishing? So he said:

"Okay, next time we have a chance to be together, by the way, what\'s your phone number?"

Chen William raised the mobile phone in his hand, and after listening to her report the number, he dialed it with his own mobile phone.

I only saw Anjilina returning to the cab and took out her mobile phone, as if she was saving her number, so the two agreed to go fishing together next time, and after saying goodbye, Anjilina drove the yacht away.

Although Paris\'s fighting power was not good, her tenacity was still good. For the next two days, she insisted on coming over to discuss and learn knowledge with William Chen. Later, Nikki was pulled by her to join the battle group.

Chen William wondered if she was stimulated by Ivanta\'s pregnancy, and she was desperate and wanted a child.

Uh, this kind of thing, let\'s not join in the fun first, it\'s okay to separate, if all the people who get together are pregnant, then William Chen is probably going to have a headache.

So when things on the American side were almost arranged, William Chen then left New York. I couldn\'t afford it, so I could hide. And I also told Ivanta before that when things come to an end here, I will go to China to accompany her for a while.

However, the Gulfstream G550 did not fly directly to China, but landed at Tokyo Chengtian Airport first.

After forming a joint venture company Japan with SoftBank Group, Sun Zhengyi mobilized all the resources of Yahoo Japan. During this period, the development momentum in Japan is very good, and it has become the mobile APP with the most registered users in Japan.

Different from other regions, in Japan, the most popular features are not the chat between friends and the circle of friends, but the anonymous chat mode unique to Japan.

As I said before, the subsequent popularity of LINE in Japan, in addition to its first-mover advantage in the Japanese market, is also the main reason for its rich expression packs and relatively weak social atmosphere of acquaintances.

Now, Japan\'s earliest mobile chat app has become, and in addition to the rich chat emoji, the Japanese version is more unique in socializing with strangers, and they have launched the function of the universe.

When using the Japanese version, users can enter the universe with one key of the universe button, and even set the universe as the default interface.

So what kind of existence is the universe? This is a completely anonymous social world. In the universe, users cannot even set their own nicknames and avatars, but only have a random code and avatar.

That is, in the universe, you will completely isolate your real identity, communicate with strangers, and you can\'t even know the other person\'s appearance through their avatar.

All you can know is the gender and age of the other party. Of course, these also need to be set by the other party to be real. There is only one setting opportunity for gender and age in the universe and cannot be changed, so this will be chosen more carefully.

If you don\'t like chatting, you can also post your status and messages in the secret circle of the universe as a corner to talk about.

Of course, there are also people who post their own photos in the secret circle, but most of the photos also partially or completely cover their appearance, which is also the attraction of the secret circle.

According to the statistics of Japanese companies, Japanese people have a special preference for the function of Cosmos when using it. Japanese users who pay great attention to personal privacy set Cosmos as the default interface or more users who use Cosmos, accounting for more than 100% of the total users. more than two-thirds.

After Chen William arrived in Japan and tried the function of the universe, he felt very interesting. Although the Japanese market has a greater demand for this kind of anonymous chat, other regions in the world may also have a demand for this function, so it is not impossible to consider adding it to other regions.

Every time he is with Nozomi Sasaki, William Chen can always feel the kindness of Japanese women from her. He will take care of everything for him personally, change his slippers, change his clothes, even take off his socks and wash his feet. Nozomi Sasaki carefully went to finish it for him. I have to say that Japanese women are more virtuous in this regard than Europe and the United States, even China and South Korea.

But the premise is that you can get enough home, otherwise there will be no such treatment.

In fact, in Japan, women have not always been so virtuous, and the feminist movement has also risen vigorously, especially since the 1980s, with the take-off of Japan\'s economy, feminism was once very popular. Enter the workplace in large numbers, form organizations, and pursue rights.

Some of the things that happened back then seem even more exaggerated now.

Japanese women at that time advocated that a woman should have four boyfriends, one by one.

Errand Man, Buyer Man, Gift Man, and Benming.

It means that among the men you date, there must be one who runs errands for himself, one who goes out to eat and shop, one who can give him expensive gifts, and finally the official boyfriend who is willing to marry.

This is really not a joke. In 1990, "Back Issue Gems" reported that 28 out of 30 female college students in Tokyo had errand At that time, the idea of ​​most Japanese women was: as a new student Independent and outstanding women of the era, if they want to chase us, of course they have to show some sincerity.

Therefore, at the time when "love capitalism" was popular, Japanese men basically started with 50,000 yen (about 3,000 Chinese yuan) for inviting women to dinner, and they couldn\'t get a small gift without 40,000 yen. It was basically a Christmas Eve. 400,000 yen (about 22,300 Chinese yuan) is gone.

At that time, the monthly salary of ordinary Japanese workers was only 300,000 yen (about 16,700 yuan).

The magazines of that time were full of stories about how to win girlfriends by buying things—a whole society’s response to male PUAs.

So with the development, a group of "Heisei New Women" has gradually emerged in Japan. Compared with "love capitalism", the biggest difference between them is that they don\'t even talk about love at all.

They advocate that women can also create a better life, so they should pursue "freedom" and not marry "stinky men". Marriage is an oppression of women.

Although the two waves of feminism have some differences, they have reached a consensus on opposing sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, and jointly condemning male criminals.