America's Road To Fame

Chapter 259: Palu

"Young man, looking at your appearance, it should be a foreigner."

An old man with slightly dark skin and white hair put a glass of iced drink in front of William Chen.

"Yes, I\'m from New York, where is this place?

William Chen asked strangely, he turned his head and looked, through the window of this bar, he could see the beach and the sea outside

The old man glanced at Chen William strangely and said, "This is Palu, a little-known country, how did you come here?"

"Uh, I don\'t know

"Then you should go to the police station, although as a local, I don\'t expect much from those police officers. Speaking of which, I went to America when I was young, and it was a really good place."

With a look of reminiscence on the old man\'s face, he continued: "We Palu have also developed, but that was more than half a century ago. I was a child at that time, and I can still remember the happy life at that time. We were living on a gold mine, earning the highest incomes in the world, and it was a great time:

After saying these words, the old man looked outside, as if he was observing the flying seabirds, and the whole wooden bar suddenly became quiet.

Chen William was a little baffled at this time, Palu? Never heard of it, what\'s the situation? Did he cross again? At this time, he suddenly felt a little thirsty, took the iced drink in front of him, took a big sip, and immediately I felt a cooling sensation all over my body, as if every pore was opening.

In this quiet bar, the only sound at this time seems to be the TV on the wall:

"On October 20, 2010, American time, after the first sovereign debt crisis broke out in Greece on June 5, the sovereign debt crisis in Europe was spreading. After breaking through the low of 1.1641 in November 2005, it reached 1.1598, the lowest price in seven years.

Faced with this situation, last month, the EU decided to jointly set up a rescue plan with a total of 750 billion euros with the IMF to ensure the stability of the euro. But the effect is not significant at present. Just last week, Ireland also applied for aid, and the European Union urgently approved a total of 85 billion euros of aid for Ireland.

In response to the debt crisis, many countries in the euro area were forced to adopt fiscal austerity policies, causing strong dissatisfaction and protests from the public. "

Chen William was attracted by the sound of the news. He looked at the TV screen and found that it was broadcasting CNN\'s financial report, but the time in the news made him very puzzled. Isn\'t he at the end of May? Why does the news mention October? What about the 20th?

Just as Chen William was thinking about this, he suddenly felt a sway in his body. At first he thought it was his hallucination, but soon, he realized that it was not so.

Therefore, the cup with the light red drink on the table is clearly vibrating, and the vibration is gradually intensifying, and even the drink inside was shaken out and dripped onto the table.

What\'s the situation? This is, an earthquake?

This thought appeared in William Chen\'s mind just now, and with a sudden "boom", he was pushed into the air by a scorching breath.

At this time, with the rise of his field of vision, he saw the whole picture of the island. It was a roughly oval island. As William Chen\'s body continued to rise, the entire island was only as big as a bottle cap in his field of vision. .

- A mysterious feeling. At this time, William Chen didn\'t seem to be just "seeing" with his eyes. He could even feel the surging surging in the deepest part of the island, which was scorching hot and extremely active magma.

He felt that the time seemed to have been pressed to fast-forward, and the side of the island was lit up, followed by a thick mushroom cloud of smoke.

I don\'t know how long it took, it seemed to be just a moment, and it seemed to be a century. When the thick smoke gradually dissipated, Chen William was surprised to find that the original location of the small island had turned into a large island with a full area. More than ten times before, a highland appeared in the center of the island, and the tsunami formed under the sea surface with the elevation of the crust spread to all directions, all the way to the extreme distance.

William Chen got up and sat up, and found himself in the bedroom of the Long Island Manor. The real experience just now was a dream. However, this dream is not just a dream.

Open the interface of Future Bank, and in the inventory, a new [Future Eye Fragment] appeared, and the content in it was the scene of his dream last night recorded from the first perspective.

After learning that Ivanta was pregnant, William Chen accompanied her for a day. He knew that women needed company very much at this time.

At the same time, the object of his future bank binding has always been Paris. Now, for the sake of insurance, he changed the binding and replaced it with Ivanta. The loan amount immediately changed from the previous 500 million US dollars to $1 billion.

He knew Paris\' temper too well. If he knew about this, he would definitely need to spend some effort to coax him, and he had already decided on a marriage contract with Ivanta, so this operation would be natural.

It\'s just that he found a change in the inventory -

[Giving Sons Guanyin Statue] Having more children can solve all problems. With this statue, whenever you have a blood relative, you will get a luxury lottery chance here, and you can have a great chance to draw high-level items.

This item was obtained by William Chen in the Thanksgiving prize draw. William Chen almost forgot the existence of this item, because he really has children, it seems to be quite far away for his current age, you know, in another month He was only 22 years old. In China at this time, it was considered an early marriage at this age, not to mention the United States.

Then, William Chen found out that he had won a lottery chance, uh, a luxury lottery chance... After reading the introduction, he thought he had to have a child to have a chance, so yesterday when I heard that Ivanta was pregnant , didn\'t think about it at all.

But I didn\'t expect that the opportunity was given when life was conceived.

It\'s really a luxurious lottery, this time William Chen won

[Eye of the Future (Intermediate/Random)] Randomly triggers items that can participate in future events of global concern.

Uh, the introduction is very simple, and it is not like the primary [Eye of the Future], it is used by myself, this needs to be triggered randomly, Chen William studied for a long time and couldn\'t figure out how to start it, so he went to bed and rested first.

But I didn\'t expect that in the dream, I experienced the future events of this [Eye of the Future].

Chen William, who was already experienced in these things, began to analyze the information obtained through this [Eye of the Future].

First of all, this is indeed an event that will definitely attract global attention. In the future he experienced, after the volcanic eruption, a small island expanded by more than ten times, how much energy would this be? Anyway, William Chen No reports of this magnitude have been found in human recorded history.

And what\'s even more strange is that nothing like this happened in his previous life. The most sensational event at that time was just the volcanic eruption in Tonga, but in terms of scale, it was completely incomparable to this one.

This incident happened on an island called Palu. According to TV news reports, this incident will happen on October 20 this year, American time, less than 4 months from now.

Another piece of information, which is also very important, is through the CNN news report in the dream that the European sovereign debt crisis is about to break out in June, and on August 20, the exchange rate of the euro against the dollar will drop to 1.1598, This is also a very useful information.

Chen William checked it, and now the price of the euro against the US dollar is 1.4766, which means that the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar will drop by 20% by then, which is also a good investment opportunity.

Then he checked Palu\'s information in general:

The Republic of Pauru, referred to as Pauru, is located in the central and western parts of the South Pacific and is known as the "Paradise Island". With an area of ​​only 30 square kilometers, Nauru is the smallest island country in the world, with a population of about 12,000.

Palu used to be one of the richest countries per capita in the world, because for thousands of years, countless seabirds have come to live on this small island, leaving a lot of bird droppings on the island. The chemical changes have become a layer of high-quality fertilizer up to 10 meters thick, which is called "phosphate ore". Three-fifths of the island is covered by phosphate, and only a narrow strip of flat land is located along the coast.

This country was therefore once known as the "country on guano". Through the export of phosphate mines on the island, the average annual income of Palu residents was as high as 8,500 US dollars, making it the richest island country in the South Pacific.