America's Road To Fame

Chapter 258: let's get married

Waiting in Silicon Valley until May 25, William Chen did not wait for the results of the negotiations with eBay, but first waited for the news that Ivanta returned to the United States.

William Chen returned to New York and met Ivanta in his estate on Long Island.

Now that I think about it, this seems to be the first time that she has come to this manor of her own, and took Ivanta into her arms, and Chen William asked softly: "Why did you come back suddenly and didn\'t tell me in advance? ,Honey."

"William, I have something I want to tell you. After thinking about it, I think it\'s better for us to meet and talk."


William Chen let go of Ivanta gently, took her hand, and sat on the sofa together. Seeing that her expression was a little strange, he couldn\'t help asking:

"What\'s the matter, dear, what happened to the company over there in Huaguo?"

"It\'s not about the company, it\'s me."

"You?" William Chen became a little nervous: "What\'s wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable recently?

"You should remember that my period came around the 20th, but it was delayed a few days this month.

Hearing Ivanta\'s words, Chen William\'s expression relaxed, and he said without panic:

"Hey, what do I think, dear, it\'s normal, Jessie... er, I mean that women sometimes don\'t get enough rest or are nervous, which will affect the endocrine system and cause irregular periods. I\'ll accompany you. Go to the hospital to see, it is said that some important things in Huaguo are very useful for this conditioning, I can help you ask, find a good doctor:

As he spoke, Chen William felt a little proud. I understand this question, I just did it.


Ivanta suddenly interrupted Chen William\'s words, took out a few pieces of paper from his handbag and handed it to him, saying, "Look at this."

Seeing the serious expression on Ivanta\'s face, Chen William suddenly felt a sense of ominousness. He found the sheets of paper, both in Chinese and in English, both of which were hospital diagnosis sheets, and the results of two copies. Almost, Chen William didn\'t know what the HCG value on the previous test sheet was obviously elevated, but he still understood the meaning of the words confirming pregnancy.

And the ultrasound diagnosis report also confirmed this.

Uh, William Chen was stunned for a while, Rick: Walton\'s voice seemed to ring in his ears again:

"William, in case you do have a baby."

This Nima, things turned out to be here

"Since that\'s the case, dear, do you want this child?" William Chen finally experienced such a thing before, and this time he can still have some immunity. He held Ivanta\'s hand and said to her .

"What about you? William, what do you think?" Ivanta didn\'t say what she thought, but asked Chen William instead.

At this moment, Chen William felt a hint of a strong woman\'s aura from her body, er, it seems that after this period of time she managed the company independently, her aura was stronger than before.

"I respect your opinion, dear, if you want it, then give birth to it, and we will raise it well."

"So what kind of identity did he come into this world in? William, have you considered this? We haven\'t even made a public relationship yet."

Ivanta mentioned the most troublesome thing for Chen William. Yes, if Ivanta gave birth to a child for him, Chen William would not only consider it a trouble, but would be very happy. After all, this is the first time in his two lives. As a child, from the moment he knew and confirmed the news, William Chen had a feeling that he had never felt before, and seemed to be a little more responsible.

But what Ivanta said, he couldn\'t ignore it. If it was other women, that\'s all, they would most likely accept having children without marriage to William Chen.

After all, in the United States, this situation is also very common. This kind of illegitimate child also has laws to protect its rights and interests.

But Ivanta, or Ivanta and Paris sisters are different. The families they came from are all well-known in America, not to mention top families, but they are also very well-known.

Then their family is destined to be impossible to accept their girl to give birth to a child with no name or distinction, even if the other party is William Chen, who is one of the richest people in the world.

Because their family also has its dignity, or in other words, if Chen William is an ordinary person, then this matter is easy to solve, even if there is no marriage, then in the image of an independent woman like Ivanta, single and childbirth, And then raising the child alone, others will say that she is capable and does not need to depend on a man at all.

But it is precisely because Chen William\'s identity is too dazzling that his net worth is much higher than that of the Troup family. Then if the same thing happened, Ivanta would definitely not have that kind of independent character. On the contrary, the general opinion is that the Troup family succumbed to William Chen and did not dare to force him to be responsible for the family\'s daughter.

Even worse, it just said that the Troup family sold their daughter directly for William Chen\'s investment. After all, William Chen has invested in the Troup Group, and it is also a fact that they can be rescued.

To understand this, it is only a momentary thing.

William Chen said sincerely to Ivanta: "I definitely can\'t let that kind of thing happen, dear, you know my feelings for you, let\'s get married, while you can\'t see that you are pregnant now."

He understands that this topic can never be avoided, and with Ivanta\'s background and character, it is impossible to give birth to a child without a name, er, it is also possible, but in that case I am afraid it is her Really after giving birth to the child, he raised it alone and completely left himself.

Therefore, since this is the case, then he must come out and bring it up, instead of waiting for the other party to force him. These two methods have the same result, but the feeling to the other party is completely different.

Sure enough, after hearing William Chen\'s remarks, Ivanta\'s face showed a satisfied look.

Then she asked:

"What about Paris and the others? What are you going to do with those people, William?"

"Uh.... Ivanta, you know, my feelings for Paris, you are the people I cherish the most, I

Regarding this issue, William Chen also needs to clarify with Ivanta. Yes, Ivanta has her own child, so she must be responsible for her and give her a name. But this does not mean that he will leave Paris because of this... Cong and other women, if it is really because of this child that she wants to break up with others, then William Chen would rather reluctantly follow her separate.

This result is naturally what William Chen doesn\'t want to see, but so is his principle. So at this time, he will try his best to enlighten Ivanta.

"I also guessed it would be the answer, William." Ivanta looked at Chen William and said lightly:

"I thought about it a lot after knowing that I had our baby, and although she can hardly be seen even in the ultrasound pictures now, it\'s strange that I can already feel that kind of blood in her and ta is my child with you, this also makes me feel that my life is complete.

"I\'ve thought about the situation after you know about this, and there are many possible imaginations, but your response is what I want to see the most, William. If you don\'t want to give me this title, then I will still put the child I was born, but I will definitely leave you and never see each other again. But now, I just hope that you will not let the children and me have too embarrassing things when our marriage continues. And I will also sign a pre-marriage agreement with you. Agreement, I just need to guarantee the rights of the child.\'

"When the marriage lasts?"

"Yes, I have already thought about it. What I need is for the child to appear in this world as the crystallization of our marriage. What happens after that is not that important to me. William, I thought about it sooner or later. There will be a day when you will be by my side at ease, but now that I have a child, my mood is completely different. I only hope that she can be happy, and everything else is not important.

Ivanta was talking and was held in his arms by William Chen. He said gently: "Don\'t worry, Ivanta, no matter what happens in the future, you will always be the most important person to me."

Uh, just keep "one" in mind. William Chen is not stupid, and he will definitely not say it at this time to destroy the atmosphere.