America's Road To Fame

Chapter 253: Tianshu Fund

"Gold Medal Gale has been very chaotic since Huang Baihao\'s retirement. Our investigators went to their Yangcheng headquarters and found that in the same office building, there were three groups of people in William Chen listening to Li Ying saying to himself According to the survey results of the music company Gold Medal Gale, he asked with some puzzlement: "Three teams? "

"Yes, they have just set up a new HK company, and they are also working at the headquarters of Gold Medal. It seems that the business of H water is managed by this company, while the headquarters of Gold Gale is only responsible for Wanwan and mainland China. regional business.”

"What about the other group?"

Uh, besides Huang Baihao, Gold Medal Gale also has a boss called Zheng Donghan. He has a son who is also an artist, called Zheng Zhongji. After he married A Saa, a member of the K group, his father owned a small record company. I went to work in the office area of ​​Gold Medal Daikin, so there are three groups of people there, but it was rumored that the two people had divorced, so now the people from the Xiaochang Film Company have begun to leave.

Because Li Ying is in China, she sent someone to understand the acquisition of Gold Medal Dafeng. Now EMI has sent the acquisition personnel on the plane to China. After they arrive in Yangcheng, they will meet with Huaxia. The people of Future Capital make the handover.

Hearing Li Ying\'s report, Chen William was also a little speechless. It seems that the current situation of Gold Medal Gale is really chaotic, but that\'s okay, this is also the easiest time for them to acquire it. Wait until Chen William hangs up the phone. , Fan Shuishui, who was eating breakfast beside him, asked, "Why, did you say that you want to acquire Huaguo\'s record company?"

"Yes, EMI needs to expand its business in Asia after the integration, and the first is to acquire several record companies."

Fan Shuishui never asked too much about Chen William, but just heard him talking on the phone in Chinese, so he asked a question out of curiosity.

She arrived in New York last night. This time, in addition to accompanying William Chen, she is also about her entry into Hollywood. In the new film of MGM in the 20th century, she will play a role in the final global box office of "Iron Man". With a figure of $625 million, the result is a big boost for MGM\'s Marvel Studios in the twentieth century. The total cost of the film is about $150 million, and it can earn about $100 million from the box office share alone. The income that is not enough, and there will be income from video tapes, network copyrights, peripherals, etc. will be accounted for, so it is considered a great success and has just released the big "The Incredible Hulk". thing. Therefore, Marvel Studios began to prepare for the filming of Wen Weibao\'s film.

Iron Man 2

In this film, there will be Black Jiajing, which is set to be published by Scarlett. At the same time, with the acquisition of 20th Century Fox by William Chen, the copyright of the series of policemen also returned to Marvel Studios in 2006. Years ago, 20th Century Fox successively released three "X-Men" series of movies, all of which performed well. role, to be successful.

So after "Iron Man" once again proved the box office ability of superhero movies, it is now also preparing a prequel film, which will tell the story of Magneto Eric, Professor X Charles and Mystique Rui waiting for some mutants to be young. time story.

Because Chen William knows how terrifying the movie box office of Huaguo will be in the future, so at the beginning of this movie, he plans to add Asian business characters targeting the Huaguo market. If the response is good, he will serve as a resident role in the War Police series of movies. This role has been confirmed to be played by Fan Shuishui, which is one movie earlier than her previous participation in the Men\'s Police series, and her role will also increase accordingly.

With the preparation of the film, Marvel Entertainment will also launch related comics to introduce this newly added character. The character is named Lisa Ho, a mutant who came to the United States from HK in the 1960s and has the ability to teleport. .

This time Fan Yongyong came to New York, in addition to making some preparations for the filming of the film, such as the strengthening of spoken language and the adaptation of the character, and that Marvel Entertainment will use her image as a prototype to launch this new character through comics.

The money is the most important thing for the second to meet the market, so he is willing to do anything in order to meet the market. The most obvious example is Hollywood\'s greatness towards the Japanese. On the other hand, Japanese capital began to enter Hollywood, such as Sony\'s acquisition of Columbia Pictures, which later became Sony Pictures. Therefore, in Hollywood movies, the image of the Japanese began to be more positive. The same is true for the Chinese. When the proportion of the Chinese film market in the world increases, then Hollywood must start to please the local audience, and it will pay more attention to the shaping of the image of the Chinese. To put it bluntly, the Western world is full of universal values, but in essence It\'s like they never care what the Burmese think because it means nothing to them.

"Need so many pitching parties?"

William Chen met E0 Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs Group again. Under the persuasion of the other party, and the stock market has indeed shown signs of recovery recently, he agreed to open his own investment fund, but After seeing the promotion schedule that Lloyd gave him, he frowned slightly and said:

"The size of the first phase of this fund will only be set at 20 billion US dollars, and I still need to attend so many receptions?"

William, I understand what you mean, if you don\'t limit your funds, then these referrals will be completely unnecessary, and I can find enough funds for you to complete the quota immediately. But what you are asking is that half of the quota is reserved for the rich in Europe and the United States, then you need to hold a promotion reception.

Lloyd explained: "Because in essence, your consent is not just about raising money for the fund, it is putting more power around you, then these processes are necessary, even if you hear him this time, William Chen also expressed his understanding. If he had to attend all the ten promotion receptions on this list, it would be too many, and he would travel almost all over the big cities in the United States.

"What else do you think about this fund? William.

"I remember you said, Lloyd, that these big investors are more concerned about the stability of their earnings, so this fund, I am going to give them more protection, I will set a special clause, when the annualized return of the fund is low At 10%, not only will we not receive any revenue share from the other party, but also the management fee will be waived.”

William Chen said with a smile.

And his words made Lloyd show a bit of surprise, which also means that,

If Chen William\'s fund has an annualized income of less than 10%, then for him, there is no income at all, and he has to bear the cost of maintaining the fund\'s operation, which means that To a certain extent, he is confident enough that he will keep the annualized return of the fund above 1%. Don\'t look at the low return of 1%, but in the long run, a fund that can achieve this return stably will be able to achieve stable returns. Not much, so this clause of William Chen is still very attractive to those wealthy families who need to invest.

"But there is one thing, my foundation is a long-term investment, so the closing period will be longer, at least 5 years, if the holding period reaches 8 years, the redemption fee can be waived. In terms of income sharing, the profit is less than 50%. 20% of the profit will be charged; if the profit is between 50% and 100%, 25% will be charged; if the profit exceeds 100%, 30% will be charged.

Lloyd nodded, there is no problem with these, and the larger the capital invested by Feng Fang, the more willingness to hold it for a long time. After all, it can reduce the capital gains tax of profits. Of course, the premise is that the performance of the fund can be satisfactory. . And an annualized profit of more than 10% is enough to make them very happy.

Refers to this fund named "Sky Frame (n"), after confirming these main terms of William Chen, they began to formulate the rules of the fund, and then Goldman Sachs was responsible for carrying out such accumulation, of course, because the scale reached 200. The trusteeship of the Tianshu Fund of US$100 million will be handed over to Goldman Sachs. The annual fee for the trusteeship alone exceeds US$100 million. Note that it is an annual, this is a sum of money

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