America's Road To Fame

Chapter 252: Chinese music

Quan Zhixian stayed at the Long Island Manor for two days, and then reluctantly returned to China, but she still looked forward to hearing from Chen William that she would have the opportunity to go to South Korea.

Of course, Chen William and her did not simply learn knowledge in the past two days, but also learned a lot about the South Korean entertainment industry. I have to say that in terms of entertainment, the development of South Korea is still remarkable. It first swept across Asia. The "Korean Wave", which later became popular in European and American groups and film and television works, has also brought a lot of benefits to South Korea for the promotion of entertainment. Therefore, after William Chen\'s entertainment

In the Asian region, South Korea cannot be ignored. South Korea is a very interesting region with strong national awareness. Among ordinary people, Benshi\'s brands and enterprises are their primary support objects, while overseas products are more Most of the sailors were dissatisfied.

The economic lifeline of south Korea can be said to be in the hands of the American consortium. Take Samsung Group as an example. The Li Jianxi family, the controller of this group, only owns Samsung Group. Among the ordinary shares of Samsung Group, overseas investors (mostly Wall Street capital) hold more than 55% of the shares; among the preferred shares, overseas investors Capital holdings are as high as nearly 90%.

Of course, preferred shares only have the right to pay dividends and have no voting rights. This is not enough. This also shows that the vast majority of Samsung Group\'s profits eventually flow into the hands of Wall Street investment institutions.

The other consortia in South Korea are also similar. After all, this "country" is equivalent to being a subsidiary of the United States, and it does not have much autonomy. Therefore, a consortium without Wall Street capital behind it will not develop.

In the Internet industry, South Korea\'s network construction can be said to be the most advanced in the world, and it is recognized as one of the countries with the most complete Internet infrastructure in the world.

Most of the Internet products are dominated by local companies, such as portal websites. The local portal Navera has a 60% share in their country, surpassing Yahoo and Google. Chat software, the recently launched OKakaot is also developing well in South Korea. They are competing with each other; there is also the characteristic of Cw Xian, who dominates South Korea in the web age, so it is decided that when investing in this place, it is best not to directly reveal the identity of foreign investors, but to disclose the identity of foreign investors. The last piece of local skin, like their various consortium management rights can be given to each other, but the interests will take away most of Yu Nan\'s offensive. Chen Kang also wants his own intellectual team to conduct research and formulate a complete plan. And Quan Zhixian is actually a good cover. She has obtained high returns from Chen Wei\'s investment. In the past two days, Quan Zhixian also asked Chen Wei about the investment.

Now that Quan Zhixian has a relationship with herself North Korea\'s entertainment industry to invest.

And in the past few days, William Chen also heard that E0 Lucian Grange of EMI Music mentioned the music market in Greater China. He hoped to acquire a record company called Gold Medal Gale.

This gold medal Gale record company has some relations with Warner Records and EMI Records. The company\'s predecessor was Water Gold Entertainment and Gold Manager. The founders were Huang Baihao and Zheng Donghan, of which Huang Baihao was once Warner Records. The senior executives in Greater China later left because of the contradictions in their work, and after EMI was acquired by Taifeng Capital, because of the company\'s losses, they shrunk their business and laid off staff. In August 2008, Gold Medal Entertainment announced The price of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars, EMI\'s Greater China business, which mainly includes Science and Technology EMI, which operates the Bay Bay business, and M1 Busheng Gale, which operates the business in mainland China, was eventually reorganized into Gold Medal Gale Entertainment, a gold medal Gale Entertainment company, becoming the The biggest record company in Greater China has been in the limelight for a while. However, this year, Huang Baihao announced his retirement and left Gold Medal Gale. The company immediately fell into turmoil. At present, overseas capital has made an offer to Gold Medal Gale Entertainment, hoping to acquire the company.

Lucian Grange\'s plan is to take back the Greater China business of the original EMI Records through the acquisition of Gold Medal Gale, and then merge with the related businesses of the original Warner Records to form a new Asian branch of EMI Music.

Speaking of which, the Greater China branch of Warner Records was once very brilliant. At the end of the last century, it acquired Wanwan\'s highly influential UFO record. In the new century, Warner Records has opened up the Wanwan and Mainland markets, with separate locations in the two places. Signed two big names, Zhang Huimei and Laying, and successfully created the popular little queen Sun Yanzi and Zheng Xiuwen in Hong Kong, which constituted Warner\'s unique "The Queen\'s Palace"

So far, Warner Music has mainly relied on big-name singers like clouds to seize the market. With the experience of international promotion, independent development space and relatively fixed market, it has avoided female singers. And now it is also starting to expand the participation of male singers. If it merges with Gold Medal Gale Entertainment, it will become a pivotal force in the Chinese music scene.

And the massive music copyrights owned by the two are also very important resources in the era of mobile Internet.

Regarding the development of music, William Chen considers himself a layman, and he will respect the opinions of professionals more, but the copyright library of music is something he values ​​very much. In the future mobile music platform, who has more copyrights, Correspondingly, it will attract more users, so music copyright is very important for his Internet + music strategy.

"I have no opinion on the acquisition of Gold Medal Gale, and I also agree that you can acquire more record companies in Asia and obtain more copyrights, not only in Greater China, but also in other regions such as Japan and South Korea. . But I have some requirements, that is, the head of EMI\'s Asia region, must find a local person who is familiar with the local music market and rules to manage the company, so as to better control the company, instead of confusing me. Confused.

This request made by Chen William is also the reason he saw in the data that the reason why EMI sold its business in Greater China before was because the local business lost too much.

You must know that the market in Greater China is so big, and it should not lose money, but the problem with EMI is that their executives at that time were all sent from Europe and the United States, and they did not understand the local market rules. People were tested, and eventually the company was messed up to participate in activities. Those executives in Europe and the United States even paid singers for most of these activities, and even the price was not low. These things are not clear, so these incomes are all There are many similar things, which eventually led to the continuous loss of EMI in such a large market in Greater China. Chen William will not tolerate such a thing, so local executives must be sufficient. Familiarize yourself with the local market.

Of course, Lucian Grange is a veteran in the music industry and has a lot of experience, so for these aspects, William Chen only needs to go to the point.

Since Chen William needs to get the credits of New York University this semester, he has been staying in New to contact the technology companies and entertainment media companies of the Meta Group through electronic and video conferences. After Talking Media acquired Ubisoft and Riot Games in the game industry, William Chen took a fancy to the other two companies. He hoped that Bramo Norwood, CEO of Meta Entertainment Media, would buy the last one. Valv€, also known as Valve, publishes more well-known games such as the famous cS, and the later OTA2. However, what William Chen values ​​​​is the company\'s game distribution platform-Steam.

This game platform will be the world\'s largest game distribution platform in the future, with considerable profits. Obtaining this channel is very important for Meta Group\'s game business.

The overall valuation since the past is not high, it will not exceed 0 billion US dollars, but V society is just that, Steam has huge potential, so if you can win it, you must not miss it.

This company, whose name is William Chen, doesn\'t know either, but he knows the game it released is called "Minecraft". I\'m afraid most people have heard of this game. At present, "Minecraft"

The game is in beta and has not been officially released yet, but in a few years, Microsoft will bid $2.5 billion to buy the game, which also shows the influence of this game. Since there is an opportunity to pick up leaks now, it must not be missed, and it doesn\'t cost much to buy this game at present. Compared with other acquisitions, it can be directly ignored.

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