America's Road To Fame

Chapter 211: Forbes Rich List

On March 11, for more than 20 days, various versions of speculation have been rumored, and finally, the ownership of 20th Century Fox, one of the six major Hollywood film companies, a film company under News Corp., has finally been settled.

Meta Investments will buy Twentieth Century Fox for $5 billion in cash.

Because News Corporation still owns Fox Searchlight and Fox News Network, 20th Century Fox will change its name to 20th Century Pictures after the acquisition to show the difference.

The current Twentieth Century Fox was originally the name after the merger of Twentieth Century Films and Fox Films 75 years ago. In addition, it will become a sign with only 20thCENTURY left.

William Chen also announced that Marvel will be renamed Marvel Entertainment, mainly responsible for comic creation, animation and peripheral products.

Inject all superhero copyrights of Marvel and Twentieth Century Pictures into Marvel Studios and become a subsidiary of Twentieth Century Pictures.

This avoids the fact that, like William Chen\'s previous life, the production of TV series belongs to Marvel Entertainment; the production of movies belongs to Marvel Pictures, and the two cannot form a linkage between the series and the movie due to contradictions.

The CEO of Twentieth Century Pictures will continue to be the former CEO of Twentieth Century Fox, Jim Gianlopnos, and the former CEO of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, will serve as the vice president of Twentieth Century Pictures, in charge of the work of Marvel. room.

After that, Marvel Entertainment will receive a share of all Marvel Universe movies and TV series revenue from Marvel Studios, but will not interfere with the production after authorization.

After making adjustments to Marvel and Twentieth Century Pictures, in order to facilitate management, William Chen also adjusted MGM Pictures. The two series of The Hangover are brought into MGM, expanding the IP scale of MGM Pictures, and can use the film revenue to reduce the debt of MGM Pictures, after all, the company currently has as much as 2.5 billion US dollars debt.

Later, in addition to the original IP, including "007", "The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit" (cooperating with Warner Company, the copyright belongs to the other party), "Robocop" and other series, MGM Pictures will use small and medium-sized film. Cost-based films are the main focus, which is differentiated from the positioning of the 20th century film industry.

"Twentieth Century Fox ends 75 years of history and changes its name back to Twentieth Century Pictures."

"William Chen confirms the acquisition of 20th Century Fox, becoming the youngest owner of a Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) member company in history."

"After the acquisition of 20th Century Fox, William Chen has taken back almost all superhero copyrights to Marvel..."

After Chen William announced the acquisition of 20th Century Fox from News Corporation, it immediately became the hottest topic at the moment, and various media reported the incident from different angles.

Some people even speculate that William Chen now holds 20th Century Films and MGM Pictures, two former Hollywood companies, and will they merge the two in the future to become 20th Century MGM Pictures and re-create Hollywood history.

And with his huge acquisition, everyone is more interested in discussing which company he will acquire next, and how much money William Chen has?

At this time, the media began to report and listed a list of the ten investors who made the most profits in this subprime mortgage crisis after their investigation.

In the "Wall Street Journal" report, it is claimed that in the global financial crisis caused by subprime mortgage securities, it is estimated that more than tens of trillions of wealth have been evaporated.

Among them, countless companies and investors suffered heavy losses, but in this crisis, many people made huge profits because of short selling. In this report, they listed ten times based on various information and intelligence. The biggest beneficiaries of the mortgage crisis.

Uh, the Wall Street Journal, the main newspaper of News Corporation, and the old fox\'s own popularity are not spared.

And in this list, the top one is Chen William. According to an estimate by The Wall Street Journal, William Chen, through his Meta investment company, made a profit of around $30 billion during the subprime mortgage crisis.

Huh? There is something in this author. If you don’t count the profits of William Chen in gold futures and shorting the Eurasian stock market with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, um, and if you remove the possible share of the private equity fund – Fund No. 3, then it is only a calculation of His income in funds No. 1 and No. 2 is slightly higher than the figure of 30 billion...

However, William Chen knew that the author would definitely not have such accurate data, so he must have made this guess through some News Corp. channels by adding together his profits in private equity funds or other profits.

Then he continued to look down, and the person in second place only made a profit of just over 10 billion US dollars. This gap is still a bit big, but it is enough to shock ordinary people.

After that, it will be even less, and the tenth place on the list is only two or three billion US dollars.

It seems that their news is still not accurate enough. In fact, if it is only based on income, then John Paulson can also be on this list. According to Chen William\'s estimation, the share he can get from these funds should be in More than $2 billion, maybe even $3 billion.

"Oh my God, William! You... did you really make $30 billion? It\'s not the paper that\'s talking nonsense."

William Chen was not very interested in this report, because he knew that he had made a lot of money in this crisis. Many people already knew that it was nothing more than the difference in numbers.

But when Miranda, who had just woken up and finished washing, came to the dining table, and picked up this newspaper and saw the contents, she couldn\'t help exclaiming.

"Calm down, dear, it\'s just numbers."

Only then did Miranda realize that she had lost her temper. She patted her chest and asked curiously:

"William, is this true? You made 30 billion?"

"more or less."

Miranda\'s eyes widened when she heard what he said.

At this time, when I saw the report of the "Wall Street Journal", I was equally surprised that many people were there. Of course, there are also those who doubt the authenticity of the report, after all, 30 billion US dollars is indeed too shocking.

But with the news the next day, these people were convinced.

March 12, "Forbes" magazine in New York released the 2010 list of the world\'s billionaires.

In this list, there are many things to watch. Because of the subprime mortgage crisis, the assets of some of the richest people on the list last year have shrunk dramatically. For example, Bill Gates has fallen from the top of the list last year to the second. In mainland China, for the first time, the number of 65 millionaires ranks second after the United States.

The list released this time lists the world\'s richest people with a net worth of more than 1 billion US dollars. This year\'s top is the Mexican telecom operator Carlos Slim, who ranks first with a net worth of 51.5 billion US dollars; Bill Gates is second with $51 billion; Warren Buffett is third with $46 billion.

In the mainland of China, Zong Qinghou, chairman of Wahaha Group, ranked No. 103 with a net worth of US$7 billion, followed by Liu Yongxing, chairman of Hope Group, with US$5 billion. Net worth ranks 154th on the list.

In the HK region of Huaguo, the richest man, Li Jiacheng, ranked 15th with assets of US$21 billion, and Li Zhaoji ranked 23rd with assets of US$18.5 billion.

But the most eye-catching one is William Chen. Forbes rated his fortune at $31 billion, second only to Warren Buffett, and ranked fourth, ahead of India\'s richest man, Mukesh Ahn. Barney\'s $29 billion.

And the most surprising thing, in addition to Chen William\'s $31 billion in assets, is his age...

We can look down the list: Richest man, Carlos Slim, 70; Bill Gates, 54; Warren Buffett, 79; William Chen… er, 21.

Further down, let\'s put it this way, in the top 25 of the list, there are almost no people under the age of 50, except for Chen William.

The average age of the top 10 of this rich list is 58.8 years old; excluding Chen William, the average age of the other 9 people is 63 years old, and Chen William alone lowered the average age of the top ten by more than three years...

However, in the description of Chen William\'s assets in the "Forbes" list, the creator of the form explained the origin of his asset statistics. First of all, he explained that Chen William\'s assets are only roughly estimated values, because the difficulty of his asset statistics is The fact is that most of the companies he holds are unlisted companies and cannot be valued through the open market, but the advantage is that most of his assets have been acquired recently, so the purchase price can also be roughly valued.

Among them, William Chen\'s assets are listed in detail:

Meta Future Building (formerly Building 666 ~ ~ $3 billion valuation;

MGM Studios, valued at $2.5 billion;

20th Century Pictures, valued at $5 billion;

Marvel, valued at $3 billion;

Hermès Group shares, valued at $6 billion;

Troop Group and its joint venture Troop-Chen Commercial Management, valued at $1.5 billion;

Alibaba shares, valued at $4.5 billion;

The above are all assets with relatively high valuations. The rest include the New York Observer, Twitter, Siri, Tech, Reddit, Zoom, Tesla and SpaceX, and Netflix. That adds up to a valuation of $2.5 billion.

These are already as high as 28 billion US dollars. However, after investigation by Forbes, Chen William has a total debt of up to 12 billion US dollars in these acquisitions, but Chen William’s Meta Investment Company still holds a large number of short-selling assets, which are expected to be worth no less than 15 billion. U.S. dollars, thus yielding a final result of $31 billion in assets.