America's Road To Fame

Chapter 210: Attack on Paris

John Del Rey has just given some advice to William Chen. Among them, he has already begun to act, that is, the Caitlin Foundation, which is being established, will be used for charity, so as to gain a good reputation for William Chen.

Another thing is to help the American government stabilize the financial system. The most direct way is to participate in the financing of the banking industry, which is currently in a precarious state, to assist them.

Then the first question is which one to choose for investment? William Chen has been thinking about this matter, among the alternatives, including Citi, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, etc. Previously, William Chen preferred Citigroup, which is a relatively comprehensive institution, and the current stock price is very low The most important thing is that he knows that in the future Citigroup will get out of trouble and develop well, so this time is also a very good time to invest.

But now that Goldman Sachs has taken the initiative to find him, William Chen also feels that investing in Goldman Sachs is also a good choice. He has had more cooperation with Goldman Sachs, and Goldman Sachs is also a company with less losses in the subprime mortgage crisis. Of course, , is compared with other investment banks, those investment banks have either been acquired or have gone bankrupt...

The most important thing is that Goldman Sachs has a great influence in the United States, and an article once pointed out-

"Goldman Sachs has an unusual tradition of placing a large number of its executives in government and quasi-government agencies."

If you look at the previous government positions related to the economy in the United States, you can find that Goldman Sachs members frequently appear in them, especially the Treasury Secretary of the United States. Every few years, a candidate from Goldman Sachs Group will appear, just like the current American treasurer. Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, shows the strength of Goldman Sachs Group in America.

"Let\'s do another way. Goldman Sachs maintains the financing business with me. I will invest 10 billion US dollars in you, so that we can be more closely connected."

Following William Chen\'s words, Lloyd looked thoughtful. He naturally understood what William Chen meant, but he said with some embarrassment:

"I very much welcome you to join Goldman Sachs, William, but if it is a capital investment of 10 billion, I am afraid that the board of directors will worry that the current shareholder structure will be broken."

His concern is also true. At present, Goldman Sachs has a very balanced proportion of shareholders, which can also make it easier for the management to control the company without too many constraints.

However, if William Chen invests with a capital of 10 billion US dollars, according to the current share price of Goldman Sachs, it will reach a shareholding ratio of more than 18%, thus becoming the largest shareholder of Goldman Sachs Group, which will be a challenge to Goldman Sachs\' balanced shareholder structure.

"But this condition is far better than Mr. Buffett\'s, isn\'t it? If you follow his requirements, you will not only **** blood from Goldman Sachs, but you will eventually be able to obtain shares of Goldman Sachs at a low price, and my investment, It will be a solid injection of no-cost money for Goldman Sachs, and it will bring us closer together and give Goldman more business."

Lloyd also had to admit that William Chen\'s condition was very tempting at this time, and it could be said to be the best condition Goldman Sachs could get, and he could continue to obtain interest through the financing of his acquisition.

At present, the only obstacle is to get the board of directors to agree to the emergence of a shareholder with a shareholding ratio of nearly 20%.

"I need to report this matter to the board, and I will try my best to convince them, William."

"Then I look forward to your results, Mr. Blankfein, you should understand that even if my stake reaches this proportion, it will not affect Goldman Sachs\' decision too much, and the benefits are real, and if it can be By reaching this cooperation, I can also repay the initial $1 billion low-interest loan first and help Goldman Sachs with practical actions."

William Chen smiled and said to Lloyd:

"And I don\'t want to wait too long, because my funds will always go to the right partner, not Goldman Sachs, then it may be Citi or Morgan Stanley."

William Chen\'s last words made Lloyd\'s eyes narrow. He understood the meaning of the words. If he could not deepen the relationship with Goldman Sachs, then once William Chen reached an investment with other companies, Goldman Sachs would lose more than this. The valuable capital of 10 billion US dollars will also lose Chen William\'s "partner" status. His follow-up business will definitely only be given to the investment banks he holds shares.

Although she told William Chen that she wanted to travel overseas, Paris has been working very hard recently. She has opened HC\'s fashion franchise stores to the 20 largest central cities in the United States.

Of course, most of the work is done by the professionals she hired. Paris\'s main focus is on the three largest cities in America, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. According to Huaguo, they are the front lines. city.

HC Company will ensure that there are no less than 15 brand franchise stores in each of these three cities.

It is also worth mentioning that after Paris launched her own brand of perfumes with great success, in addition to ParisHilton brand perfumes, she also added a perfume series named after her sister NickyHilton, and the sales were also very good.

Previously, Paris launched a perfume in cooperation with Parlux Fragrances, a perfume company. Taking advantage of the subprime mortgage crisis, the company encountered some problems in its operation. The perfume workshop of HC Company has recruited a lot of talents from Parlux Fragrances perfume company. Enriched the research and development strength of perfume.

What\'s more, Paris has withdrawn the brand authorization of handbags and shoes, and is preparing to set up a production line to produce ParisHilton brand products.

Paris also accepted Chen William\'s advice, invested to expand her shooting team, formed a special HC video production studio, and signed a contract with Netflix, and set up a special channel on Netflix to "Paris". In the name of "The World in His Eyes", he will shoot a daily reality show to promote the company\'s brands.

In the morning, after Paris left the manor and was preparing to arrange today\'s shooting, Alicia came here.

During this time, her most important job was to help William Chen establish a family charity fund.

After coming to the study, she took out hundreds of pages of trust fund documents and explained them to William Chen one by one.

The establishment of a family fund is a very complicated matter. There are many clauses to ensure that the fund can continue to operate and need to be set up in detail.

These can also protect the inheritance of family wealth and the life of their descendants.

Just like Chen William\'s predecessor at that time, because his parents died unexpectedly too suddenly, he didn\'t have time to set up a similar trust fund, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. Therefore, when William Chen\'s predecessor inherited the family property, he faced huge inheritance tax.

If it weren\'t for the mother\'s share in the Dre family fund, plus the father\'s other property, to help Chen William pay the inheritance tax, I am afraid that Building 666 may not be able to keep.

After Alicia explained all the terms to William Chen, they went to the notary office together, and then William Chen signed the document on the spot to justify the document, and then Alicia filed it with the relevant institutions, and the Caitlin Foundation officially established.

Of course, it does not mean that after the establishment of the Kettering Foundation, William Chen can immediately donate all his assets to the foundation to avoid tax.

Because according to the laws of the United States, only those who donate less than 30% of their annual income to charitable foundations can enjoy the tax-free amount of these assets.

That is to say, most of William Chen\'s current assets are obtained within this year, so if he donates all his assets to the Kettering Foundation, only 30% of his assets can enjoy the charitable foundation. The remaining 70% of the assets are still subject to personal income tax in accordance with regulations.

Therefore, at the beginning, how much assets William Chen can donate into this foundation still needs to consult his financial advisor before making a decision.

And generally speaking, assets with greater appreciation potential are put into family funds first, because this can exempt most of the capital gains tax. Therefore, if only from the perspective of tax avoidance, assets with higher growth potential, such as For technology companies, it is most appropriate to put them into family funds first.